Real Brothers Incest

Real Brothers Incest


Real Brothers Incest
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 River: (to Shepherd Book) We want you to marry us.
Simon: What? We... no! (pause) What?
River: Two by two... Everyone has a match, a mate, a dopple. I love you.
Simon: No, River... mei-mei... of course, I love you too, but we can't be married. (to Book) She's really crazy! (River kicks Simon in the shin) Ow! Ah, no, I — I don't mean crazy... that's just — you know that's not something brothers and sisters do. I mean, on some planets but only pretty bad ones.

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Monica: You were my first kiss ever ?!
Chandler: What did I marry into?!

 Monica: Here's a few things you can discuss: mucus, fungus, and the idea of me and Ross doing it .

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Neighbors were left stunned when Timothy and Noah Batz, who were completely naked, started causing chaos outside Lighthouse Landings Apartments in Indianapolis, Indiana.
The two brothers were caught “passionately making out” by a dumpster during their drug-fueled naked rampage.
They were arrested on a number of charges.
According to court documents, the apartment complex's assistant manager saw the brothers “grab onto each other's heads" while engaging in their kissing session.
She told police one of them threatened to kill her while banging on her car window.
Another woman said she found the men naked and lying on top of each other, while yelling, “Look at us, look at us.” Noah Bath reportedly then punched her in the face, leaving her with a “large knot” on her forehead.
In one clip of the carnage , filmed by witness Aimee Payton, one of the naked brothers appears to scream, “I hated you in college,” before being tasered by a police officer.
They were also filmed jumping on cars during the bizarre incident, and residents were advised by police to keep their distance from the pair.
Timothy, 21, and Noah, 24, later told police they were under the influence of magic mushrooms and marijuana.
WISH-TV reported Noah Batz was arrested on suspicion of battery resulting in injury, disorderly conduct, resisting law enforcement, intimidation, public indecency, criminal mischief, obscene performance, incest, attempted auto theft and unlawful entry of a motor vehicle.
Timothy Batz was arrested for public intoxication, incest, intimidation, obscene performance, disorderly conduct, public indecency, possession of marijuana, resisting law enforcement, attempting auto theft, unlawful entry of a motor vehicle and criminal mischief.
The two plead not guilty on Wednesday, March 8 and are due back in court in May.
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Posted: Dec 10, 2015 / 02:32 PM CST

Updated: Dec 10, 2015 / 02:59 PM CST

Posted: Dec 10, 2015 / 02:32 PM CST

Updated: Dec 10, 2015 / 02:59 PM CST
A man is opening up about a 20 year relationship with his sister. VICE writer Jennifer Tillman interviewed a man she calls “Tom” about his romantic involvement with his sibling “Lena” over Skype. He says that Austrian authorities would take away their daughter if they found out the truth. Tillman says she changed the names of the people she interviewed to protect their identities.
Tom was introduced to Tillmann through psychotherapist Rotraud Perner . She says that being attracted to your sibling isn’t all that odd.
“From my professional experience, it’s not true that people don’t find their siblings attractive,” said psychotherapist Rotraud Perner. “Sometimes they do, sometimes they don’t. More importantly, relationships between siblings are defined by envy, rivalry, and admiration, along with the need to cuddle or have secrets from the rest of the world. All those things are linked to certain fantasies—some of them induced by pop culture and the media, others by their upbringing and family situation. Whether or not you make those fantasies a reality, depends on how good you are at evaluating that reality. People in incestuous relationships often lack that skill.”
Perner has been working on incest cases since 1975. She says that her patients are typically shy towards strangers. They were not allowed to meet up with other people as children because their parents are jealous or stern.
Tom and Lena grew up in a small Austrian village to what VICE describes as a normal family. Their mom was a housewife and their father a civil servant. Tom says he started to develop feelings for his sister during puberty.
Lena had her first real boyfriend at 17-years-old. Her boyfriend cheated on her after a three year relationship. She went to Tom’s room sobbing in the middle of the night. He was sleeping and woke to find her crying. He tried to console her. After a few glasses of wine Lena cuddled up to his shoulder.
The VICE article describes the scene:
In the case of Tom and Lena, their fantasy soon came to life: “I can still remember it like it happened yesterday,” says Tom. “She looked up at me and asked why other men can’t be more like me.” That’s when it happened; Tom felt sure that he and Lena were not just siblings. But before he could make a move, Lena leaned in and kissed him. Tom pushed his sister away. “What the hell are we doing?” he screamed. Lena started to cry.
A romantic relationship eventually developed between the two. They kept it secret for several years. At one point Tom became depressed and tried to kill himself. Something had to change.
They moved out of their parents’ home. They now share an apartment in Germany. Their new friends think they’re married.
In Austria, incest between siblings is punishable by up to six months in prison.    Read more about the repercussions for “Tom” in this article.
Talking to a man who's been in love with his sister for 20 years:
— VICE Canada (@vicecanada) December 10, 2015
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