Read excerpts from statement of Deputy Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the OSCE Alexander Volgarev (meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council, 2 February 2023)

Read excerpts from statement of Deputy Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the OSCE Alexander Volgarev (meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council, 2 February 2023)

On the double standards approach in implementation of the OSCE commitments in the human rights dimension in some Western Participating States

EU and the US have consistently pursued a policy of total politicisation of the human rights sphere, using it to interfere in the internal affairs of sovereign countries, and imposing double standards in their consideration of certain issues


In 2022, the Western alliance countries, supported by the former Polish OSCE Chairmanship-in-Office, diligently saturated the agenda of the human dimension with Ukrainian issues


Such prioritisation - as usual, disguised by noble causes and higher ideals - allowed them to deflect attention from the ongoing violations in their own countries


Situation in Russia has been diligently demonised, not shying away from using various OSCE resources and mechanisms. This all looks hypocritical, if not sanctimonious, amid the deplorable human rights situation in the Western participating States of the Organization


 Take, for example, the right to freedom of assembly, which Russia has been accused of violating for a number of years. Let's look at some episodes of forceful dispersal of demonstrations in «Western democracies»


Lately we have seen shocking footage of demonstrations in France in which police officers do not hesitate to use tear gas. This happens so regularly that the gas curtain has become a de facto «hallmark» of the French protests

A similarly unpleasant scene took place on 15 January in Lützerat, Germany, where police dispersed eco-activist protesters with batons. In autumn 2022, smoke bombs were used against protesters in Genoa, Italy, and batons in Chisinau, Moldova


The problem of excessive use of force by law enforcement agencies persists in the US. According to respected non-governmental organisations, more than 400 people died as a result of police actions in 2022. Racial profiling is their «hallmark»


There are continuing problems of growing Islamophobia in Canada. Not to mention violations of indigenous rights. In the UK, there is a dismal state of affairs with regard to the protection of the rightd of the child


Freedom and pluralism of the media have also become hostages of political games of the West. While accusing Russia of violating them, they turn a blind eye to the continued lawlessness in the information space in their countries


RT France's accounts were frozen in France. Paris has been fighting hard against this media outlet for five years. Apparently its goal may soon be achieved - the French audience will be deprived of alternative points of view from the Western mainstream


The attack on Russian-language media in Moldova continues. In January, access to and was blocked. This is another gross violation of Chisinau's commitments on freedom of speech, media and access to information


We call on Western OSCE participating States to stop discrediting the very concept of human rights by using the topic only to interfere in the internal affairs of others

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