Ray Bradbury A Sound of Thunder (12/25)

Ray Bradbury A Sound of Thunder (12/25)


The jungle was high (джунгли были высокими) and the jungle was broad (широкими) and the jungle was the entire world forever and forever (были целым миром навеки).

Sounds like music and sounds like flying tents filled the sky (звуки, подобные музыке, и звуки, подобные летающим палаткам = хлопанью парусины наполняли небо), and those were pterodactyls soaring with cavernous gray wings (и это были птеродактили, парящие на пористых серых крыльях), gigantic bats of delirium and night fever (гигантские летучие мыши из бреда и ночного кошмара: fever – жар, лихорадка).

Eckels, balanced on the narrow Path (балансировавший на узкой Тропе), aimed his rifle playfully (прицелился из своей винтовки в шутку).

"Stop that!" said Travis. "Don't even aim for fun (даже ради шутки не цельтесь), blast you (черт вас побери: to blast – проклинать)! If your guns should go off – (если ваши ружья выстрелят)".

Eckels flushed (покраснел). "Where's our Tyrannosaurus (где наш тиранозавр)?"

Lesperance checked his wristwatch (посмотрел на свои наручные часы: to check проверять). "Up ahead (впереди). We'll bisect his trail in sixty secondsы пересечем его след через шестьдесят секунд: to bisect – делить пополам, разрезать). Look for the red paint (ищите красную краску = красное пятно)! Don't shoot till we give the word (не стреляйте, пока мы не дадим команду: to give word отдать распоряжение). Stay on the Path (оставайтесь на Тропе). Stay on the Path!"

They moved forward in the wind of morning (они двинулись навстречу утреннему ветру).

The jungle was high and the jungle was broad and the jungle was the entire world forever and forever. Sounds like music and sounds like flying tents filled the sky, and those were pterodactyls soaring with cavernous gray wings, gigantic bats of delirium and night fever.

Eckels, balanced on the narrow Path, aimed his rifle playfully.

"Stop that!" said Travis. "Don't even aim for fun, blast you! If your guns should go off – "

Eckels flushed. "Where's our Tyrannosaurus?"

Lesperance checked his wristwatch. "Up ahead, We'll bisect his trail in sixty seconds. Look for the red paint! Don't shoot till we give the word. Stay on the Path. Stay on the Path!"

They moved forward in the wind of morning.

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