Rasshirenie Shkal L.G. Ramenskogo

Rasshirenie Shkal L.G. Ramenskogo

👓 Boldyrev Vladimir,Gorin Vyacheslav
Rasshirenie Shkal L.G. Ramenskogo

Rasshirenie Shkal L.G. Ramenskogo

✅ Spravochnik L.G. Ramenskogo s soavtorami Ekologicheskaya otsenka kormovykh ugodiy po rastitelnomu pokrovu (1956) v nastoyashchee vremya stal, prakticheski, bibliograficheskoy redkostyu, no prodolzhaet ostavatsya tsenneyshim istochnikom informatsii po ekologii vidov rasteniy v sostave fitotsenozov, samikh soobshchestv, a takzhe - primerom ratsionalnoy organizatsii ekologicheskikh dannykh. Sostaviteli shkal vyveli ekologicheskie formuly dlya 1400 rasteniy Evropeyskoy chasti byvshego SSSR. Eto lish chast vidov, obitayushchikh na izuchennoy territorii. Poetomu neobkhodimo prodolzhit raboty po rasshireniyu dannykh ekologicheskikh shkal, tem bolee, chto ikh sostaviteli razrabotali podrobneyshie instruktsii po vypolneniyu etikh issledovaniy. Nastoyashchaya publikatsiya posvyashchena dopolneniyu shkal dannymi po ekologii vidov flory Saratovskoy oblasti. Dlya postroeniya ekologicheskikh formul ispolzovalos 1138 fitotsenoticheskikh opisaniy. Analiz empiricheskikh materialov pozvolil obnovit formuly 348 vidov i dobavit 87 novykh dlya spravochnika naimenovaniy rasteniy.


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