Raw Confessions Sister

Raw Confessions Sister


Raw Confessions Sister

Sister Confessions
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I confess that I envy my sister's life.
She's perfect. She has a sweet and caring boyfriend, she only has good grades, she has fantastic friends, she is very good in sports, she gets her own money by working in a bakery (she's really good at baking too) and my parents adore her.
I am only the fat younger sister with bad grades and no friends.
It's terrible! I wish my sister wasn't born. Everything would have happened differently....
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I took money from a friend of mine for allowing him to date my little sister.
They split up recently (It was just some kind of sex affair I guess) and now some other friends of mine asked me to help them get to my sister and they said that they would give me money.
Now I'm considering to "help" them get her (sex). I could fund my lazy life with that...
If you want real sex, send me message here:) https://ujeb.se/9GiSY
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If you want real sex, send me message here:) https://ujeb.se/9GiSY
I like sex. See my naked photos here >>> verrywet.com (my Nick Grace2002)

Me and my sister are in a more or less love-hate relationship. We like each other but we don't show it.
We are mean, mad and bitchy to each other. So we love to play tricks on each other. But in the last few months, we get meaner and meaner to each other. She shaved off my left eyebrow while I was sleeping, so I glued her mouth together and so on.
Now, she painted a huge penis on my car (and I can't get it off!) and now I want revenge!

She got a new body piercing yesterday (on the lip) and she has to clean it every day twice with some disinfectant spray. I exchanged this spray with a mixture of dog urine, liquor and dirt.
Hahaha, payback's a bitch, bitch!!
If you want real sex, send me message here:) https://ujeb.se/9GiSY
I like sex. See my naked photos here >>> verrywet.com (my Nick Grace2002)
I like sex. See my naked photos here >>> verrywet.com (my Nick Grace2002)
If you want real sex, send me message here:) https://ujeb.se/9GiSY
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Sibling Confessions
Sibling confession stories and sins

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I live at home with my parents and 4 siblings so I usually don’t have a lot of privacy especially when it comes to masturbating so I do it rarely whenever the house is empty.

Last night tho I couldn’t hold it anymore I was getting so wet I had to masturbate so I just did it in my room.

At first I was really scared of getting caught but after a while I started getting excited by the idea of my parent or sibling catching me.

I got completely naked on my bed legs spread so if anyone decided to come I wouldn’t have time to hide and they would have a full view of my wet pussy.

The more I heard their voices, the closer they were to my door the wetter and more excited I got to the point where I came.

I’ve never in my life have had such an intense orgasm.

This will be the first time I’ve told this story in full, but it happened in the 90’s so some details may not be all there.

My sister is three years younger, and our relationship was pretty typical. At home we had separate rooms, but for a time multiple times a week we had to share a bed at our grandparents house, our mom had started working late and they didn’t wanna leave us home alone from after school until early in the morning, so 3-4 times a week we slept in the bed in the spare room at our grandparents. Around the same time I was dealing with heavy hormones, and thanks to the sketchy kids I sometimes hung out with in my neighborhood I had recently discovered porn - however our family let’s just say took their sweet time educating us on such things, so I had an idea it wasn’t something to express or talk about, but my curiosity was killing me. I got addicted to porn at a young age, thanks to my family getting dial-up internet access without using family filters.

So I begin sharing a bed with my sister frequently (and lets just say she’s always been an attractive slim blonde girl) so for a while it was unexceptional, we’d turn on the tv and watch whatever was on until eventually we’d fall asleep. Sometimes we’d find little games or activities to do together to pass time, and with my untamed curiosity I over time began crossing the line further and further. We created a ‘game’ which involved us pretending to get married, after which we’d lay down and kiss for a while.

After so much of that, I kept pushing it further, and her also not being educated on these things, she typically went along with it and didn’t find it strange. From there I began getting her clothes off when she got into bed, and I began to touch her and put my mouth on her, usually for a good couple hours before going to sleep.

The more I realized I could get away with, the more I wanted to do. She’d fall asleep with her clothes off, and once she was out I’d pull the blanket down carefully and masturbate onto her chest and stomach. One of the first few times this happened I accidentally woke her up, so she saw what I was doing and was a bit confused and alarmed, I felt embarrassed so I stopped, but only within the next few nights I started taking my junk out in front of her more often, even while she was awake. Details of all the events are blurry to me now, but some time later the usual routine was I’d straddle her while we were kissing and Masturbate onto her chest and neck, I got it on her face a few times but she wasn’t a big fan of the jizz. I talked her into sucking me off a couple times, but she hated it, so instead for some of the later instances I showed her how to stroke me off herself.

She usually went along with this passively, not enjoying it but not hating it, but there were times she seemed to be enjoying it less than usual, it seemed like after a while she started understanding it wasn’t normal or okay, and sometimes she’d push back a bit - I’m not proud of it at all, but on those occasions I would become a bit manipulative and find ways to talk her into letting me keep doing it, and she’d usually give in.

I basically was using her as a masturbation tool for maybe about a year or so, until one night we got interrupted. Nobody saw anything because I had the door locked, but we were undressed and I was on top of her, then one of our grandparents began knocking at the door. It took us a good while to dress and look normal before opening the door, so at that point the family became suspicious and we were not allowed to sleep together anymore.

I’ve had strong lust for her ever since which I’ve tried badly to get rid of, but over the years I’ve hidden cameras numerous times to catch her getting in the shower, and been a creep in a number of indirect ways which I feel pretty sure she’s aware of, however we have never talked about what happened at all.

Our relationship is truly okay, we’ve always stayed close and talk frequently, and have hung out with eachother a good deal both alone and with our other friends, but neither of us have ever raised the subject. And while I still fantasize about it constantly, I feel a great bit of guilt now, especially for the times I was more pushy and assertive with her about it, however from my observations she never suffered anything unfortunate as a result, she actually has a very successful life going. Which isn’t an excuse or anything, but it’s one thing I feel grateful for.

I believe I’m not a bad person, but these things have weighed on me heavily for a long time, and it’s not the sort of thing you can just tell anybody about, so I never have until now, and I’m hoping this helps.
Sounds kinda like me and my brother
My sister and I used to play a lot of docter an father mother games wich resulted in a lot of playing with genetals and later also masturbating.
Eventually it ended and we've talked about it, laugh about it and have no negative effects of it. They are fond memories.

I am a guy and when I was a child, I was sexually attracted to my sister who was about 3 years older then me. I've often fantasized about going into her bedroom in the middle of the night, slowly pulling off her underwear and rubbing her pussy with my dick. The fantasy would then continue with me sucking on her tits before I finally shove my dick inside of her. After I'm done sucking on her tits, I then start kissing her while she's asleep but after a few kisses, she wakes up but, instead of screaming for dad to come help, we stare at each other for a few seconds and then start kissing each other. The truth is, I actually did try to do this once. My sister's door had a latch hook because the door knob not only didn't have a keyhole but also the door couldn't close all the way so the latch hook was there to make sure the door stayed closed while she was sleeping or getting dressed. I woke up in the middle of the night with an erection and tried to open her door by pushing it forward as hard as I could with the hopes that the latch hook would come off the door. When that didn't work, I went into the kitchen and took a butter knife and slipped it in between the door and the doorway and then tried to get the latch hook to go up so that when I heard it slip, I could finally sneak in. If this had worked, after walking into the room, I would have placed the latch hook back before doing what I fantasized about doing. Unfortunately, it didn't, so I went to bed angry.

Okay so My mom met a new guy when I was about 9 or 10 and I was really cringey back then and luckily he had a cringey daughter just like me so when we were 11 we started to mature (less playing, more serious, ect.) so I had stared watching porn when I was young and knew what sex was and soon found out she did to when I found it on her tablet, so fast forward to fouth of July 2020 so were both 12 and we were having a sleepover like usual and I had my leg on top of her and while I was sleeping I guess I grabbed her tit and she started shaking her leg this turned me on so much I started to whimper and she thought I was asleep still and she grabbed my hand and put it on her down there area and I started to feel sick and decided to "wake up" and use the bathroom. Were both 14 now and We have never talked about it but we both know what happened I just want it to happen again....

I was the baby sitter for my two younger sisters. Two and four years younger. The older started developing when she was nine.
Summer was swimming time down by the river in a back eddy. We went nude and so had no shame from each other. We peed in front of each other (and still do it to this day). Older sister & I started touching each other at time of her development and ended up masturbating each other.
Younger sister joined in at age seven.
To this day, we are very close and make a point of having several sibling outings over the summer.
We all have families of our own but have a contingency plan in case one -or all- relationships fail.
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I made an account just to post this. My sister is two years younger than I am and we've always been pretty close. We grew up in a perfectly fine home with two wonderful parents, even though my dad unfortunately is addicted to alcohol and cigarettes, but that's kinda beside the point. I'm not exactly sure how it started but I think I was around 10 or 11 and she was 8 or 9. It started off with me telling her about this cool new "masturbating thing" that I had just found out about from my friends. She wanted to do it too because I was the older brother and she looked up to me. At first we would quietly masturbate next to each other when my parents weren't home or if we get the chance to. It kinda escalated from there and we would start touching each other and all that. We continued doing this as we got older and started figuring out what it all meant. When I was a bit older I realized there was this thing I could do with my ding-a-ling and I could put it inside her and it would feel good. I would never go in far because she always said to stop and that it hurt, so I did. Fast forward about two years and we're still like giving oral to each other it like every time my parents aren't home(which is a lot because they both work a lot). One time when I was like 14 and my sister was 12 my mom actually caught my sister sucking me off and it was super awkward and she said not to tell my dad about it or he would kill us (and he would have if he ever found out). Since then we have kinda stopped doing it once we realized that it's kinda wrong. I never felt that bad about it because it just felt really good (is that bad?). Today we have a very "touchy" kind of relationship, but we haven't done anything for a good couple of months. I am now 16 and she is 14. We don't really talk about it(my mom hasn't mentioned it ever), and I think if we got the chance we would do it again. What do you guys think I should do, because I'm not really sure how to approach this going into the future. Being a teenage boy and all I want to touch her and all (and my sister is a pretty attractive 14 year old I should add, Im talking face and bodywise), but I'm not sure if it's wrong or not.
Don't get help. You're older and any therapist is legally obligated to report it to police as sexual abuse. You will be branded as a sex offender. Just stop and don't talk to anyone.
How is it sexual abuse exactly? He is underage and only 2 years older.
I'm gonna start by saying this, what you and your sister were doing wasn't wrong. It's not sick, it's not abnormal, it's not even all that uncommon, it's just kids experimenting with their sexuality. Happens to everyone eventually.
Now, without even touching on the whole clusterfuck about whether or not being sexual with a sibling is "right" or "wrong", it's clearly going to cause some friction with your parents, particularly your father. That alone should instill a deep sense of caution but it doesn't, because you're a teenager and your brain is fucked with hormones, but that's OK, us oldsters are here to help.
Now, let's say, for the sake of argument, you decide that, no matter what other people think, no matter what the consequences with your parents, that you're young and immortal and it's gonna go right forever, that you're gonna carry on with what you're doing, I will again advise caution. 14 isn't too young to be thinking about sex, but it's awful young to be doing it. And with both of you as young as you are and as likely inexperienced in the sex and relationship department, there's a good chance it's gonna go bad for you at some point anyway. Plus you've got to consider your sister's emotional maturity, how is she gonna be when she gets into high school with an unrequited crush on you?
No one's going to decide for you and if you're hard-headed enough you won't even heed advice, just be careful, use protection, and most important of all make sure your sister is a consenting participant in any and all activities.
Thanks for the advice and the reply. I feel like it's too late, as I think she already has a crush on me because she always calls me cute and stuff even though I'm not the most attractive (I've never even dated a girl before). I feel like I've already kinda scarred her, but both of our hormones are raging sometimes and it's pretty much impossible to stop once you've started. I'm not hard-headed enough to realize good advice when I see it, and I have been trying to just jerk off to get rid of any feeling of messing with my sister. Again, I thank you for your advice and your quick reply.
It happens, it's experimentation, it's not "wrong", but it's not healthy. It will potentially create an unhealthy dynamic as you get older. The best thing for you both to do is look for romantic interests among your peer group at this point.
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