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Many of the children couldn't speak, had barely been to school and had diseases or were just filthy. Picture: ThinkstockSource:Supplied
IT is a case of shocking depravity which came to rest in the hills surrounding a picturesque farming community nestled in a valley southwest of Sydney.
Unknown to the 2000 citizens of the town in a fertile valley amid the south-western slopes of NSW, a dark family secret was unravelling.
Now it can be revealed, not only could the case of the Colt family be the nation's most appalling saga of child abuse, it is among one of the worst accounts of incest ever made public.
The NSW Children's Court has taken the rare step of publishing its judgment of actions taken to remove children from the Colt family (a court-appointed pseudonym to protect identification of minors).
Four generations of intimate relations among the Colts had taken place in South Australia, Victoria, Western Australia and finally come to NSW.
Moving state to state, possibly to evade detection, the scandal only came to light when authorities were alerted there were children living in the hills who didn't attend school.
When they turned up on a remote bush block, they uncovered scenes which wouldn't soon be forgotten.
Children who "didn't know how to brush their teeth" or use a toilet lived in absolute squalor on the...Source:Supplied
It was an early winter's day last year when officers from the NSW Police and Community Services turned up on one of the blocks which lie around 30km out of the town between large established farms and the untamed scrub of old bushranger territory.
They found 40 adults and children living in two filthy caravans, two sheds and tents on an unsewered block with no running water.
Dirt caked the surfaces of stoves and cooking facilities, rotten vegetables lay in a refrigerator and a kangaroo was sleeping on one of the children's beds.
Exposed electric wires, bags of rubbish and chainsaws lay about.
There were no toilets, showers or baths.
The children were unwashed and wore dirty clothes.
They were shy and made little eye contact.
Few were capable of intelligible speech; almost all had fungal infections in their feet.
Some had oddly-formed features, which scientific tests would later reveal was a result of "homozygosity" or identical gene patterns of both of the children's parents.
Police and welfare officers were shocked by the appalling squalor and degradation on a property where children were found to ...Source:News Limited
The police and welfare officers were taking in the squalor, the deprivation and the fact some of the children seemed developmentally delayed or cognitively impaired.
What they didn't realise was the children were the result of intimate relations between brothers and sisters, and uncles and nieces and fathers and daughters. Their family threw back to a set of great-great grandparents who were a brother and sister.
The family compulsion was regenerating itself.
The children were sexually involved with each other and only one, the youngest, a five-year-old girl, had parents who weren't related.
It was a social time bomb exploding before their eyes.
As one police officer later reportedly told her colleagues, she would never get over it.
Over coming days and weeks, the enormity of what they had uncovered dawned on them.
The five family groups comprised of sisters, Rhonda, 47, Martha, 33, and Betty Colt, 46, who slept every night with her brother, Charlie, and two of Betty's daughters who each had children who proved to be from unions of related parents.
Not only were the children dirty and unschooled, they had multiple health problems and no concept of hygiene.
Many of the children couldn't speak, had barely been to school and had diseases or were just filthy. Picture...Source:Supplied
Betty's son Bobby Colt, 15, had a walking impairment, severe psoriasis and needed urgent dental work.
His speech was not understandable. He wet and soiled the bed and his learning ability was at kindergarten level.
Martha's sons Albert, 15, and Jed, 14, were similarly challenged with their speech, personal hygiene and lack of dentistry.
Betty's 14-year-old son Billy was underweight and not growing properly, had hearing and sight problems, spoke unintelligibly, had an intellectual disability and could barely read or count.
Kimberly Colt, 14, Betty's grandaughter Raylene, was underweight and unable to clean her teeth, use toilet paper or comb her hair.
She had urgent dental problems, hearing, speech and sight issues and was unable to read or write.
She threatened to cut off a caseworker's fingers.
Betty's son Brian, 12, did not understand showering.
He had extensively decayed teeth, and borderline normal hearing.
His eyes were misaligned and he could not read, write, or recognise numbers.
Martha's nine-year-old daughter Ruth was neglected and malnourished.
She was unable to bathe or dry herself. She did not know how to use a toilet or what toilet paper was.
Her features were dysmorphic. She could not read or write, couldn't hear well and her speech was fragmented and stunted.
The caseworkers left and returned again two days later, making a further two visits and finally removed 12 children on July 18, 2012.
Back in town, the locals were unaware of what was unfolding.
As one of the townspeople told, on occasional visits two women with "about ten children" would pile out of a car with interstate plates, buy something in the shops and then leave.
"They were never clean looking," the man said, "we always used to make jokes that if you came from that area you'd be inbred.
"But we didn't really know anything about them except those blocks, they might look like a good deal, [40 hectares] for about $20,000 but there's nothing out there, no electricity, no water, just scrub."
Taken into care, the children underwent sessions with psychologists.
The tales they told were harrowing.
Kimberly, 13, reported sexual contact with her uncle, Dwayne, who was nine years old while her aunt, Carmen, 8, watched on.
Sisters Ruth, 7, and Nadia, 9, had sexual touching with their brothers Albert, 15, Jed, 14, and Karl, 12.
On one occasion, three brothers aged 14 years and under tied their sister, 8, and niece, 13, naked to a tree.
The accounts of incestuous underage sex fill pages of court documents.
Clinicians took buccal, or mouth swabs from the children and geneticists deduced five of the Colt children had parents who were "closely related" and another five had parents who were "related".
Interviews with the parents and other members of the family revealed an astonishing tale.
Betty, Martha and Rhonda's maternal grandparents had been brother and sister.
Betty had 13 children, some of whom were probably fathered by her father, Tim, and her brother, Charlie.
Martha's children may also have been fathered by Tim.
Betty's son, Bobby, and Martha's children, Albert, Jed, Ruth and Nadia were the result of closely related parents, as were the three children of Betty's daughter, Tammy, 27, one of whom had died from a rare genetic disease called Zellweger syndrome.
Ten of the children had parents who were probably father and daughter or brother and sister. Stock photoSource:Supplied
Victorian Police removed Tammy's remaining two daughters when they found her living in a caravan park and she revealed her younger brother, Derek, 25, had fathered all her children.
In the fallout from the discovery of the Colt Family, some children have been placed with foster families, others are in treatment programs for sexualised behaviour and psychological trauma, and they have some contact with their parents and siblings.
They have made progress with schooling and hygiene.
The mothers have taken varying degrees of responsibility for the neglect, the incest or intra-familial sexual abuse which allegedly took place in the family.
Betty Colt, who has supervised contact with her children, appears to be in denial, and her lawyer has disputed the court's findings.
The Children's Court ruled she is not willing "to disentangle herself from her family" and "is incapable of addressing her own traumatic history".
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The Latrobe Valley where a man abused his daughter and fathered her disabled children. Picture: News LimitedSource:News Limited
BEHIND the door of an ordinary house in a working class Australian suburb, a man abused his three daughters over two decades, offering them to other men for sex and making them perform acts with animals.
Inside at least three suburban houses in towns nestled in a major industrial Australian valley, one man started raping his 11-year-old daughter and then told her she was "damaged" and unlovable.
Sometimes he forced himself upon her twice a day.
For almost 30 years he kept her a virtual prisoner, fathering her four children who were all disabled.
A third case unfolded over four generations of a family which moved from state to state, always stopping in remote communities to avoid detection.
Eventually they came to rest in the hills behind a quiet rural village, where decades of inbreeding exploded into a horror story of degradation, squalor and rampant child sex under the approving gaze of three family matriarchs - a story which has shocked the world.
Now reports have emerged the damaged children of the squalid incest camp are exhibiting highly sexualised behaviour and acting inappropriately in their foster homes and institutions.
This woman's father imprisoned and raped her hundreds of times, telling her when she was 13 she was "damaged goo...Source:Supplied
Each of the three cases involved depravity inflicted on children who endured different types of abuse but suffered the same enforced secrecy, threats and lies.
And they are not isolated instances.
Every week in communities big and small across Australia, children are sexually abused by their relatives.
Leone Shiels, co-ordinator of the Incest Survivors Association, said 78 per cent of the one in three women and one in six men sexually abused before the age of 18, have a relationship with the offender.
Australian Bureau of Statistics figures show 43.7 per cent of children sexually abused before the age of 15 are the victims of a male relative, sometimes a father or stepfather.
The remote NSW campsite, where generations of inbred children from the same family lived in filth and had sex between the gen...Source:News Limited
More than 30 per cent are abused by a family friend, acquaintance or neighbour.
Ms Shiels receives calls from hundreds of incest victims each year and holds counselling sessions with more than three people a week, most commonly women aged from their late teens to early 30s.
But she said only one-in-seven reports of incest with a child ended in prosecution.
"Children become isolated due to the perpetrator's need to silence the child and to prevent the abuse from becoming known to the wider community," said Ms Shiels, who stressed she was referring to incest cases in general, and not any specific case.
"Threats, lies and manipulation are often used to ensure secrecy and continued involvement.
"In incestuous families, there are often rigid boundaries with regard to outsiders, leaving the child socially, psychologically and physically isolated.
The house in Amstetten, Austria, where Josef Fritzl imprisoned and raped his daughter for 24 years. Picture: AFPSource:AFP
"For many survivors of incest, there may be intergenerational incest within their family.
"However ... research indicates victimisation does not cause later reoffending: not all victims of sexual or physical abuse become perpetrators, and not all sexual offenders have experienced abuse as children."
Nevertheless, unless members of these families made a "conscious ... effort to change those patterns" the incest would continue.
"We do see family patterns move from one generation to the next," Ms Shiels said.
When details of incest cases do emerge publicly, as with the case of Josef Fritzl, the "Monster of Amstetten" who kept his daughter shackled in a cellar for 24 years and fathered her seven children, there is widespread shock and horror.
In another case, a businessman from the UK's steel city of Sheffield imprisoned his two daughters for 25 years, fathering nine of his own grandchildren and keeping his terrible secret from authorities by moving the girls around different houses in central England.
Father and daughter John and Jennifer Deaves confessed on television their sex life was "absolutely fantastic". ...Source:News Limited
Two separate cases which rocked Argentina were of 67-year-old Armando Lucero who began raping his daughter when she was aged just eight and fathered her seven children and Eleuterio Seria, 73, who kept his daughter as his sexual prisoner in a basement for 24 years.
In Australia, cases have included the South Australian fundamentalist church pastor who had sex with his two teenage daughters in order to "educate them how to be good wives" and John and Jennifer Deaves, the father and daughter who revealed on television their "absolutely fantastic" sex life and their love child.
But three incest cases in particular have caused widespread public consternation after it was revealed decades of debauchery perpetrated by otherwise "respectable" men virtually in front of neighbours and friends had taken place in ordinary towns and communities.
One caused the Victorian state premier to remark his constituents had "recoiled in horror" at the crimes.
These are Australia's villages where appalled locals learned they were living with the children of the damned - the young women forced into secret surrender to their perverted relatives.
Road into the South Australian community where a man forced his daughters to have sex with animals. Picture: News LimitedSource:News Limited
It lies between two highways on old vineyards and farmland subdivided little more than 30 years ago into housing blocks for hardworking Australian families.
While serious crimes have shocked residents, no case has so blighted the tiny community as that of the father and his cohorts whose actions a judge described as "abhorrent" and "unforgivable".
In 2007, the monstrous case of a 64-year-old man, his cousin and another retiree emerged in what has been described as the worst case of incest in South Australian legal history.
'Revolting' acts: the eldest of three South Australian sisters raped by their father, his cousin and friend and ...Source:News Limited
The abuse began in 1967, when the youngest girl was a six-year-old.
Over the next 23 years, the father forced himself on all three of his daughters. He offered each of them to his middle-aged cousin for sex and ordered one to have sex with one of his friends.
He also forced two of the girls into performing sexual acts with animals.
The abuse continued until the youngest sister was 29 years old, the father using emotional blackmail to inveigle his children into giving him sexual favours.
In pleading their defence at the South Australian District Court in 2007, even the three men's lawyers conceded the acts were "revolting" and had "robbed [the girls] of normal lives".
The Latrobe Valley where a man abused his daughter and fathered her disabled children. Picture: News LimitedSource:News Limited
He raped his daughter at least 1400 times, sometimes twice daily, and when she came home from school one day, a 13-year-old, he told her to go into the bedroom and undress.
"You're damaged goods," he said to her, "no one will want you now."
In at least three towns of Victoria's Latrobe Valley, the man aggressively subdued his daughter and made her his sexual slave.
Across central Gippsland, he pursued her. Over the years, the girl tried to run away. The Victorian Social Welfare Department opened a file on her, but her father wouldn't let up.
On one occasion when she refused him, a court later heard, he grabbed her around the throat, pushed her against the wall, punched her three times in the stomach and said, "I'll teach you to knock me back".
At the time of the man's eventual trial, her father had hounded her sexually for two-thirds of her life.
Behind this door, a Victorian man abused his own daughter for almost three decades. Picture: News LimitedSource:News Limited
As the crown prosecutor said: "The offender had sexual intercourse with [his daughter] wherever and whenever he wanted. She was unable to move out of the house because the offender threatened to kill her if she did."
Neighbours held grave suspicions, but did nothing.
The girl was an overweight, meek teenager who appeared afraid of her tall, bearded father.
One woman said, "I didn't go to anybody because it wasn't anybody's business."
The girl gave birth to four of her father's children. One, a girl, died soon after birth from severe brain and respiratory deformities. Two of her surviving children, all boys, are seriously intellectually disabled and the other has a speech impediment and is socially inept.
None of the children had a father's name on their birth certificate.
A former friend and neighbour said the children call the man "Daddy" and the woman would refuse to go out without her father's permission.
"To me, she never had a life," the friend said. "Her Dad was the domineering man over her.
"One day I was out the front and one of the kids said, 'Daddy, can we go up the road and ride our bikes?' I thought, 'Daddy?'. It didn't sound right to me. It was on the grapevine that he was ... the daddy of all the kids."
Even after the woman managed to leave home, her father continued to visit, staying the night and exercising a powerful emotional hold over her.
Neighbours of the woman's new location observed the father "ran the house".
A woman called Lynne remembered asking the woman whether she wanted to go to bingo, to which the woman replied, "Oh no, Dad won't let me".
"I thought, 'Dad won't let you?' and you're in your 30s?" Lynne said, "it didn't make sense to me."
The woman's mother claimed to know nothing of the incestuous relationship which had begun in their four-bedroom family home.
Following her husband's arrest, the woman was asked who she thought fathered her daughter's children. The woman said her daughter had been "vague" on the subject, saying "she used to say something about going out to nightclubs and meeting a fella, but then she would clam up".
"One day she just upped and left," the mother said of her daughter. "I haven't seen her for years. the first I knew of all this is when they came and arrested [my husba
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