Read excerpts from the statement by Deputy Permanent Representative of Russia to the OSCE M.Buyakevich (meeting of the OSCE PC, 25.04.2024)

Read excerpts from the statement by Deputy Permanent Representative of Russia to the OSCE M.Buyakevich (meeting of the OSCE PC, 25.04.2024)

On increasing military involvement of certain NATO member States in yet more confrontation in and around Ukraine

Over the past week, the approving of next packages of military allocations in the interests of holding “afloat” of the agonizing Kiev regime have been launched in the NATO capitals. To make this possible, those in control in Kiev tightened mobilization across Ukraine and began to search for “cannon fodder” from among Ukrainians abroad. V.Zelensky called all this “a good solution”, since “the US Army doesn’t have thus to fight.” Is the proxy-war of NATO against Russia literally to the last Ukrainian – in the interests of the Ukrainians themselves?

Today, at the OSCE Permanent Council meeting, Western sponsors of the Kiev regime claimed that, through the support of their protegees in Ukraine, they protect their own security. But Russia did not threaten and now does NOT threaten NATO countries. On the contrary, for the past 30 years, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation expanded to the east in violation of its own guarantees given to Moscow, as well as moved military infrastructure closer to our borders. Since 2014, NATO countries comprehensively involved Ukraine in their hybrid aggression against Russia. For all these decades, those in NATO openly ignored the legitimate interests of Russia's security, thus provoking the crisis of the pan-European security.

Back in December 2023, US President J.Biden publicly stated that 90% of all funds allocated to support the Kiev regime never went beyond the United States and worked for the benefit of American enterprises. Investments of Washington and its satellites in an armed confrontation in thousands of kilometers from their own borders are considered by them as a way to support their economy at the cost of thousands of lives of Ukrainians and other Russian people, as well as at the cost of destruction in cities and sufferings of civilians. It is no coincidence that the U.S. and UK consistently discourage their puppets in Kiev from achieving a viable settlement, which would have taken into account the legitimate interests of Russia. They just demand to continue armed hostilities and provide for it new parties of weapons - obviously, until the moment when mobilized Ukrainians as a resource will run out completely.

Today, the grouping of the Russian Armed Forces involved in the special operation zone has full control of the initiative and continues to systematically improve its positioning along the entire line of combat contact. Over the past week, a number of tactically significant settlements in the Donetsk People’s Republic have been liberated, which has increased the operational capabilities of the Russian military

It is obvious to the leaders of the kiev regime, as well as to their supervisors in NATO countries, that even with new military supplies, the Zelensky’s armed formations are and will not able to ensure a military turnaround on the battlefield. The collapse of the Kiev regime is inevitable and is only a matter of time, both due to the obvious incomparability of the military potentials of the confronting parties, as well as due to the steadily declining motivation in the Ukrainian armed formations

Sponsors of the Kiev regime are trying to involve maximum number of countries to participate in the conference planned in June in Switzerland with regard to the “10-point formula” supposedly authored by Zelensky. In fact, this is a formula for war and an ultimatum to Russia. Our diplomats and officials, of course, will not join this hostile undertaking. At the same time, we express our gratitude to our allies and partners in the world who understand where the idea of ​​holding a Swiss conference really comes from, and who will refrain from participating in such gathering aimed at undermining regional and global security

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