Raw Vagina After Sex

Raw Vagina After Sex


Raw Vagina After Sex



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Torgerson RR, Marnach ML, Bruce AJ, Rogers RS 3rd. Oral and vulvar changes in pregnancy. Clin Dermatol. 2006 Mar-Apr.24(2):122-32. Review. PMID: 16487887. Photo courtesy of SteadyHealth

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Many women immediately think "Yeast!" when they deal with vaginal itching, burning, and rawness, but treating a yeast infection you don't have can make the problem worse. The vagina is home to a variety of "good bugs" that keep the "bad bugs" in check. If you start killing microorgansisms indiscriminately, you can lose the probiotic bacteria that keep other infections in check. On top of that, products that you apply directly to the skin of the vagina often contain propylene glycol or alcohol, which can drying, which is followed by itching, which is followed by scratching, which is followed by more itching and more scratching and eventually raw skin. 
Here's how you break the cycle of vaginal itching, burning, and rawness:
1. Wash with water. It's especially important to avoid any kind of soap with big bubbles, especially bubble bath. They are very irritating. Pat dry with a clean towel. Never rub irritated skin to dry it.
2. If you have a bidet, use it after urination. Urine makes skin irritation worse.
3. Wear loose cotton underwear, loose cotton-lined panty hose, or no underwear at all (at times and places when wardrobe malfunctions aren't a problem). Scratchy underwear will make itching, rawness, and pain worse. Tight clothing will also make itching and burning worse.
4. Banish deodorants, talcum powder, fragrances, and dyes from your personal hygiene. Every woman isn't allergic to the chemicals in these products. Some women are very allergic to the chemicals in these products. If you have a reaction to Aspirin, you are likely to have a reaction to colors and fragrances.
5. If it itches, don't scratch it. Ice it. Ice packs and other creative applications of household items (a package of frozen peas, for instance, more specifically an unopened package of frozen peas) can relieve the itch so you can let the skin heal.
6. Avoid latex condoms for sex. That doesn't mean that you shou
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