Rate My Ex-Girlfriend

Rate My Ex-Girlfriend


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You meet a cute guy/girl, think they’re awesome and suddenly can see yourself cozied up together for more than just a random hook up. Should you make the investment or run for the hills? Enter ExRated , a new website that allows people to review their exes and aspires to be the ultimate Yelp for users looking for insights on their newbie crushes and current romantic obsessions.
You can use ExRated just like you would when searching the web for restaurant reviews. Simply plug in their name and check out what past lovers have to say. Or, get in on the action and rate your own ex. You can leave cautionary tales for the next guy or girl or a positive review — it’s not all bad (OK, it’s mostly bad!).
Any rational person would advise against this since it is not healthy to know the happenings of a potential suitor’s past relationship (shouldn’t they be forthcoming about this info anyway?) not to mention the review could be based on a bad breakup where both partied were equally at fault. But ExRated founder Tom Padazana attempts to put a positive spin on it saying,”I hope this will be a research tool to help people make more educated decisions in dating. And as the site grows, I think hopefully it will make people better dates because the possibility of being reviewed is out there.”
True Tom, but when you’re dealing with such apotentially incendiary topic as romantic relationships you’re bound to get fireworks or worse — the eventual lawsuit for defamation of character. EXRated cuts to the “heart” of the relationship drama and requires reviewers to include detiled information. As the Huffington Post reports, to exact proper revenge the reviewer must fill out atwo-page questionnaire that includes:
Details on the type of relationship you had with the person (i.e. “occasional gallop” or “over six months”); tips for getting along with that individual; and their take on what type of relationship he or she is “best suited for,” such as “arm candy,” “drinking buddy,” or “one night stand.” Exes are given an overall score, as well as more detailed rankings for traits like hygiene, intelligence, mojo and thoughtfulness.
Padazana maintains that the site has instituted safeguards against defamatory posts. “We’re encouraging people to be succinct so they don’t have the room to get into the dirty-nitty gritty of bad relationships. I plan on it being a place where people can’t air their dirty laundry but rather constructively discuss what happened in past relationships.”
Oh, please! No one is going to go out of their way to give a positive review to an ex! Most people just want vent and earn their closure the easy way — through scathing comments that (hopefully) pop up on Google Search when your ex least expects it. Take a gander at these gems and decide for yourself:
“Bring your own Zoloft,” one user wrote of a woman. “Fun in bed, but absolute bonkers out of it. Everyone’s conspiring against her, so she thinks (hey, like guys writing bad reviews about her!).”
“Sexy European? More boring Midwest,” another said. “OK, she’s from Paris, which already gives her hot points, but I’ve dated girls from Kansas more exciting than her. What’s *yawn* in French?”
And if you get a nasty review you can’t answer back. It’s done. Carved in interactive stone for all to see, while multiple exes are allowed to jump on the bandwagon! The only thing you can do to refute a negative post is campaign for positive reviews. But my guess is if you’ve pissed off enough people to get such a negative response you’re better off just changing your name and taking a timeout from the dating scene.

StyleCaster is a part of Penske Media Corporation. © 2022 SheMedia, LLC. All Rights Reserved.







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You meet a cute guy/girl, think they’re awesome and suddenly can see yourself cozied up together for more than just a random hook up. Should you make the investment or run for the hills? Enter ExRated , a new website that allows people to review their exes and aspires to be the ultimate Yelp for users looking for insights on their newbie crushes and current romantic obsessions.
You can use ExRated just like you would when searching the web for restaurant reviews. Simply plug in their name and check out what past lovers have to say. Or, get in on the action and rate your own ex. You can leave cautionary tales for the next guy or girl or a positive review — it’s not all bad (OK, it’s mostly bad!).
Any rational person would advise against this since it is not healthy to know the happenings of a potential suitor’s past relationship (shouldn’t they be forthcoming about this info anyway?) not to mention the review could be based on a bad breakup where both partied were equally at fault. But ExRated founder Tom Padazana attempts to put a positive spin on it saying,”I hope this will be a research tool to help people make more educated decisions in dating. And as the site grows, I think hopefully it will make people better dates because the possibility of being reviewed is out there.”
True Tom, but when you’re dealing with such apotentially incendiary topic as romantic relationships you’re bound to get fireworks or worse — the eventual lawsuit for defamation of character. EXRated cuts to the “heart” of the relationship drama and requires reviewers to include detiled information. As the Huffington Post reports, to exact proper revenge the reviewer must fill out atwo-page questionnaire that includes:
Details on the type of relationship you had with the person (i.e. “occasional gallop” or “over six months”); tips for getting along with that individual; and their take on what type of relationship he or she is “best suited for,” such as “arm candy,” “drinking buddy,” or “one night stand.” Exes are given an overall score, as well as more detailed rankings for traits like hygiene, intelligence, mojo and thoughtfulness.
Padazana maintains that the site has instituted safeguards against defamatory posts. “We’re encouraging people to be succinct so they don’t have the room to get into the dirty-nitty gritty of bad relationships. I plan on it being a place where people can’t air their dirty laundry but rather constructively discuss what happened in past relationships.”
Oh, please! No one is going to go out of their way to give a positive review to an ex! Most people just want vent and earn their closure the easy way — through scathing comments that (hopefully) pop up on Google Search when your ex least expects it. Take a gander at these gems and decide for yourself:
“Bring your own Zoloft,” one user wrote of a woman. “Fun in bed, but absolute bonkers out of it. Everyone’s conspiring against her, so she thinks (hey, like guys writing bad reviews about her!).”
“Sexy European? More boring Midwest,” another said. “OK, she’s from Paris, which already gives her hot points, but I’ve dated girls from Kansas more exciting than her. What’s *yawn* in French?”
And if you get a nasty review you can’t answer back. It’s done. Carved in interactive stone for all to see, while multiple exes are allowed to jump on the bandwagon! The only thing you can do to refute a negative post is campaign for positive reviews. But my guess is if you’ve pissed off enough people to get such a negative response you’re better off just changing your name and taking a timeout from the dating scene.

StyleCaster is a part of Penske Media Corporation. © 2022 SheMedia, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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Welcome to out trusted site women from all over come together in the name of smart dating. You can learn from exes, get the tea and quickly determine whether you have a potential future with your new love interest.

Privacy - Yea we’re serious about that ish. Rest assured that this this a closed group of highly
esteemed women. We ask that you be fair in your reviews and we also ask that you respect the
identities of the men and women on this platform. In other words, you will not repost publicly the
picture or name of any of the men on this site. In addition, nothing written on this site or submitted for
review will be searchable via Google. We’re no trying to get sued.

Use - In order to use this service for free, we ask that you first sign up and create a username and
password. Secondly, we ask that you leave at least one review. This sight will eventually be turned
into a paid subscriptions. Those who first contribute to the site get free access for one year

Profile - In order to submit a review we ask that you register via (Google or Facebook), submit a
profile (age, location, occupation). The only information that is public to our closed group is you name,
age and location. No picture or contact info will be shared. We will be collecting email information for
us to send you pertinent information

Referrals - We want to keep this place from being trashy. With that said, we expect

Reviews - We will not accept any profanity what’s so ever. Crude and ill manner reviews will be
moderated and potentially removed. Let’s keep it classy ladies. Let’s be truthful and fair. There is a
world that the tables could turn. Let’s remember that people change and learn from their mistakes.
Most importantly, remember that one person’s trash, is another person’s treasure.

Talk Shit About Your Ex Without Consequences at ExRated.co
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Do you have an ex-boyfriend girlfriend? Is it possible they might have something negative to say about you? Oh, great, because now there's a venue for them to do so, publicly. Online. Libel's never been so easy and fun!
ExRated is like a dating site, only the opposite of that. Instead of helping you perhaps get over an old relationship with a great new one, it fosters invective, gossip. and paranoia. ExRated Is the Yelp of Ruined, Spiteful, Failed Relationships.
Do you want to laugh today? Here's how ExRated says people are using it:
•Networking through ex-girlfriends who date financial power-players or musicians (if you've been searching for that great drummer to complete your band....) •Dating resume - date one model, you can date another according to George Costanza from Seinfeld. •Break a girl's heart, give her a good rating and recommend her to a friend (or "exfriend".) •Figure out what it is you really want by filling out a form of "why it didn't work with this one." •Instead of having to listen to your single friends' constant dating complaints, direct them to the site. •Improve people's dating manners by encouraging them to strive for a good rating.
Except this is insane bullshit. Nobody's going to use this site for anything other than saying awful things about exes they hate. Some prime examples:
"After breaking up i was still in love with her and got to sleep in the room next to where she and her new man were f@!king. I hated it. yep "
"Kristen could be a good girlfriend if she wasn't out of her freakin mind! when she told me she'd f@!ked 20 dudes before it was a rap! "
"She is a very good girlfriend if you spend every waking moment with her. She has a very strong dependency problem. Into threesomes!"
"Where to start? He lies A lot He sleeps with anything that moves ANYTHING! A lot. Oh and if you piss him off he has no problem attacking you"
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