Rape Sex Story

Rape Sex Story


tales of mystery, horror and suspense
At age 14 I was a very sweet, very innocent, and very naive young lady. All my friends were boys, save for one female friend named Sara with whom I shared everything. We were very close and were almost always together.
One early afternoon, my friend Kyle, who had a party the night before with a bunch of guys, called me up and asked me to go to the mall with them. I was very shy, just because some of the boys at the party I didn’t know. So I asked Sara to come with.
We got to Kyle’s house and found that only 4 of the guys from the party were able to come with and that they were already there. We all sat in the messy basement and waited for Kyle to get some cash from his mom. I was silent. And as I looked around at the male faces, I noticed one imparticular that was looking at me (I shall refer to him as “K” for reasons I need not explain). He was very thin and bony, and had long fingers. His hair was blonde and his eyes were blue. I didn’t think he was that attractive. I mean, he did have sort of a big nose. But he seemed like he’d be a nice friend.
When we got to the mall, we all split up into groups. Sara and I went with matt, who was at the party and had been my boyfriend the year before, and K, while Kyle, Covit, and Josh all went off together. we went to the usual stores; Hot Topic, Spencer’s, and Gamer’s Paradise. I noticed that K had been continuously glancing at me. So when I could, I would just smile back. For the next 2 hours I watched him get more comfortable around me and he became very comical, daring, and a bit ‘into himself’. It gave me bad vibe, but I brushed it off and continued to observe him, trying to keep an open mind. He continuously showed off for me. It was hard not too notice that. But I didn’t like it. He was just wrong. Ever see that movie “Fear” with Reese Witherspoon? It was just like that. He seemed so sweet and polite. But every now and again you could just barely sense it, the evil in him. That night, on the way home, he asked for Sara’s AOL screen name. I admit I was a bit confused. But I paid it no mind.
Later, I went online, as I always do at 11:00. Then, I get and Instant Message from K. Apparently, he got my screen name from Sara. First we just chatted. But soon, I guess he just cut to it, and asked me if I was a virgin. Not ashamed, and a bit proud, I answered “yes.”. He seemed strangely interested. But I decided I should go to bed. So he left me his phone number, “In case you ever need anything.”, he told me. I soon fell asleep, nestled in my covers. In what seemed like minutes I was awakened by a nightmare. It was strangely real for one of ‘my’ nightmares. I dreamt I was in the mall parking lot, looking for my friends, when I was forced to turn around due to some audible disturbance, I guess. Not even a second before I woke up, I felt the distinct presence of someone coming near me. Not one of those “Am I being watched?” kind of presences. This one wanted to harm me. I felt it.
The next day, at 11:30 a.m., K and Kyle showed up at my house. I had just finished breakfast and was in no state for company. I hadn’t even changed out of my night clothes yet. So, while they say on the couch in my living room, I went upstairs to change. As I pulled off my Korn t-shirt, I heard footsteps on the stairs. Thinking it was my sister, I paid no attention. As I slipped out of my night shorts, I heard the door knob move. I turned abruptly and K was standing in the doorway. I covered myself and exclaimed “Dude, what the hell do you think your doing?!”, trying to sound as if I wasn’t really mad. I do so hate yelling at people. And then I saw a smile appear on his face. He just stood there comfortably, eyeing me up and down like it was ok for him to do that. In a minute he returned to the couch downstairs. I was shocked at his boldness. But I just went downstairs and pretended nothing happened. So did K. He made an art out of switching his personality. With Kyle around, he was just quiet and polite. But even the slightest amount of time alone with me, he seemed so vile and deviant. I didn’t know what to make of it.
Later that day, Kyle’s mom called. Apparently, he had some chores he forgot to do. So, much to my dismay, he left. That’s when things got really bad. My parents worked all day, so my sister and I were the only ones home. But today, she had decided to go to her friend’s house. So, even though I wasn’t technically allowed to have boys in the house when no one’s home, it was just K and I.
He got right to it. He touched my lower stomach a lot, slowly working his way down, as if he didn’t want me to notice. Then, my thigh. Being the meek and passive person I am, I said little. But I did do my best to find excuses to get off the couch. But it only worsened when I sat back down. Soon he was almost on top of me, trying to “tickle” me. I laughed slightly, now on the floor, because he really was tickling me and I’m very ticklish. In the preoccupation of being tickled, he managed to slide his hand up my shirt and under my bra. I tried to push him off of me. But he already had his knees planted firmly between my thighs, preventing them from closing, and his hands clutching my wrists. I was pinned. I repeatedly told him to get off of me. He ignored my every word. as if I hadn’t said anything at all. I was scared now. There was a look on his face I had never seen on another person before. I was the look of rage accompanied by mania. He unzipped my pants and managed to slide them and my undies down, revealing me, helpless. It hurt when I tried to move my arms. His grip was tight and he didn’t seem afraid to break my wrists if he had to. Then, I began to beg him to stop but, to my horror, he seemed to enjoy my pleas. I soon felt his warm hardness between my legs and I drew in a deep breath as he broke into me, seemingly tearing me inside. It was the most horrible pain I have ever experienced in my life. I cried hysterically and, again, he smiled maniacally as if he enjoyed my distress. He continued for what seemed like hours. And then, he ejaculated into my body. Leaving his filth to rot inside me. He stood up and said one word as he zipped up his jeans. “Slutt.” He went out my front door and closed it behind him.
I pulled up my pants and undies, my hands shaking and my tears streaming down my cheeks. My wrists were red and sore from his restraining grip and the pain between my thighs was excruciating. I stumbled up to my bedroom, put my face in the pillows on my bed and cried for hours.
I didn’t tell anyone about this for at least 8 months. For 8 months I lived in agony I had to hide. Seeing him every once and awhile at the grocery store, at the mall. Getting that same grin from him. Even writing this was probably a bad idea. I hope I have provided some insight with this entree.
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This is not an article, but a story of my own. It is an absolutely true one also. If you have any decency at all in you, don't criticize me me for what I write. During my Junior year of high school, grade 11 for you canadians out there, I…
that is so wrong what did you do about it is he in jail or dead cause he diserves to die im so sorry for what happend to you you lost somthing that you can never get back if he hasnt paid for what he has done the he needs to and if he is still alive and been punshied for this then he needs wosre
that is one of the most traumatic stories i have heard in a long time.The thoughts of a so-called “K” doing this to mutilate you,your body and your spirit are too stressful and vile & makes me feel severe hatred and naustia towards people like this scumbag.He belongs in jail as the previous commenter said.your story is sadly one which exists in every town,every country & every city and you were right to get it out in the open.I’m sure it helped you and will help any others who are reading and who have also experienced this shit.
That bastard. I hate people like that. I truly hope he got what he deserved. If he has not I am more than willing to give him a piece of my mind. I would also like to mention how much I admire u for ur courage to put this up.
A tragedy, as it always is when such occurs.. But it is better that you write about it to channel hatred and disgust into beautiful words and creativity is to remove the decay the event may have placed upon your soul, keep writing..
I know how you feel. It has been 5 years since it happened to me and still no one knows.i am so sorry.
well damn, i am sorry for what hapend but wont make a big deal about it. honestly. i think that was really well written. its to bad it was true. bbut it was a good story,…..all thign considered. keep writing.
hey everyone!!!1
talk to me!!!!!!!!
If you feel all alone, like as if there isn`t anyone to talk to, no one understands your pain and sorrow, then I want to tell you that there is someone who does understand you. He is your father and loves you and wants to comfort you. And Jesus knows I would love to help you somehow, but I can`t… I don`t know who you are, but Jesus does. I really love you! How can I say that, I can say it `cause when I became a christian then Jesus put his love for people into my heart. Therefor I know how much Jesus wants for you to talk to him about your pain. Just talk to him like as if he was there listening to you, `cause that is exactly what he does. I wish I could do someting for you.. if you ever want to take contact, then write an email to moooh82@hotmail.com It would be my pleasure to be able to help in any way. Love you
Dude, I’m so sorry. Something like that happened to me last weekend. I went to a party, got drunk, and ended up screwing some guy. My parents found out somehow and now I’m grounded. But I know how you feel. I was a virgin too. But at least they guy I did it with cared about how I felt. I’m so sorry that jackass did that to you. You should report him. It will make you feel better. Trust me.
Okay young lady what you should have done was called the police and reported it! I know you were very frightened and shooken up! Hell where I’m from we do secret hanghings for that kinda shit!
If you can’t beat ’em, arrange to have them beaten. People like that deserve to be tortured for all the mental anguish they put us through. I was raped too, but it wasn’t my first time. Ouch, that must have been tons more than excruciating, but I suppose that that is the best word to use, seeing how the English language is so limited.
Not all men are like that. I’ve met some real sweethearts, and I hope you do, too. I hope they treat you real good, like a real lady. You don’t need to be told you’re not a slut, you know you’re not.
J’espère que vous trouvez un ange de gardien.
Posting this was not a bad idea; the more stories we have like this, the more aware people become, and the less incidents like this will occur again. I hope that bastard paid for what he did to you.
i read this story thinking about what had happened to myself. i was attacked as well. mine was more hitting and harming my body but i will not Dare say it was any more excrushiating then your experiance. i am so sorry for you lose.
love spidervoice
I think what K did was very wrong and I hope he got punished for what he did to you, you should have not waited 8 months to tell you probably should have told a teacher or your mother or better yet his friend he should have not gotten away with that. I hope you got some counseling because I probably would have needed some
If i ever found that fucked up fag i’d rip his heart out and eat it.
I admire you for your courage and i will never forget your story!
you remembr that you are one amazing person!
Stay with god and rembeber he loves you!
you better be ***** jokeing arsehole!
hey my name is jessica and if u ever get a chance email me i had an experence like that but i was lucky and hade a key with me and cut that sun of a ***** up….if u get the chance and want to talk not about that or anything feel free to email me..at Justred7@hotmail.com…bye
I’d say God bless you…or something…however I don’t like that guy in the sky.
but I will say your writing was great… a good insight… I’m sorry you had to go through that…
stay well.
does another notice that it has happened to so many
hey dont shout at me, my teach came alone and i had to delete the page, it wrote t wrong, i said i do know it,
to those who read what i put, it did not mean i rape people, i mean i was
i feel for you i really do i know what it feels like it’s happeded to me too many times……
im sorry for what happened to you i know what it feels like ….but wehen it happens so many times and for most of your young life you learn to deal with it …or i did anyway ..i hope you arent letting him control the rest of your life …dont let him make you hate sex ….read my story if you like …violations part 1 2 & 3 dont let him win …be strong and go on ..Summer
i know how you feel about being raped. was raped myself. i never told anyone for four years. i did the same thing that you did. i didn’t seem to help. everytime i would try to knee him between his legs he blocked it. these guys that did this to us knew exactly what they were doing.
Ice Cool.
john i agree with you a 110%
Ice Cool
I have had two friends raped, and twice people have attempted to rape me and my sister once. I assume you feel guilty, but it isn’t your fault at all. Report him before 5 years. I think you can still report rape up to 6 years it occurs, so go to the police definately,
WHY are there so many girls being raped? im so scared to go into the world now, and all you people who say get used to it its not right, what the guy did is disgusting and whatever happened to the rest of you raped victims that is not right or exceptable. Anything that takes away your inaliable rights should not be allowed or “dealt with” cause it will never go away and they pain will never stop, best luck to all of you who have been raped.
I know what your going threw. I was still a virgin and only 13 when i got raped. He was supposed to be my best friend. I think that guys that have to rape girls just to get off don’t need a girlfriend or anything out of life. Pape is just wrong. Sorry to hear your story.
Sorry for what had happen, i have an odd feeling his going to kill people and then start f**king the shit out of them…
i hear all these stories about girls getting raped, and after the peson who raped them calls them a slut or whore. that bothers me. the person who’s raping people is the whore. sorry this happened to you. bye, jon
I’m very sorry for what happened to you, I hope that guys goes to jail and gets raped by some 7 foot 400 lb black dude with a 12 inch dick which shreds his insides and causes permanent damage. And if he isn’t dead, then give me his name and address and I’ll gladly kill him. Sure, two wrongs don’t make a right, but seeing me standing over his bloody broken lifeless body would make a nice picture. A regular Kodac moment, ya know. Anyway, if you do wanna give me his name and address, just email me at FinalRevelation2@hotmail.com
Within all sincerity,
You should be hung you sick bastard.
mmm…where to start. Your story is pain and twist, and fear. I was stalked for five years. The guy never did anything. Eventually, I stopped stalking myself from the inside–Rage and shame had spread all through my life by then, and it took a while. I don’t know your path. In the old way, in a situation like yours, you’d get your uncles to go see him sufficate on his own weapon. In this day, going inside, and un-wounding is the path I had to follow. I started with martial arts. I took Kung Fu years ago, but this time I chose Aikido. I’m male, If I’d been a woman, I would have taken one of those for women-only self-defense courses. Aikido did the trick, though. The freak, an almost lover (and I feel with your confusion about the nice in public, freaky in private thing), began to not matter after about nine months of fighting (nicely) with people three times a week. The sweat and constantly having people touch me in a violent way that was controlled by rules we’d all agreed to follow; I don’t know, it was like some kind of gift to my past. When all the shit came down in the first place, I could barely sleep for fear. Now, I feel like I’d be able to deal with the situation pretty well. It took a long time. The dude is still out there, and will probably find someone else to stalk. I won’t be stalked by him again, though, and my kids will be safe. Look, I’ve written more than I intended to. Even if you’re not martial arts inclined, sit down and think, If there is one gift you could have given the you that got messed with at the moment it all went down, What is that gift? Give it to yourself now. Burn bright, word-sister, walk free.
You are sweet. Thank you. I’m not sure I want to mention his name on this site for fear that someone he knows will see and tell him I wrote this. But that you.
Thank you. I sympathize for you, as you sympathize for me. I wish you all the happiness you deserve. I have much life to live, being only 16 and all. I hope I can become like you and get my life back. Bless you.
Wow. This really hit home. I’m so sorry you and so many countless others have had to go through this. He is an asshole who deserves to burn alive for the hell he put you through.
males are fucken assholes, they want it they think they can have it! They dont care who it hurts,who knows,or what will happen if someone finds out,just as long as they get off on it!
hes an ass, its horrible wat gyrls go through just coz guys want to get fucked. i think you shuld chop his dik off, and go to da police. i hafnt tol ne one dis, but my step bro. use to take advantage of me, but i never let him go down my pants, i pushed him away.
In a rage once… I attacked a person who raped one of my female friends…… I believe I was the one to kill him out of 5 people. It was my duty as a Child of the Goddess of Darkness to protect the innocent……
I grant that many people do not care and would shun you, but I know it’s worthlessly stupid to shun someone as deep, beautiful, and perfect as you are. If you ever need to talk, be not afraid to give a word.
Shit! Put the bastard into a jail! Such a bastard! Whatever,you must alert this thing will happen again, cause there are too many rapists.
Remember, don’t stay alone with guys or a guy, even if you
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