Rank & Rank Bonus Example

Rank & Rank Bonus Example

Qubit Tech

You do not have a Rank in the framework of the Binary program and you are a beginner, however, you have activated a margin contract for $ 500 and received Investment status Bronze +.

According to your referral link, 5 partners are registered in the right binary leg, and 5 partners in the left binary leg (first binary line).

All partners (first binary line) activated margin contracts of $ 100 each.

You earned:

Direct Bonus (first binary line) - $ 60 (6% of $ 1000)
Binary Bonus - $ 40 (8% from a Binary pair of 500 points)

0 points from the right binary leg will be carried over until the next Binary pair is activated.
0 points from the left binary leg will be transferred until the next Binary pair is activated.

Achievement result Rank 1:

First binary line - $ 1000 invested (completed)
Volume on the left binary leg - $ 500 (not completed)
Volume on the right binary leg - $ 500 (not completed)

Rank 1 not achieved

Continuation of work

According to the referral links of your partners from the first binary line (on the left binary leg), 5 partners are registered (second binary line).
According to the referral links of your partners, from the first binary line (on the right binary leg) 20 partners are registered (second binary line).

All partners (second binary line) activated margin contracts of $ 100 each.

You earned:

Direct Bonus (second binary line)- $ 50 (2% of $ 2500)
Binary Bonus - $ 40 (8% from a Binary pair of 500 points)

1,500 points from the right binary leg will be transferred until the next Binary pair is activated.
0 points from the left binary leg will be transferred until the next Binary pair is activated.

Achievement result Rank 1:

1 binary line - $ 1000 invested (completed)
Volume on the left binary foot - $ 1000 (completed)
Volume on the right binary foot - $ 2500 (completed)

You have achieved Rank 1 and received a bonus of $ 100.

Your final result after achieving Rank 1

Total Direct Bonus - $ 110

Total Binary Bonus - $ 80

Rank Bonus - $ 100

The total was earned $ 290.

1,500 points from the right binary leg will be transferred until the next Binary pair is activated.
0 points from the left binary leg will be transferred until the next Binary pair is activated.

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