Real Cuck

Real Cuck


Real Cuck

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Connecting people through photography.

Full body tattoo, coloured and black version, Bold, Faded and Worn
Original mesh, materials enabled, non-rigged, easy to resize, wearable kinky accessoryOpen Collar, Whim, Peanut scripted & non scripted versions included.
2 metal, 7 pearl, & 14 shell/coral/cord texture options via HUD - mix & match!
Original mesh, materials enabled, RLV & capture enabled, Lockguard scripted, functional outdoor kinky furniture, MaleDom, FemDom & service oriented, seats 1 Dominant & up to 2 submissives (using cuckolding option), 44 bento animations (12 solo with sub, 10 snuggle 10 kink, & 10 adult) with cuckold option, 5 metal, 10 wood, & 20 cushion textures via HUD, includes sidetable, 10 wood textures for the table via HUD, copy/mod/NO transfer
Kupra Body, Lelutka Fleur Head, Ear Tattoo from Core by Rachel Swallows, Bikini by Bombshell. Earrings by PKC.
I went for a walk on the moors this morning with my son and we managed stunning views of my first Cuckoo of the year (though I did see a few in Turkey last week). It was singing from a small oak tree not far from the track and an old farmer walked up behind us and was delighted. He said that he was in his eighties and had lived here all his life and this was the first Cuckoo he had actually seen, though he heard them every spring. At this point it flew right past us and I managed to take a couple of close flight shots, including this one.
All British Cuckoos winter in the same area of central Africa but they don't all take the same route. 42 Cuckoos from nine breeding areas were satellite tagged and bizarrely most of the English Cuckoos take a different migratory route to most of the Cuckoos from Wales and Scotland. Most English birds took the shorter route via Spain with others taking a longer route via Italy or the Balkans. Despite the route via Spain being shorter, the proportion of birds using it strongly correlated with the population decline. It seems that most of the mortality occurs before the Cuckoos even reach Africa. West flying birds spend more time fattening up in Britain before migrating. Big caterpillars are the main food of Cuckoos and the decline in these is more pronounced on the western route. The decline in big caterpillars, coupled with the increased frequency of droughts in Spain are the suspected causes of the rapid decline in Cuckoos.
In Shakespeare's time people knew that Cuckoos appeared in other birds' nests but they didn't know how they got there. They thought that the male Cuckoo mated with a Reed Warbler or Meadow Pipit who then laid a Cuckoo egg. Shakepeare mentions this in Love's Labours Lost:
Mocks married men for thus sings he.
At this time, if someone's wife was having an affair, people would mock him by calling Cuckoo, hence the quote from Shakespeare. A Cuckold is the wronged husband, which is still used today from the mistaken belief that Cuckoos mated with their hosts, so the male host was "cuckolded".
Cuckold's cove Newfoundland taken a few years back in a fog and stormy morning
Cape Harbor with a distance view to Cuckolds Lighthouse Inn
"When a lazuli bunting babe sets out to make bunting babies, she doesn't mess with Mr. In-Between. Instead, she goes for the extremes--choosing either one of the snazziest-looking potential mates or one of the drabbest. That's because the best territories go to the blandest or the brightest male birds, according to a new study. The unusual situation--the two extremes being favored over the middle--is a rare case of sexually selected male-male cooperation, the researchers report in the 26 October issue of Nature.
In the bird world, it's often the guys who are the head-turners. Darwin argued, and many researchers believe, that sexual selection--competition for mates--is the driving force for the evolution of such foppish ornamentation as a male peacock's tail and the stunning turquoise, white, and chestnut coloration of an adult male lazuli bunting. But Bruce Lyon of the University of California, Santa Cruz, and Erick Greene of the University of Montana in Missoula wondered why, then, yearling male lazuli buntings were so variable in color, with some birds almost as dull as the all-brown females and others as splendid as the full-grown males. Using bird-bands, photographs, and DNA fingerprinting, the researchers closely tracked the goings-on in a population of buntings living in a shrubby prairie habitat outside Missoula, Montana.
They found that the gaudy males, whether adults or juveniles, managed to win the competition for scarce good territories. Juvenile males with intermediate coloration apparently weren't aggressive or strong enough to win; but the studly guys tolerated the dullest males, letting them settle next door and sometimes even hanging out with them. The genetic fingerprinting revealed that both parties benefit. The more dull-looking neighbors a hunky bunting has, the less chance he stands to be cuckolded, for reasons that aren't entirely clear yet. The dull guys, on the other hand, get to sire significantly more young than do the intermediate-colored males--even though their partners do sometimes cheat on them."
Cuckoos are well-known for laying their eggs in other birds' nests. In Britain the vast majority use just three hosts; Reed Warbler, Dunnock and Meadow Pipit. They mimic the egg patterns too to reduce the chances of the host noticing. The reason why the egg mimicry does not get diluted if say a Reed Warbler parasitizing male mates with a Meadow Pipit female, is because the genes for mimicry are on the Y sex chromosome which passes unchanged down the female line. In humans (and most other creatures) males have the Y sex chromosome but in birds it is females. Cuckoos also lay the smallest egg compared to their body size, and have an unusually fast developing egg (it hatches after about 12 days compared with Meadow Pipit's 13-14 days). All of these are adaptations to help Cuckoos succeed in getting other birds to rear their young.
In Shakespeare's time people knew that Cuckoos appeared in other birds' nests but they didn't know how they got there. They thought that the male Cuckoo mated with a Reed Warbler or Meadow Pipit who then laid a Cuckoo egg. Shakepeare mentions this in Love's Labours Lost.
Mocks married men for thus sings he.
Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo. Oh word of fear.
At this time, if someone's wife was having an affair, people would mock him by calling Cuckoo, hence the quote from Shakespeare. A Cuckold is the wronged husband, which is still used today from the mistaken belief that Cuckoos mated with their hosts, so the male host was "cuckolded".
The meadow pipit favours moorland and grassland. It is an unfortunate victim of cuckolding behaviour - their own young being pushed out of the nest, so they can look after the 'parasitic' Cuckoo chick. Info: Wildlife Trusts.
Many thanks to people who view or comment on my photos.
...if hubby came home unexpectedly early.
this masterpiece expresses what I'm feeling as a french citizen
Tomorrow we are chosing our future president
Pray for us gentle people of the world
Les chaînes du mariage sont si lourdes qu'il faut être deux pour les porter. Quelquefois trois ! (Alexandre Dumas fils)
This is a postcard sent in the sixties by a very nice friend I used to have. She always could find the most bizarre cards to send.
It All Starts With A Smile - (Public), Eventide South (18, 4, 22) - Moderate
I'll cry about this and hide my cuckold eyes
I'll find no solace in your poor apology
It All Starts With A Smile - (Public), Eventide South (18, 4, 22) - Moderate
The first time he saw her he thought he was mad. He had been mad. They'd been under the mountain lost for weeks, drinking water from luminescent mineral springs and slowly starving on a meager ration of cold, albino, many-legged things they'd stunned with the light of their torches and managed to stab, crush or throttle.
Tunnels that seemed to rise for miles suddenly turned into crumbling spiral stairs to the abyss. Highways of stone petered off into maddeningly inaccessible cracks beyond which lay clean, rushing waters, or cathedrals of luminescent crystal. Layers of bones lay strewn in ancient claustrophobic battlefields so old that ribcages turned to fossil fields of grasping claws.
He saw her then, the Drow princess, as he and his fellow mercenaries staggered across such a grasping battlefield, dizzy with thirst. The Drow princess was whispered of among Men from those mountains. A blonde-haired maiden warrior whose existence was haunted by the handful of victims who'd escaped her, found, saved at death's door hanging upside down in the dark, mad from the poison that had held them paralyzed but conscious for days or weeks.
She watched coldly as he reached out to her from across the field of bones, pleading for his life. Then she tossed a waterskin the mercenary's way. As his companions drew their blades to run him and one other through for it, she smiled a half-smile and stepped back out of the torchlight.
Later, as he half-slept alone under the mountain with his comrades' blood drying on his armor, she returned. He'd been slowly feeding a smoky fire of half-mouldy timbers to drive away anything that might find him there, dozing in his delirium and his slowly-rusting chainmail.
He didn't hear her, but the fire went dark, his head hit a wall hard enough that he saw stars and there she sat on his chest, with the point of a kris knife poking through a broken ring in his chainmail. The mercenary could feel the poison numbing his as-of-yet unbroken skin till it was deathly cold.
Then she kissed his mouth and said in a voice like icy bells, "It is true what the Men whisper above, those ruined generations of the once-proud, cowering in their thatched huts and the shadows of the ruins of their former glory.
If you will take me to the daylit world, from whence came the the god who cuckolded my mother's husband, the king, I will spare you. I want to find the god whose seduction sentenced her to be throttled by her own entrails the day after my birth. I have sworn a blood oath that I shall slay him with the Sword of Souls and avenge mine and my father's lifelong shame. And I may choose be your lover for a little while, if you do not disappoint me now. Otherwise, you will surely die tonight by my hand."
Then she kissed the mercenary again, hard, and tore the chainmail shirt from his chest as if it were paper.
Years later, long after he'd taken her through the ancient streets of the Oldest City to teach her of the daylit world, she left him finally. She left him sleeping, with a bag of jewels the size of strawberries tucked into his hand, and his ribs bruised and cracked, and the smell of her hair still on his hands.
And when he heard, some years later, that a demonic warrior princess had slain a god, he smiled softly to himself and chuckled.
Little piggy wants to be my cuckold!! Too funny, well, I guess a tiny dicklet like you needs to have some use!401-659-6702
Sign for Chemin de Cocu (Cuckold's Road) in Pomerol, France with vineyards in background. August 2006.
The original lighthouse was built in 1892 and has undergone several major upgrades over the years. Today the lighthouse keeper’s house has been turned in to an Inn allowing over night stays on the tiny Island on which the lighthouse sits.
the last of my silver fox shots.cuckold's cove.
Debauchery 2021 Swingers Deck Lounger
Beautiful Textures and incredible animations . A must for your deck patio or even on your beach !
The Debauchery Swingers Deck Lounger is the latest hot product from Debauchery Furniture and features positions for a couple plus a voyeur / cuckold who sits and watches the couple play or can join in the action.
The lounger is ideal for patios, decks, beaches or any place you want hot 2 or 3way fun. Couples action includes a full suite of the hottest adults poses for male-female couples as well as special menus for both lesbian and gay couples. You can also engage the voyeur/cuckold to have very hot 3way sessions for both 2 girls (FFM and 2 guys (MMF) including both bisexual girls and guys!! This truly is a POLYSEXUAL
Each profession has its own dress code, and the Oldest Profession is no different. But a key part of an escort’s duties is to blend in with the client’s world. It’s no use turning up for an assignation at the Sheraton looking like a cheap tramp: you will embarrass the punter and very likely be chucked out by the floor manager! The art of dressing for a first date is the same for every girl – keep all your options open. Promise a lot with sexy little hints, but don’t put everything on the table at once…
This is another of my contests. As usual, there are no rules – express your enthusiasm and try to influence the judges in any way that you like!!!
As there are so many entries for our Sodality Tryouts in August, I thought I would “run through the field” (so to speak) over the next few weeks. The contestants have been placed in pools of eight - somewhat similarly to the usual practice in international football tournaments (so I am reliably informed!).
We start, logically enough, with Group A:
A gorgeous auburn-haired temptress/adultress, and former pole-dancer. Has recently married Lord Wandsworth, her third aristocratic marriage in the last five years. Plays the violin rather beautifully.
A gorgeous blonde glamour model, now a very active 'hotwife' to the Duke of Shrewsbury. Owns a fantastic collection of Alexander McQueen originals.
A stunning fashion and lingerie model, horsewoman and notorious party girl, now married to Sir Edward Blassingame-Bowhaye, Earl of Chessington - and regularly cucking her adoring hubby!
Lady Victoria Cholmondeley-Coutts (“Vicky”)
Stunning and very tall brunette - and active Professional Dominatrix. Now married to Lord Fanshawe – but She calls the shots!
Adult website performer, entrepreneur, sex-toy designer and glamour model - now involved in a very 'modern' marriage with Lord Ripon. Owns a stunning mansion just outside Harrogate.
Lady Priscilla Coddington (“Cilla” - or sometimes "Pris")
A Vogue fashion model who enjoys a secret career in adult entertainment under another name. A lady of many looks! Her current (and regularly cuckolded!) husband just happens to be the Duke of Essex.
Like me, Ginnie is a keen horsewoman and very strict disciplinarian. Most often seen as a brunette, but like Cilla (see above) is a lady of many looks and roles. For several years now Ginnie has been enjoying a most unconventional marriage to Lord Brentwood, who - as I am sure you know - is a First Class Knight of the Girdle.
A bubbly and curvaceous blonde. But don’t be fooled by the innocent smile – this girl has been the route! Dancer, stripper, glamour model... and now very happily (and 'openly') married to Sir Gavin Crenshaw, Marquis of Beckenham - and current holder of the prestigous 'Silver Knob' ceremonial office in the House of Lords.
The Group B "runners and riders" will follow shortly....
Do you like all things kink? When everything around you is dripping with lust?
Share with me your darkest kinky desires. Lets make them come true.
Look me in the eyes when I deny you your key again.
How long has it been now? I lost track.
Please leave a comment if I make you horny!
At the Cuckolding Wife while I watch
Here I am discussing the various options available to a new client, before we get down to business...
It's been a busy week up in town! I have been meeting up with a number of new aristocratic punters, as well as developing the skills of our newly-enrolled Sodality members - in particular, those who have elected to offer their full personal services through my Mayfair Escort Agency. Lady Virginia Colt and Lady Penelope Stockbridge are naturals, and I have encouraged these two to act as mentors to Sodality Pledges Lady Victoria Bentley and (our new girl in town!), Lady Rose Rock. Lady Rose is married to Lord Humphrey Fitzmaurice Rock, who is (as all Lords seem to be these days!!) mad keen to become a cuckold husband at the earliest possible opportunity. Lady Rose also seems highly excited by the prospect of embracing the type of marriage that will qualify her for Sodality membership...
Lady Angelica Burlington, Lady Alice Grainger and Lady Octavia Wellington are joining us later today for a night of partying and clubbing in Mayfair and Soho. We shall be putting on our special Sodality pole-dancing show in a very exclusive West End Gentlemen's Club. Sir Harry Rakefield and Sir Henry Cobham will be making sure that the press know our whereabouts - their employer, Lord Belcher, is now investing large sums of money in the Sodality, and is keen for it to be kept very much in the public eye!!
Kisses to all my fans and friends!!!
We've all waited for the last 35 days or so to see how many eaglets would be on the Cuckold's Cove nest. Well now we know and it is three apparently healthy young 'uns. The last hatched on May 8th. Near St. John's, NL, Canada. And a note of thanks for the Explore and all the kind comments that have been made. All thanks to the "Eagle" family of Cuckold's Cove, NL, Canada. (My first 100 000 + view!!! Wow.... thanks, thanks, thanks.)
A busy day today, mentoring my underachieving young males - and helping them rise to their full potential! This is very exhausting but always satisfying work. I had enthusiastic assistance on this occasion from Lady Lavinia Baverstock, Lady Marlena Fortnum, Lady Wilhelmina Fforbes-Fortescue, Lady Henrietta Stones-Bacon, Lady Penelope Stockbridge, and a new aristocratic bride on the scene, the very recently married Lady Caroline Darbyshire.
Lady Caroline (and her groom, Lord Angus Bleasdale) are very attracted to the cuckolding lifestyle of our Sodality, and Lady Caroline has made an excellent start to her marriage in this regard. After her wedding, she immediately packed her husband off to their rural estate near Bakewell, before departing on a Caribbean Honeymoon with Sir Harry Rakefield, Sir Henry Cobham and a dozen or so well-trained studs. Next stop was Los Angeles, where Lady Caroline starred in a new video for XXX website king Chad Bronkhorst, before returning to the UK and fitting in a very busy session of mentoring with my youth project. In fact, Lady Caroline 'mentored' over 70 young men in the space of one afternoon!
I think Lady Caroline may soon be eligible for full membership of our Sodality of Pleasure!
One piece strappy swimsuit. Great selection of colours
sizes: Freya, Kupra/Kuprs, Legacy Classic/Perky, Maitreya/Petite, Slink Hourglass
Cute vizor with animated windmills (none animated included), in a selection of colours.
Comes in 2 basic packs and fatpack with 3 bonus colors.
Sizes: Belleza, Inithium, Legacy & Maitreya
Swingers Deck Lounger @ The Mainstore and Market Place
- 20 li - 268 Poses - 1655 Animations
- Rebuilt from scratch with all new sex poses
- Support for Physics Cock, Aeros Cock and Bento Vagina
- Bento Face Animations (for ASA/Sessions users)
- All new Materials-enabled Textures with optional umbrella and Master-Slave configuration
The Debauchery Swingers Deck Lounger is the latest hot product from Debauchery Furniture and features positions for a couple plus a voy
Black Men Dont Eat Pussy
Massive Lactating Nipples
Pornstar Couple

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