Rapes Of German Women World War Ii

Rapes Of German Women World War Ii


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The Horrific Mass Rape of German Women at the End of World War II
Throughout history, rape was a way to show dominance over defeated enemies. Women of the defeated opponents were treated as spoils of war. The winners raped them after they had killed their sons, husbands, and fathers.
During World War II, Nazi Germany committed horrific crimes against humanity ranging from the Holocaust to systematic raping and killing of innocent women and children in the occupied territories.
After the tide of war turned and the Allied forces invaded the territory of Nazi Germany, the German civilians, especially women, felt the brunt of reprisals.
“All of us knew very well that if girls were German, they could be raped and then shot. This was almost a combat distinction.”
— Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Russian novelist
On 21 October 1944, the Soviet troops crossed Angerapp creek and entered Germany. What followed next was a series of disgusting crimes against humanity.
The victorious Soviets exalted horrific revenge upon the helpless civilian population of Nazi Germany.
The Soviet army raped over two million German women. Over 240,000 women died because of rapes. Many of them committed suicide or died from venereal diseases.
The Soviets looted, killed, and raped like crazy. Every time they entered another German city, the Soviet commanders gave their soldiers three days to do whatever they wanted.
The Soviets raped every German woman between eight and eighty.
The Red Army raped young girls, grandmothers, pregnant women, and even nuns. They raped women in public, in front of their families, and shot them afterward.
Groups of Soviet soldiers gang-raped German women. On average, every victim was raped seventy times.
The Soviet army also raped Soviet and Polish women, which had been liberated from the Nazi concentration camps.
After the Allied leaders complained to Stalin about the conduct of his soldiers, he replied:
“Understand it if a soldier who has crossed thousands of kilometers through blood and fire and death has fun with a woman or takes some trifle.”
All Allied forces, including the American, British, and French soldiers, committed rapes of German women. Yet, the volume of rapes committed by the Soviets was much bigger compared to the number of rapes committed by other Allied forces.
Consequently, there must have been a reason (or even better, multiple reasons) for the actions of the Soviet soldiers. Historians identified six of the reason for the mass rapes of German women.
Nazi Germany aimed to exterminate the Slavic Soviets to get more living space for the Aryan race.
The German army forcibly took the Soviet women in the German military brothels to be raped systematically. The Nazi Einsatzgruppen (the Nazi death squads) that followed the invading German army were even worse. They raped and killed without remorse.
The Soviets experienced great suffering at the hands of the Germans. They wanted revenge.
The hatred of the Soviets towards the Germans was such that even the Soviets female soldiers approved of rapes. Not only that, they even found the rapes amusing.
“Our soldiers’ behavior towards Germans, particularly German women, is absolutely correct!”
The hate propaganda encouraged the Soviets to be merciless. The Soviet press pictured German women in a demeaning manner.
“Use force and break the racial pride of these German women. Take them as your lawful booty. Kill!”
— Ilya Ehrenburg, Soviet propaganda writer
The Germans considered themselves superior compared to the Slavic Soviets. The Soviets knew and felt that.
The fact that bombarded German houses looked much better than their houses back at home in the Soviet Union added to the feeling of inferiority.
Of course, the Soviets soldiers, being separated for months from their women, were sex-starved.
Also, Soviet propaganda forbid eroticism and sexuality in Soviet society, therefore the Soviets were sexually repressed. Consequently, the soldiers took every opportunity to have sex.
“Our fellows were so sex-starved that they often raped old women of sixty, seventy, or even eighty — much to these grandmothers’ surprise, if not downright delight.”
Another reason was culture. Asian societies comprising the Soviet Union believed that dishonor was avenged by raping the women of the enemy.
The Soviets soldiers were binge-drinking alcohol which was plentiful in Germany. Alcohol magnified their monstrous behavior.
Since alcohol makes erections less likely, the soldiers used bottlenecks instead, thus causing lethal injuries to their victims.
The rape of women across Europe was ubiquitous. The American soldiers raped around 200,000 German women.
The wives of American soldiers, accompanying their husbands to Germany, had to dress in military uniforms to avoid being raped.
“Americans look on the German women as loot, just like cameras and Lugers.”
In the first six months of the American occupation of Germany, there was a 2,000 percent increase in sexually transmittable diseases.
Only a few soldiers were tried and punished for their acts of violence.
In the American Occupation Zone, a shortage of food forced German women into prostitution. Desperate to feed their children, they resorted to exchanging sexual favors for food.
“…rape presents no problem for the military police because a bit of food, a bar of chocolate, or a bar of soap seem to make rape unnecessary.”
— Lieutenant Colonel Gerald F. Beane
French soldiers that took part in the invasion of Germany went on a rampage involving looting and raping. According to some historians, the behavior of the French forces in the German state Baden-Württemberg matched the monstrosity of the Soviets.
The British military police regularly received reports of rapes committed by the British soldiers. Yet, they didn’t have the resources to investigate and punish perpetrators.
World War II was an extremely cruel war. At the end of the war, the German women felt the brunt of the Allied rage.
The German women paid a heavy price for the crimes of Adolf Hitler.
The rape crimes of the Allied soldiers were rarely punished and were hushed by their superiors. After all, the Allied forces defeated horrific Nazi Germany and ended the suffering of innocent people.
Women and children didn’t deserve their horrendous faith, no matter whether they were of German, Soviet, or of any other nationality.
The Allied soldiers brought freedom and a better life to Europe. Yet they were no knights in shiny armor.
The Nazis forced over 50,000 young women into sexual slavery
The sadistic Nazi criminal led a peaceful life in plain sight of everyone for twenty years
To increase the German population, the Nazis encouraged their teenagers to have lots of sex
"Red Army soldiers don't believe in 'individual liaisons' with German women," wrote the playwright Zakhar Agranenko in…
When Stuttgart was first occupied by the French immediately after the war in August 1945, mostly French colonial…
As Allied troops entered and occupied German territory during the later stages of World War II, mass rapes of women…
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Lessons from History is a platform for writers who share ideas and inspirational stories from world history. The objective is to promote history on Medium and demonstrate the value of historical writing.
Lessons from History is a platform for writers who share ideas and inspirational stories from world history. The objective is to promote history on Medium and demonstrate the value of historical writing.
Medium is an open platform where 170 million readers come to find insightful and dynamic thinking. Here, expert and undiscovered voices alike dive into the heart of any topic and bring new ideas to the surface. Learn more
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The Horrific Mass Rape of German Women at the End of World War II
Throughout history, rape was a way to show dominance over defeated enemies. Women of the defeated opponents were treated as spoils of war. The winners raped them after they had killed their sons, husbands, and fathers.
During World War II, Nazi Germany committed horrific crimes against humanity ranging from the Holocaust to systematic raping and killing of innocent women and children in the occupied territories.
After the tide of war turned and the Allied forces invaded the territory of Nazi Germany, the German civilians, especially women, felt the brunt of reprisals.
“All of us knew very well that if girls were German, they could be raped and then shot. This was almost a combat distinction.”
— Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Russian novelist
On 21 October 1944, the Soviet troops crossed Angerapp creek and entered Germany. What followed next was a series of disgusting crimes against humanity.
The victorious Soviets exalted horrific revenge upon the helpless civilian population of Nazi Germany.
The Soviet army raped over two million German women. Over 240,000 women died because of rapes. Many of them committed suicide or died from venereal diseases.
The Soviets looted, killed, and raped like crazy. Every time they entered another German city, the Soviet commanders gave their soldiers three days to do whatever they wanted.
The Soviets raped every German woman between eight and eighty.
The Red Army raped young girls, grandmothers, pregnant women, and even nuns. They raped women in public, in front of their families, and shot them afterward.
Groups of Soviet soldiers gang-raped German women. On average, every victim was raped seventy times.
The Soviet army also raped Soviet and Polish women, which had been liberated from the Nazi concentration camps.
After the Allied leaders complained to Stalin about the conduct of his soldiers, he replied:
“Understand it if a soldier who has crossed thousands of kilometers through blood and fire and death has fun with a woman or takes some trifle.”
All Allied forces, including the American, British, and French soldiers, committed rapes of German women. Yet, the volume of rapes committed by the Soviets was much bigger compared to the number of rapes committed by other Allied forces.
Consequently, there must have been a reason (or even better, multiple reasons) for the actions of the Soviet soldiers. Historians identified six of the reason for the mass rapes of German women.
Nazi Germany aimed to exterminate the Slavic Soviets to get more living space for the Aryan race.
The German army forcibly took the Soviet women in the German military brothels to be raped systematically. The Nazi Einsatzgruppen (the Nazi death squads) that followed the invading German army were even worse. They raped and killed without remorse.
The Soviets experienced great suffering at the hands of the Germans. They wanted revenge.
The hatred of the Soviets towards the Germans was such that even the Soviets female soldiers approved of rapes. Not only that, they even found the rapes amusing.
“Our soldiers’ behavior towards Germans, particularly German women, is absolutely correct!”
The hate propaganda encouraged the Soviets to be merciless. The Soviet press pictured German women in a demeaning manner.
“Use force and break the racial pride of these German women. Take them as your lawful booty. Kill!”
— Ilya Ehrenburg, Soviet propaganda writer
The Germans considered themselves superior compared to the Slavic Soviets. The Soviets knew and felt that.
The fact that bombarded German houses looked much better than their houses back at home in the Soviet Union added to the feeling of inferiority.
Of course, the Soviets soldiers, being separated for months from their women, were sex-starved.
Also, Soviet propaganda forbid eroticism and sexuality in Soviet society, therefore the Soviets were sexually repressed. Consequently, the soldiers took every opportunity to have sex.
“Our fellows were so sex-starved that they often raped old women of sixty, seventy, or even eighty — much to these grandmothers’ surprise, if not downright delight.”
Another reason was culture. Asian societies comprising the Soviet Union believed that dishonor was avenged by raping the women of the enemy.
The Soviets soldiers were binge-drinking alcohol which was plentiful in Germany. Alcohol magnified their monstrous behavior.
Since alcohol makes erections less likely, the soldiers used bottlenecks instead, thus causing lethal injuries to their victims.
The rape of women across Europe was ubiquitous. The American soldiers raped around 200,000 German women.
The wives of American soldiers, accompanying their husbands to Germany, had to dress in military uniforms to avoid being raped.
“Americans look on the German women as loot, just like cameras and Lugers.”
In the first six months of the American occupation of Germany, there was a 2,000 percent increase in sexually transmittable diseases.
Only a few soldiers were tried and punished for their acts of violence.
In the American Occupation Zone, a shortage of food forced German women into prostitution. Desperate to feed their children, they resorted to exchanging sexual favors for food.
“…rape presents no problem for the military police because a bit of food, a bar of chocolate, or a bar of soap seem to make rape unnecessary.”
— Lieutenant Colonel Gerald F. Beane
French soldiers that took part in the invasion of Germany went on a rampage involving looting and raping. According to some historians, the behavior of the French forces in the German state Baden-Württemberg matched the monstrosity of the Soviets.
The British military police regularly received reports of rapes committed by the British soldiers. Yet, they didn’t have the resources to investigate and punish perpetrators.
World War II was an extremely cruel war. At the end of the war, the German women felt the brunt of the Allied rage.
The German women paid a heavy price for the crimes of Adolf Hitler.
The rape crimes of the Allied soldiers were rarely punished and were hushed by their superiors. After all, the Allied forces defeated horrific Nazi Germany and ended the suffering of innocent people.
Women and children didn’t deserve their horrendous faith, no matter whether they were of German, Soviet, or of any other nationality.
The Allied soldiers brought freedom and a better life to Europe. Yet they were no knights in shiny armor.
The Nazis forced over 50,000 young women into sexual slavery
The sadistic Nazi criminal led a peaceful life in plain sight of everyone for twenty years
To increase the German population, the Nazis encouraged their teenagers to have lots of sex
"Red Army soldiers don't believe in 'individual liaisons' with German women," wrote the playwright Zakhar Agranenko in…
When Stuttgart was first occupied by the French immediately after the war in August 1945, mostly French colonial…
As Allied troops entered and occupied German territory during the later stages of World War II, mass rapes of women…
Lessons from History is a platform for writers who share ideas and inspirational stories from world history. Take a look.
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Lessons from History is a platform for writers who share ideas and inspirational stories from world history. The objective is to promote history on Medium and demonstrate the value of historical writing.
Lessons from History is a platform for writers who share ideas and inspirational stories from world history. The objective is to promote history on Medium and demonstrate the value of historical writing.
Medium is an open platform where 170 million readers come to find insightful and dynamic thinking. Here, expert and undiscovered voices alike dive into the heart of any topic and bring new ideas to the surface. Learn more
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Rapes Of German Women World War Ii

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