

Разработка сайтов & 2d motion design




I just published Reklam videosu, Rolik sifarisi

Reklam videosu, Rolik sifarisi

Animasiya agentlik “Fredisma”link.medium.com


Разработка сайтов & 2d motion design




I just published 3d Animasiya, Animasiya agentlik

3d Animasiya, Animasiya agentlik

Animasiya agentlik “Fredisma”link.medium.com


Разработка сайтов & 2d motion design



Mar 15

I just published Write or Die: Is This the Tool That Finally Conquers Your Procrastination?

Write or Die: Is This the Tool That Finally Conquers Your Procrastination?

Do you love writing but find it hard to be productive when working on your book? Have you tried the Write or Die app to help you stay…link.medium.com


Разработка сайтов & 2d motion design



Mar 15

I just published Survey: 80% of Freelance Writers are Concerned about The PRO Act Affecting Their Ability to Work

Survey: 80% of Freelance Writers are Concerned about The PRO Act Affecting Their Ability to Work

An important piece of legislation is set to hit the U.S. House floor this week, and if passed, it could turn the world of freelancing…link.medium.com

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