Reaching a high income with Youtube content - a short guide

Reaching a high income with Youtube content - a short guide

Tivit Partners

The previous materials introduced you to the algorithms, taught you how to create channels and how to promote your content in Youtube video hosting correctly. Today we are cementing all the information to briefly highlight the main points once again and show you how to make a good income by creating videos on Youtube. The whole process takes place in 3 stages and the important components we will briefly discuss in this article.

1. Creating a channel.

The channel must create a "wow" effect. You will need a basic knowledge of Photoshop or services with design templates like "Canva". The next step is the concept of the theme of your content. Gambling and betting are still relevant for 2022. Testing tactics and learning casino strategies are exactly what users are interested in. These topics will help your content advance through algorithms and get into people's recommendations.

Record clear audio on the video and don't make the duration more than 10 minutes long. A catchy title and beautiful preview design will interest people far more than the content inside the video itself. The next step is to work on optimization. The text component and work on keywords has a positive effect on the promotion of the video. The better you work on optimization - the more likely your video will get into recommendations.

Do not forget that the probability of blocking channels related to the sphere of gambling is always present. To reduce the risks, leave links to sites in the attached comment to the video. In spite of possible blockage, many gambling channels exist for several years, while videos get into recommendations even 1-2 years after their release. That's why we recommend releasing content at least twice a week.

2. Few words about Youtube algorithm.

If you've created a channel and decided on a content creation plan, let's briefly analyze the video hosting algorithms. The people at Youtube who are responsible for developing the algorithms gave a couple of tips to channel owners.

What to do if a video didn't make it into recommendations? You should change the title and preview. But only if your content has a low CTR and a decreased number of impressions compared to your previous video. The main criterion for getting into recommendations is the relevance of the title, description and content to the viewer's interests.

If you want to create videos in different languages, it's important to have two channels. Otherwise, viewers who speak one language will ignore content in the other. And this will have a negative impact on engagement. Youtube video hosting doesn't have specific thresholds for views, once reached, videos will start appearing in recommendations. That's why both new and 1-2 years old videos can reach the top. Reasons can be natural: the relevance of the topic, the influx of new viewers interested in the topic, etc.

3. YouTube recommendations and how I can get into them.

A logical question after studying the information about algorithms is how to get into recommendations. Statistically, 50% of all viewers watch the content recommended by the video hosting. But how does it work?

First of all, Youtube carefully selects videos to be recommended. Secondly, a viewer doesn't waste time looking for content, because they get videos in recommendations according to their interests. That is why the promotion of the channel is 90% dependent on getting into the recommendations

To get into recommendations, pay attention to the following factors:

  •  The title and description should match the content of the video. Too obvious, clickbait titles that don't match the content from the video can lead to user complaints and reduce the chances of getting into recommendations.
  •  A colorful preview in high resolution. The visual component intrigues the viewer and he's more likely to open the video.
  •  Proper keyword selection and work on video optimization. This also includes collecting tags and matching them to the content of the video.
  •  A memorable channel avatar. When viewing the video, the user is bound to see it and is likely to remember it. This will also increase the recognition of your channel and popularization of content in the future.
  •  Include monetization. Algorithms are more likely to add videos to recommendations that can earn money. 

In addition, algorithms also track behavioral factors:

  •  If the video is really interesting to the user, he will watch it to the end. Algorithms take this into account when adding videos to recommendations. 
  •  Total number of ratings. In the case of a preponderance of "Like" assessments over the "Dislike" ones, there is a high chance to get into recommendations.
  •  Comments. Discussion of the content generates more interest in the video. Encourage users to take part in discussions and share their opinion.
  •  Willingness to share videos. The more people who share your content, the greater the engagement and influx of new viewers.

Youtube doesn't count the number of subscribers on the channel, it's more important for it if people are interested in your videos. That's why channels with low numbers of subscribers are as likely to get into recommendations as channels with high numbers of subscribers.

Create original content, follow design rules and interact with your viewers correctly. In this case Youtube and its algorithms will do the rest of the work to promote your video.

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