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07/10 -
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I was in my last year of school. A pretty shy guy and not that great around girls. On my walk home from school I would often see a lovely girl. She was too young for me, about 3 years younger but boy, did I fancy her. We would wave and smile at each other
I couldn’t sleep that night after Mrs. Lee left my room. In my mind, the whole sexual experience played out again and again like it was a movie on replay. I couldn’t believe that I had actually achieved my dream of having sex with her, and it all happened within a single day! I couldn’t
It all started when I began my tertiary studies in Singapore. Being an ‘international student’, I had to look for a room to rent as the school did not provide accommodation for its students. After searching for some time, I came to view a cosy little room, in a 3-bedroom apartment owned by Mr. and
Years ago when we were dating the girlfriend now wife was working not far from where I was living so she used to come over to my place for her lunch hour some times when I was home and even if I wasn’t. She used to like to work on her tan so she would
Rebecca Winters stood naked before the full length mirror in her bedroom observing her own beautiful body. Becky, as everyone called her, would be nineteen in two months. She was only 5’1″ and 100 pounds but it was perfectly formed in a 32C – 18 – 33 body and a lovely face with flowing brown
Vicki. Vicki on the sidewalk. Vicki on the sidewalk with her red satin hot-pants and black leather jacket. Platform heels — two-fucking-inch thick platforms with five-fucking-inch heels. Her calves flexed like steel tendons with each step; her tight thighs shone like molten gold. Those legs went on forever. Pulled every guy-eye in each place she
All stories, erotic novels, chatacters and events in this site, are absolutely fictional, not real.

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