Rate My Vag

Rate My Vag


Rate My Vag

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Anna Swan is reported to have had the biggest vagina ever in recorded history. The Scot was 7’5-1/2″, her husband was 7’11”, and she delivered the biggest newborn ever recorded: his head was 19″ around. Do the math.

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Vaginas ! So strange. So mysterious. So essential a component of the female anatomy. Sure, you may have a vagina. Or maybe you’re just curious about vaginas. Vaginas are like snowflakes. No two vaginas are alike. Of course, some vaginas are more exceptional than others. Like Hazel Jones, the woman who was so brave as to go on morning television to talk about her, not one, but two vaginas. Click through to find out more about Hazel’s lady flowers and other amazing vaginas in our vagina-tastic list.

Twenty-seven-year-old UK woman, Hazel Jones, went on morning television to talk about her one in a million vagina. Or should I say two in a million? Hazel suffers from a condition called uterus didelphys, which is a fancy way of saying the woman has two uteruses and two vaginas. This means she lost her virginity twice, suffers through double heavy periods each month, and can get pregnant twice at once if she’s not careful. She’s declined to have surgery to correct the problem because of the possible risks. I give her credit for dealing with so much lady plumbing. [ Huffington Post ]

Hazel is not alone. Lauren Williams is yet another chick with two vaginas. She has a bicornuate uterus, which means she has two vaginas, two cervixes, and two uteruses. I don’t know what I would do with the extra vagina. Rent it out?
In 1975, performance artist Carolee Schneeman stood on a table, covered herself in mud, and extracted a scroll from her vagina. Then, she read it. The paper evidence from Interior Scroll is now displayed as a work of art. And what has your vagina done lately?

In 1999, adult film star Houston had sex with a purported 620 men in one day, resulting in “The World’s Biggest G**gb**g 3.” In reality, there were about 125 dudes there. Still, nothing to sneeze at.
Tatiata Kozhevnikova has the world’s strongest vagina. She can lift 31 lbs. with hers. She’s even listed in Guinness World Records. And has special vagina barbells. OMG. WTF.
“Susan” was born without a vagina. As it turns out, one in 4,000 women are born with congenital absence of the vagina. How’s that work? “Externally, the genital area is perfectly normal, with clitoris, labia, and urethra all in place. But where the vagina should be there is only a small dimple or indentation.” Some opt for surgery. Susan “succeeded in creating her own vagina through the dilatation, or pressure technique.” I am speechless.

In America, women undergo plastic surgery to have their labia trimmed. (Read one woman’s testimony: “I Had Labiaplasty Surgery.”) In Rwanda, women engage in labia stretching. In their culture, elongated labia are considered an asset and is perceived to result in better sex for both partners. The World Health Organization considers the practice female genital mutilation. Others see it as part of a long-standing tradition.

Maoni Vi of Capetown, South Africa, has pubic hair that is 28-inches long. But does she braid it? That I do not know.
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Rate My Vag by Awkwafina (current rating: 7.63)

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