Razor Strop Punishment

Razor Strop Punishment


Razor Strop Punishment
The Library of Spanking Fiction: Wellred Weekly

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I was raised on dads belt and razor strop and received my last whipping
when I was 19. I grew up in the late 60s and early 70s so this was
not only a common form of discipline but also an accepted form as
well. I got whipped with the belt for the usual infractions and that
meant a trip to the bedroom with dad, pants and underpants down ......laying
on the bed ....an average of about 30 to 50 licks usually ......depending
on what I had done and how pissed dad was.
For the more serious
offenses I was taken to the basement for a whipping with the razor
strop .......pants and underpants down ....usually bent over a sawhorse
or the workbench ( which is where the razor strop was prominently
displayed on a hook ) or else I was made to stand and hug a support
beam with my ass stuck out and legs spread so he had a good shot.
I would get an average of about 50 to 70 licks but there were a few
occasions as I got older that I remember getting many more!
I got
an average of about 2 to 3 whippings a month but sometimes more and
sometimes less. As I got older the whippings got harder and more severe,
there were always welts and strap marks and black and blues after
a whipping.
My brother and I got a whipping together quite a few
times, we had to lay next to each other on the bed for the belt. Most
of the guys that I grew up with also were raised with spanking as
well and it was not uncommon to see or hear a whipping coming from
a neighbors house, and in the gym locker room there were always a
lot of marked butts and we often compared asses to see who got it
the worst the night before!
My father was a good man but had a fierce
temper and not a force to be reckoned with if you valued the skin
on your ass!!! I got my last whipping at 19 for taking his car without
asking then drinking and driving and having a minor fender bender
on the way home! I had a similar incident when I was 16(Read: Spanked
in the Judges chambers). You think I would have learned my lesson,
But I didn't. And that last strapping, Was by far the worst whipping
I ever got and after it I thought I would never sit again, it did
take well over a week to sit comfortably!!! but I deserved it along
with most of the other whippings I got!! ahhhhh the good old days!

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The barber should have shaved off one of your eyebrows too. by nunya GD bizniz on 06 May 2022
Thats what you deserved for stealing from your Gran I hope you felt humiliated.
I hope you had to stand for ages.
The haircut was perfect for YOU
by Doug on 21 Nov 2019
I agree with the haircut seems a good punishment but not the spanking in public.
Its ok to punish when needed but not to humiliate in front of friends. by Alec on 20 Mar 2018
I thought it only happened to me!!!!
I got caught stealing in the local mini mart.I admit I had been warned before and let off.
My Mother was called and she was mega mega angry at being "showen up"
I never dreamed she was that strong to take down my jeans and undies and spank me so hard.In front of all those boys It was total humiliation.
Then dragged to the local barber less my jeans which were on the shop floor!!!
All the boys followed and pilled in to watch me get the shortest short back and sides I ever got.
Then I had to walk home in my undies much to there enjoyment.
I got a second bare butt spanking when I got home
I had to keep the same "hairstyle" for the rest of the term
I was 15yrs old but in 1970 by Jack on 19 Mar 2018
That brought back a memory.
Yea the hair grows back.
But nobody ever forgets they watched you get spanked.
So humiliating by Anon on 26 Oct 2017
You deserved it John
Yea I would have laughed as well by Anon on 21 Mar 2017
I got caught stealing from the local shop when I was 12 and to make matters worse it was cigarettes I pinched. My uncle took me back to the shop to apologise and pay for the ciggies , and then to the barbers , who I later found out was the brother of the shopkeeper. After snipping my fringe to a length he could just grab the barber shaved the rest of my head 'to the wood' leaving only the fringe with any length to speak of, then out came the razor and a high arc was shaved around my ears then straight across level with my eyebrows and a full 2 inches above my collar. As I was released from the chair I wanted to run out the shop as quickly as possible, but the barber handed my uncle the razor strop which hung from the counter and I was led into the back shop where my uncle tanned my backside with the thick leather strop making sure I felt both the smooth and rougher sides, although I was spared the humiliation of being strapped in front of strangers the shop was busy and I was left in no doubt everyone had heard the crack of the leather and my sobs as they giggled on my way out.
by Kenny on 05 Jan 2017
Can't believe the number of guys who got a punishment haircut for stealing.
Never heard of such a thing.
But it sounds like it sure worked on these guys.
A very public and humiliating punishment getting a bare butt spanking and all your hair cut off.
I don't agree with spanking but I have to say in your case John you deserved it!!! by Doug on 04 Jan 2017
I don't understand your Mother letting some guy's give you the strap.
But that said you deserved it!!!
They should have shaved your head and sent you home naked. by Anon on 04 Jan 2017
I read your story and just remembered all the dreadful short back and sides I got as a teenager.
I just hated loosing all my hair just for doing some stupid prank.
I only got one spanking at the Barbers thank god one humiliation was enough!!!!
I had been caught bullying the younger boys and taking their dinner money.
My Mother took me to the Barbers it was just full of boys from my school.My Mother spoke to the Barber and I went straight into the chair.I was begging him not to cut it to short.The boys waiting were just loving it.
What a haircut he left me a bit on top and shaved the sides and back.I looked stupid.
Then out of the chair and my Mother had me over her knee and down came my pants and undies.I was crying before she smacked me the total humiliation.
About 8 boys watched they just laughed and laughed.
School was just hell for weeks. I had that style for month's.
I still hate going to the Barbers!!! by Peter Jhonson on 23 Dec 2016
Your story brought back memories for me John.
I suffered a similar fate when a I was about 14.
My Mother had taken me to the Barbers to have my hair cut "short" as a punishment for stealing from a shop.
I remember I had my football shorts and top on for some reason.
I was soon in the chair and the barber gave me a short back and sides level with the top of my ears totally bloody dreadful.
When I saw the result in the mirror I went mad jumped up and swore at him and my Mother "Fin" this and that.
My Mother just grabbed me pulled me over her knee down came my shorts and no undies so she smacked my bare bum,in front of everyone.This included a boy from my class who couldn't wait to tell everyone at school
Then back in the chair and the Barber clipped my hair up to my crown.
I was nearly bald.
Then back home were my Mother gave me another bare bottom spanking I think the whole street heard me howling.
I kept this "style" for the rest of that term.I was the only boy with that "style"
Yea what a memory. by Anon on 21 Dec 2016
Yea that was one good punishment you deserved it.
To steal from anyone is bad but from your Gran just way way not right.
I sure hope you learned from the bare butt belting.
I am glad the guys all laughed at you.
I hope they kept you with the same hairstyle and your butt red. by Donald on 08 Nov 2016
I think it was very wrong to keep punishing you John over a 5yr period.
Ok you did deserve the strap but to allow you to be punished publicly with your clothes removed was so wrong.Plus why the short hair cut I don't follow that at all.
Plus what did keeping you with a short hair style do??? by Anon on 20 Jul 2016
I got caught stealing from the local shop.I got a good hiding from my Dad in front of my younger brothers no pants and then dragged to the barbers.
I was 15 at the time real longish hair my pride and joy.The barbers left me some on the top of my head and razor shaved me as well.
What a mess yea the boys at school had a great laugh.
I had short hair for years back to the barbers every 6 weeks.
Never stole again!!! by Mike on 19 Jul 2016
I got similar after getting caught stealing from Woolworth 's in the mid sixties. My uncle was the barber who gave me a severe shearing then six of the best with his razor strop. by Anon on 18 Jul 2016
Sad to say Mike it was true.
I left home when I was 20 and I had s short back and sides until then.Mostly just above my ear but bad grades and then clipped to my crown.
I hated the spring always got a real high clip before going back to school and the collage.I was the only boy with short hair.
When he gave me a crown cut he always finished with a razor he went past my crown sometimes if I had been disrespectful to my Mother.
Yea I had many a haircut punishment plus the other. by John Grant on 18 Jul 2016
John does not seem to say if this is a 'true' story or simply fantasy. ?? Haircuts deserved as punishment? Dunno?
While growing up my parents frequently would say to my brothers and me "If you don't keep your hair combed you will get it cut off". Guess at times I didn't (keep my hair combed) and did (get it cut off)! Lol Of course, regardless we would get it cut off come Spring anyway. :-) by Barber Mike on 17 Jul 2016
They should have shaved your head strapped you and sent you home naked.
by Anon on 17 Jul 2016
This happened in 1965.My Dad left home when I was 9.
My Mother became friendly with the Barber and they finally married.
Yea my hair remained short and my new Dad had me sitting in his chair then afterwards not sitting I soon learned how to behave.
Never stole again.
My school work like improved by 1000%
He sure turned my life round.
I was the only boy in my class with a short back and sides sometimes just past my ears then if I had not behaved right up to my crown. by John Grant on 17 Jul 2016
should have had your head shaved bald with razor by gman on 16 Jul 2016
Well you won't do it again !
Did you keep your hair short ? by thadeusz on 16 Jul 2016
The haircut was a good punishment for you and I am sure shamed you publicly.
I think you deserved the strap but to take down your jeans and pants was not correct.That said it will have hurt a lot and you needed to be taught a lesson not to steal again.
Very humiliating I am sure your school friends made you feel very bad.
What did your Dad say by Allen on 16 Jul 2016
Yea what a cumuppance I would have loved to see you get that haircut and boy did you deserve it.
I sure hope the Barber and his friends made you howl, on the bare that's what you needed.
Glad your school friends found out. by Jeff on 16 Jul 2016
I would like to know when this happened, what year???
What did your Dad have to say???
I hope you learned your lesson.
You sound like you were a real smart guy just so clever I sure think you deserved the haircut.
Yea a well deserved punishment. by Anon on 16 Jul 2016
You should be glad you got the belt in the shop I would have done it in the street.
I'm glad they cut your hair very short I hope your mother kept you with that "style"
Yea I would have laughed by Anon on 16 Jul 2016
You did deserve it you would have got the strap every day for a week if you had been my son.
I hope your Mother kept taking you to the barbers.
Yes you deserved the humiliation.
To steal of your Grandmother shame on you!!! by Paul on 16 Jul 2016
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When I was growing up, my father was a firm believer in discipline. I
was expected to do what I was told, when I was told, and to not ask
questions. Both of my parents were very strict, but my mother left the
discipline up to my father. She was very much a "wait till your father
gets home" type of person.
Dad was almost six feet tall, and
pretty stocky. This was the early seventies... he always had a thick
black mustche, and sideburns at least the length of his ears (when I
was very young, he had big Elvis-like muttonchops). He'd done some
time in the Marine Corps, but through my whole childhood he was a
motorcycle cop.
When it came time for punishment, my father
always used a black leather garrison belt. He usually doubled it over
and held the buckle end in his hand. Two or three times, he took the
buckle off and used that end. I never got the buckle end... I was
threatened with it a lot. He always told me that when his father beat
him, he got the buckle (I do have a friend that got the buckle end all
the time and claims that one time his dad beat him so long and hard,
the buckle broke).
I got the belt until I was about fourteen
years old, then the strappings stopped, and the lectures
began. Sometimes that was worse.
Eventually, I headed off for
college away from home.
The summer I was twenty-two years old, I
was home from school. I was having a pretty cool time hanging out with
my friends from high school.
On a Friday night, we headed out for
a few bars, and I got a pretty good buzz going. I was driving, but
didn't think I was really in that bad a shape. I ended up driving my
two buddies home, and then headed toward home myself.
move. Blue lights in the rearview mirror. Field Sobriety Tests:
Failed. Handcuffs: On. Rights: Read. On the way to the jail, the cop
asked some questions, and realized very soon that he knew my dad. They
worked in different districts, but in the same department. When we got
to the jail, I got put in a cell alone. I realized that I should be
taking a Breath Test, and realized that because my dad was a cop, I
might be getting out of this. That kind of worried me.
enough, about thirty minutes later, my dad showed up, and dragged me
out of the precinct house. He didn't say anything during the ride
home, but as we pulled into the driveway, he said, "Get you ass into
the garage." He got out of the car, and headed for the house.
never been sent to the garage before, and it had been a long time
since I'd got the strap... I was an adult! But it was really clear in
my mind what was going to happen. I knew from when I was growing up
that the best thing to do was to just accept what was about to happen.

I went into the garage through the back door. My mothers car
wasn't there, she must have been out, and the front overhead door was
Dad showed up shortly after. When he came in the door, I
saw the Razor Strap in his hand. I'd never even seen the thing before
(even in the 70's, no one shaved with a straight razor and used a
Razor Strap).
I think he probably got the strap from my uncle
(his brother), who was/is a barber. I never asked (it wasn't the time,
and I didn't want to bring it up later). I think about it now, and I
wonder if my Dad wasn't in the barber shop, saw the Razor Strap, and
started talking about beatings with my uncle. It's kind of interesting
to think about my Dad, my uncle, (and probably the rest of the barber
shop) talking about my discipline. Maybe my uncle had an old one,
maybe he ordered a new one for my Dad. It never got any use when I was
a kid, but it looked like it was going to now.
Anyway, Dad
immediately told me to sit (on the floor), and walked over to the work
bench on the back wall of the garage. He put the strap down on the
bench. He dug into the drawer, and came out with a cigar. He'd always
smoked them, but my mom wouldn't let him smoke (cigars) in the
house. He'd smoke while doing whatever in the garage, and while
cutting grass.
The lecture started while he got the cigar
going. He sat down on a stool, and smoked and lectured away. He let me
know that he was pissed. He wasn't loud, or out of control, but I
could tell that he was madder than I'd ever seen him. He gave me the
whole drunk driving lecture, about how I could have killed myself, or
someone else. He was also pissed that I'd been caught by his
department, and he let me know that it embarrassed him.
I don't
know how long the lecture went on, but he smoked probably half of the
cigar. Eventually, he told me, "Get on your feet and get over here."
He picked up the Razor Strap as I approached.
He never mentioned
the Razor Strap. It was like he still had a garrison belt in his hand,
or I'd been getting the strap all along. He didn't mention the fact
that I was twenty two years old!
When I got next to him, I didn't
wait to be told... I pulled my pants down. He then turned me, and bent
me over the work bench. I don't know whether he kept the cigar in his
mouth, or put it down somewhere. I couldn't see much... just the
workbench, and the wall.
He then started swinging the strap.
This was very different than The Belt. The first blow caused about as
much pain as any other strapping I'd got.... it hurt a lot. But, being
hit with The Belt was a lot rougher, I guess. There was sting, but you
could also feel the blow. The Razor Strap was a whole lot smoother. It
was ALL sting, and it covered a bigger area.
The strapping seemed
to go on forever, and I couldn't tell you how many blows I got. I
thought it was never gonna end, and I was crying when it did.
When Dad finished, he told me to pull up my pants and go to my room.
Later, he never mentioned the strapping, although he was pretty
unfriendly for the rest of the week I was home. I headed back to
school wondering if it was something that would ever happen again.

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