

Markus Vihtla
This concept showcases an iOS version of how reactions could work on Telegram. This design would not work well on Android UI and isn’t meant to be for that as well. A possible Android version can be found here.


Reacting would be able by holding down or double tapping on a message. That’d open a reaction menu with 5 default reaction options including an all-emoji button.

Reaction menu

All-emoji button (blue •••) would allow users to choose whatever emoji as a reaction from emoji keyboard. Button would change colour (to grey, for example), showing you’ve currently opened emoji keyboard.

All-emoji reaction menu

Others’ reactions are marked with a grey bubble, your own ones as blue. Most popular reaction would show up on the top.

So for example, if most popular reaction was a 🍫 emoji, but you chose a 💩 instead, it’d show a blue bubble behind grey one.

Chat with reactions on messages
Message with different reactions selected

Holding down or double tapping on a message again would show all reactions to that specific message.

Maximum amount of different reactions would be 6 (last new reaction would replace all-emoji button with that new reaction, disabling possibility to select any new reaction. Others would have to select any previously selected reaction.

Taking reaction back would be possible by tapping on your selected emoji again.

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