Real Doll Addict

Real Doll Addict


Real Doll Addict
In order to spice up life and keep things fresh for their partners, many couples will try alternative sex. But experts say that alternative sex is not suitable for doing it often, and it is ok to add a little mood occasionally. If you do it too often, it will have a bad effect. 1. …
After a couple of years of sex, you may have tried every position, but your sex is not as exciting and wonderful as it used to be. You just add a little bit, it can make a huge difference to something that’s never changed before. They can quietly and potentially change your life as much …
If you are willing to explore each other’s senses together, massage will enrich the relationship by bringing you into a new space of physical play and sex. You may remember that in a romantic relationship, you exchange caresses almost as often as kisses. But once a relationship is established, a very healthy and rewarding relationship, …
A good sex life is great for your overall well-being. It has a number of benefits from improving sleep quality to easing anxiety, so why do so many people struggle to embrace their sex life? Sex is more often than not seen as a taboo subject. In reality, seeking a fulfilling sex life is normal, …
What is the G-spot? The G-spot refers to a super-sensitive area inside the vagina that, when stimulated correctly, can produce what is known as a ‘G-spot orgasm’. For years this ultra-responsive area was believed to be an inexplicable collection of nerve endings inside the vagina (some even doubted its existence altogether!) but nowadays, thanks to research, …
Orgasm is not achieved through intercourse alone. And touch alone can also lead to more intense orgasms, more likely to have a stimulating orgasm. Interactive masturbation, on the other hand, is one of the best ways for both men and women to orgasm together. This magical cooperative game is becoming increasingly popular among modern couples …
It is the time of year when the smell of bonfire smoke lingers in the air and darkness falls much earlier. Bonfire Night is the night when everything goes with a bang. However things may be a little quieter this year! You may not see quite so many brightly coloured, noisy fireworks that light up …
Whether you are planning to go solo or incorporate it into your love play with a partner, using your vibrator for the first time can be a sensual and revealing experience. Setting the right mood is as important as the device itself and ensures you get the most out of this time. A vibrator like …
Sex is one of life’s greatest pleasures, but you won’t always find it satisfying. After all, people can get bored doing the same thing all the time. Have you ever fantasized about doing something with your partner? If you add fantasies to your sex life, sex with your partner never has to be boring. Break …
You may feel a little apprehensive about buying a sex toy for the first time, but you could be missing out on a whole lot of fun. It’s important that you don’t just dive in, however, and you do your research before buying. What do you want to gain from your first sex toy?This may …
Copyright © 2022 Sex Dolls | Powered by Sexdolladdict

4 ft 7 in / 140cm 4 ft 9 in / 145cm 4 ft 10 in / 148cm 5 ft 2 in / 158cm(Same Height as Picture) 5 ft 5 in / 165cm 5 ft 6 in / 168cm

Same as picture





Same as picture



Light Tan

Dark Tan





Gel(Most Soft)


Same as picture





No Standing


Standing Up




With Public Hair


No thanks


Smart Voice


No thanks


Heating System 37°C


Options amount


Final total

$ 1,198.00

Japanese Real Doll Addict – Mira quantity

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See What Others Say About Our Dolls
y damage, provide you realistic and safe sex. The feeling as it is used is amazing. Show Less
y closet away from my roommates and friends. Show Less
was only able to make this purchase through months of sacrifice and fastidiously saving. When I first started shopping for a doll, about 5 months ago, my budget was $400, give or take. Furthermore, when I first began shopping I had no idea that a Mini Sex Doll was even a thing, or that such a thing even potentially existed. However, I knew that if I was going to purchase a doll then I wanted her to have the smallest breasts possible. When I searched "flat-chested", I stumbled upon the Mini Sex Dolls and couldn't believe what I was seeing. The products that I was looking at seemed proverbially too good to be true. I dare say that I was super nervous simply perusing this merchandise online. Out of hundreds of products meticulously researched, I was able to narrow my search to four, even though I already knew which one I was going to purchase. I asked many questions, all which were expertly and promptly answered by SexDollxxx customer support. The staff did an excellent job of walking me through such an atypical purchase and reassured me that this was a legitimate (and legal) transaction, even though I was nervous all the way up to the actual unboxing and I tracked the package on UPS the entire time. I ordered on February 24th and received it March 11th, not too bad.
Those niceties out of the way; on to my review of the product.
Audrey, as is her name now, is lovely. On a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 = Total Disappointment & 10 = Total Satisfaction; I give this product a 9.
Pros: The first thing that I noticed was how heavy she was; the metal skeleton combined with the realistic flesh makes the doll quite weighed, which really adds to the authenticity. The size and proportions are only slightly below what would be considered average for a human of comparable age, so it's really close to being "real-sized". The flesh has a lovely pliancy with the curvy erogenous areas having the perfect squeezable firmness. Initially the skin will feel synthetic and even somewhat tacky. However, after applying talc to the entire surface of the skin, the flesh feels wonderfully smooth and soft, more than I had hoped for when I made the intangible online purchase. The doll has a satisfactory range of movement and is able to be dressed in any clothing, and posed in a wide variety of positions. Finally I'd be remiss if I neglected to touch on the functionality of the doll, well unfortunately I'm not going to kiss and tell, so to speak, about that. That's something I do not possess the vocabulary to describe.
Cons: I am genuinely satisfied with this purchase, and I hate to say anything negative about it, but there are some factors that I wish were better. The first of which is the head. The product came with a funky quasi-locking attachment which I have learned to be more careful with otherwise the head is liable to and quite often does, come off unexpectedly. As for the eyes. I know that this may seem trivial but iris of the eyes (blue) are far too dark. The second con is that the standing ability is precarious. It is true that the doll can be positioned to stand upright unaided, it takes some finesse to articulate the skeletal joints, the arrangement of the limbs and the torsos center of gravity. Caveat: The website concedes that the dolls joints will be stiff, but that they'll loosen up with use. And I can already tell that as the leg and ankle joints loosen up the doll's ability to stand on its own will inevitably become compromised. The only other drawback is that the the articulation of the limbs. Manipulating the joints takes some trial and error ( sometimes it may appear that the elbows are bending in the opposition direction than a humans should, or you can actually over rotate the limb and twist the skin. Reversing the direction of the rotation of the limb releases tension on the skin, however I have to believe that this is something that you may want to avoid as careful maintenance of the doll will prolong her integrity. Also there are times when it may appear that her elbows and knees are on their opposite sides.) But these types of issues can usually be resolved by entirely straightening the limbs back to original position and starting over. I have had my doll in a variety of positions, and although not everything is possible, I am more than satisfied with what this product is quality and utility of this product.
Overall I can honestly say that I am 97% satisfied with this purchase.
I am attempting to attach images with this review but if they don't appear when I hit the post button then email me and I will send them to you.
If anyone has any questions about this doll please feel free to contact me at
IMG_0895.JPG IMG_0908.JPG. IMG_0883.JPG Show Less
cted. It came in a discrete box yet make sure you have someone to sign for it upon delivery. No tearing or scraps on the doll, very well packaged. The doll is proportional and tall with a full figure and met my expectations. Yet keep in mind, it is quite weighty. No trouble keeping positions though which is definitely a plus. As a recommendation, be sure to read the doll's line of motions, especially the movements in the spine. Entries are nice, no complaints there. Overall, lots of fun and worth every penny! Show Less
elbows, wrists, full hand, waist bend and swivel, hips, knees. Very poseable. Show Less
s and their attention to detail. Every bit of information received has been very, very helpful. I¡®ll certainly be ordering another doll from this company in the future. Show Less
cone Love Doll, from the process of ordering until her arrival. No bad surprises, good vibes. Show Less
tty heavy to move around so eat your Wheaties! Show Less
and feels amazing. Her skin is a little bit tacky (attracts hair and lint) but there are ways to improvise. The overall quality of the doll is great and I have no complaints about her. Show Less
ervice reacted very responsible to meet my preferences, pleased with the doll!! Show Less
with a good stable body with the metal spine. The body parts are soft and elastic to make it feel real. Perfect cast, shape, and consistency make it a wonderful experience. A wonderful tool to keep your organ active. Comes with all necessary items. Proper cleaning and drying will make it last longer. Show Less
play with. I would definitely buy it again. Show Less
was there for all my questions, all the time. Show Less
y damage, provide you realistic and safe sex. The feeling as it is used is amazing. Show Less
y closet away from my roommates and friends. Show Less
was only able to make this purchase through months of sacrifice and fastidiously saving. When I first started shopping for a doll, about 5 months ago, my budget was $400, give or take. Furthermore, when I first began shopping I had no idea that a Mini Sex Doll was even a thing, or that such a thing even potentially existed. However, I knew that if I was going to purchase a doll then I wanted her to have the smallest breasts possible. When I searched "flat-chested", I stumbled upon the Mini Sex Dolls and couldn't believe what I was seeing. The products that I was looking at seemed proverbially too good to be true. I dare say that I was super nervous simply perusing this merchandise online. Out of hundreds of products meticulously researched, I was able to narrow my search to four, even though I already knew which one I was going to purchase. I asked many questions, all which were expertly and promptly answered by SexDollxxx customer support. The staff did an excellent job of walking me through such an atypical purchase and reassured me that this was a legitimate (and legal) transaction, even though I was nervous all the way up to the actual unboxing and I tracked the package on UPS the entire time. I ordered on February 24th and received it March 11th, not too bad.
Those niceties out of the way; on to my review of the product.
Audrey, as is her name now, is lovely. On a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 = Total Disappointment & 10 = Total Satisfaction; I give this product a 9.
Pros: The first thing that I noticed was how heavy she was; the metal skeleton combined with the realistic flesh makes the doll quite weighed, which really adds to the authenticity. The size and proportions are only slightly below what would be considered average for a human of comparable age, so it's really close to being "real-sized". The flesh has a lovely pliancy with the curvy erogenous areas having the perfect squeezable firmness. Initially the skin will feel synthetic and even somewhat tacky. However, after applying talc to the entire surface of the skin, the flesh feels wonderfully smooth and soft, more than I had hoped for when I made the intangible online purchase. The doll has a satisfactory range of movement and is able to be dressed in any clothing, and posed in a wide variety of positions. Finally I'd be remiss if I neglected to touch on the functionality of the doll, well unfortunately I'm not going to kiss and tell, so to speak, about that. That's something I do not possess the vocabulary to describe.
Cons: I am genuinely satisfied with this purchase, and I hate to say anything negative about it, but there are some factors that I wish were better. The first of which is the head. The product came with a funky quasi-locking attachment which I have learned to be more careful with otherwise the head is liable to and quite often does, come off unexpectedly. As for the eyes. I know that this may seem trivial but iris of the eyes (blue) are far too dark. The second con is that the standing ability is precarious. It is true that the doll can be positioned to stand upright unaided, it takes some finesse to articulate the skeletal joints, the arrangement of the limbs and the torsos center of gravity. Caveat: The website concedes that the dolls joints will be stiff, but that they'll loosen up with use. And I can already tell that as the leg and ankle joints loosen up the doll's ability to stand on its own will inevitably become compromised. The only other drawback is that the the articulation of the limbs. Manipulating the joints takes some trial and error ( sometimes it may appear that the elbows are bending in the opposition direction than a humans should, or you can actually over rotate the limb and twist the skin. Reversing the direction of the rotation of the limb releases tension on the skin, however I have to believe that this is something that you may want to avoid as careful maintenance of the doll will prolong her integrity. Also there are times when it may appear that her elbows and knees are on their opposite sides.) But these types of issues can usually be resolved by entirely straightening the limbs back to original position and starting over. I have had my doll in a variety of positions, and although not everything is possible, I am more than satisfied with what this product is quality and utility of this product.
Overall I can honestly say that I am 97% satisfied with this purchase.
I am attempting to attach images with this review but if they don't appear when I hit the post button then email me and I will send them to you.
If anyone has any questions about this doll please feel free to contact me at
IMG_0895.JPG IMG_0908.JPG. IMG_0883.JPG Show Less
cted. It came in a discrete box yet make sure you have someone to sign for it upon delivery. No tearing or scraps on the doll, very well packaged. The doll is proportional and tall with a full figure and met my expectations. Yet keep in mind, it is quite weighty. No trouble keeping positions though which is definitely a plus. As a recommendation, be sure to read the doll's line of motions, especially the movements in the spine. Entries are nice, no complaints there. Overall, lots of fun and worth every penny! Show Less
elbows, wrists, full hand, waist bend and swivel, hips, knees. Very poseable. Show Less
s and their attention to detail. Every bit of information received has been very, very helpful. I¡®ll certainly be ordering another doll from this company in the future. Show Less
cone Love Doll, from the process of ordering until her arrival. No bad surprises, good vibes. Show Less
tty heavy to move around so eat your Wheaties! Show Less
and feels amazing. Her skin is a little bit tacky (attracts hair and lint) but there are ways to improvise. The overall quality of the doll is great and I have no complaints about her. Show Less
ervice reacted very responsible to meet my preferences, pleased with the doll!! Show Less
with a good stable body with the metal spine. The body parts are soft and elastic to make it feel real. Perfect cast, shape, and consistency make it a wonderful experience. A wonderful tool to keep your organ active. Comes with all necessary items. Proper cleaning and drying will make it last longer. Show Less
play with. I would definitely buy it again. Show Less
was there for all my questions, all the time. Show Less
y damage, provide you realistic and safe sex. The feeling as it is used is amazing. Show Less
y closet away from my roommates and friends. Show Less
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Story of Japanese Real Doll Addict – Mira
Some sex doll addict know how sexy they are and are not at all afraid to flaunt it. Such is Mira, a nightclub girl popularly referred to as ‘ nightclub princess ’. She generally wears sexy outfits that her nice curves and small waist, and whenever she takes them off, her boobs are just the perfects size with pink fresh nipples.
Fucking Mira is the best experience you can have, especially when you’re hitting her from behind, like in doggy sex styles. She has a small waist that you can hold to support her and a 17cm deep vagina that would swallow your dick and rub it inside in a very tender way.
She has a built-in skeleton and TPE that gives you the feeling of a real human being. She can pose like a real human being too. She is more than just a sex doll, she is a work of art. She is the best Japanese love doll that real doll addict can have no doubt, but the only way you can have here is if you order.
She's my second Doll that I purchased. I like her serious Japanse girl style, but when she's naked It is terrific !
The doll is too realistic, feels good, soft and flexible.
I love it. It really helps for the realization of your fantasies
This doll has a beautiful face and figure
I am really satisfied with really great products with super quality. Very fast shipping and discreet.
By far the best doll I have ever used. I would highly recommend this to any guy. You will not regret it, I promise!
The doll are perfect and arrived quickly and were professionally packaged.
i used this on my husband and he loved it! strongly
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