Random Sex Mod For Sexlab

Random Sex Mod For Sexlab


Remember me Not recommended on shared computers
Not Started -- In progress -- Completed
(Yes, I do work on this occasionally!!)
Figure out SKSE plugins.
Move configuration items used by evaluator to SKSE plugin.
SKSE save/load for configuration items.
Add minimum arousal for those using SexLab Aroused (soft dependency) - Added to current version of Random Sex.
Move some SexLab animation information to SKSE plugin for use by the evaluator.
Move potential NPC information to SKSE plugin for use by the evaluator.
Rewrite Random Sex evaluator entirely in C++
Adapt papyrus code to new evaluator.
Create Random Sex - The Spells
All effort is now going into Skyrim SE/SKSE64 version of Random Sex with current functionality (minus the use aggressor/victim setting as I'm not aware anyone uses it).
A spell has fallen over the denizens of Skyrim. From the priestess in the temple to the blacksmith at his forge. From the ice wolf in the frozen tundra to the draugr in the tombs. None are able to resist their carnal urges, now plunged into an orgy of sexual depravity that threatens to destroy the world. Some try to resist, but cannot. Heimskr, desperately preaching his sermons to Talos while being subdued by Ysolda. Lydia loving every second of it. Only the children appear to be immune to the effects.
This mod pairs random NPCs and Creatures together for sex using the SexLab framework.
Full credit goes to WaxenFigure for the concept and his original implementation as part of the Sex Addicts mod.
Version 20160817 requires SexLab 1.60 or above.
SkyUI MCM 4.1 or above
FNIS 5.1 or above + creature addon
I set up an MCM screen for my options as, quite honestly, it's a little hard to cast a configuration menu spell when Lydia is grinding one out on the player's face. When my mod is first loaded, it is switched off. You will need to go into the MCM menu and switch the mod on before you will see any action.
Each time the code loops, a victim is selected along with one or more attackers and zero to four masturbating onlookers. As of the latest version, the draugr and falmer gangbangs are working, but difficult to actually witness as the creatures are hostile. If you want to see these animations, I highly recommend adding the Fucktoy Critters mod to your set-up and spawning a few draugr or falmer to try this out. While there are no animations at present, this mod will detect and make use of any four or five NPC animations that are added to SexLab in the future (I have confirmed that the Zyn four-way animation is detected and used by this mod).
Creature percentage is evaluated before threesome percentage. If the creature percentage check is passed and no creatures are available, processing continues with the threesome check. If the threesome percentage check is passed and no threesomes are available, twosomes are evaluated. Checks can fail because of a lack of animation selections in either the SexLab or the Random Sex menus (or simply because there are not enough available participants), so check settings in both menus if expected participant combinations are not showing up.
Upon selecting participants, the sequence of events is this:
(1) Each attacker runs towards the victim.
(2) If this is a threesome, the first attacker to reach the victim follows the victim until the second attacker reaches the victim.
(3) The sex act is started.
(4) Any assigned masturbators now make their way to the sex act in progress.
(5) Upon reaching the sex act, masturbators start masturbating.
The time between each loop is fully adjustable by specifying minimum and maximum intervals between iterations. Up to 90 minutes can be set up between iterations of the loop, so you can happily explore Skyrim with only the occasional surprise, or you can set up a 10 second loop and get a major orgy going in Whiterun or Solitude!
Random Sex now comes with a distance slider that can be used to determine the radius around the player from which NPCs and creatures can be selected for sex acts. Minimum is 10 meters, maximum is 120 meters or a radius of approximately 2 in-game cells. At the minimum it is possible to stand between the gate guard and Adrianne at the WhiteRun blacksmith and get those two to go at it. At the maximum setting, the whole of Whiterun is at the mercy of this mod.
(Updating from version 20140620 or above)

For those using the Aggressor/Victim setting
By default, SexLab only has a few sex acts tagged under the aggressive setting. If you are using threesomes or masturbators make sure that the appropriate animations have been set up in SexLab under the aggressive setting otherwise no sex acts of those types will occur.
Use BOSS or LOOT - this mod has finally found its way into the BOSS data files! Following reports from several people, it is also highly recommended that Random Sex is placed above all other SexLab mods in the load order.
As I intend for this to be a stable version (minor bug fixes excepted), feel free to translate and forward to me so that I can add them to the mod. Anyone providing translation files will be credited here. The translation files have been added as loose files to facilitate this, and no permission is required from me if you wish to provide a translated file.
The following languages are included in the mod:
Added: Chinese Translation by 814424195 (Updated to 20140620).
Added: French Translation by aravis7. Updated for 20160917 by Luveiny.
Added: German Translation by CGi.
Added: Italian Translation by RockMic.
Added: Russian Translation by Huili (Updated to 20141230 by mmakx).
Untranslated entries for new versions are added to the bottom of the translation files (in English) for the above languages. If anyone can take the time to translate those lines into their respective languages it would be greatly appreciated!
SkyUI MCM 4.1 or above, SexLab Framework 1.60 or above, FNIS 5.1 or above + Creature Addon
This should, in theory, work with anything that uses SexiS as a framework. SexiS has its own internal lists of who's doing who and will return -2 if another mod has already claimed an NPC that my mod has assigned. I have recovery code in my mod should this be the case.
noticed your posts in Sexis thread, thanks for taking Sexis on and modding/improving/bug fixing
I personally understand how too much of one thing can potentially burn out people,
i wouldn't have lasted half the distance for bug fixes and requests with this mod if i was the author.
kudos to you and cmod - trying this addition now.
I had not run yet run the mod, but quickly reviewed code changes to SexiS core files.
There is a problem with SexiSMagEffScr.
Some times Magic Effects fade from actors, it looks like general Skyrim problem.
If player leaves cell then scene had started, SexiSMagEffScr might fade, leaving actors in damaged state.
To fix this I had patched SexiSMagEffScr
I think it is critical to be added.
More bigger problem is that we are going to confuse user which files/patches to use.
Somebody have to step out and create "Unofficial SexiS Patch"
Does this mod allow PC's to also be involved in the random sex like Sexaddict does? It does not say this, just NPC's, so I thought i would ask.
Yes, works the same as the Sex Addict Random Rape mod. The PC can be selected as a victim.
@Redneck2x - I've included your changes now. Will probably update the download tonight.
It seems to work pretty well, but here are a few things i have noticed while testing:
1 - If you leave the cell when "others" are in the middle of the sex act (as in 2 NPC's - I went into my breezehome when two NPC's were going at it down the street) sometimes they do not reset afterward, as in they simply stand were the sex act occurred...forever, or atleast as far as I could tell.
2 - The casting range of the spell is too short in my opinion, they should be able to initiate it from a respectable distance, like the range of the Cupids arrow to keep consistency.
3 - I personally would like to see an option in the MCM to deselct the PC or only select the PC only in these random rapes. Would be interesting to play a character everyone wanted sexually and at the same time in some cases, no one would dare rape the dragonborn. Hope those suggestions make sense.
4 - Maybe down the road having an option were mulitple people "share" you in a rape scene would also be interesting, as in they pass you around, if this mod as that capability.
Anyway, i really appreciate the work on this as it was one of the things i also wanted in Sexis from Sexaddicts. Keep up the great work!
I am having some ctd issues, but i do not believe it is related to this mod, as I just downloaded the 1.9 patch...installed new SKSE and i probably have some other mods not liking the patch...i will check that out.
 On 3/25/2013 at 3:07 AM, OmegaMan1 said:
It seems to work pretty well, but here are a few things i have noticed while testing:
1 - If you leave the cell when "others" are in the middle of the sex act (as in 2 NPC's - I went into my breezehome when two NPC's were going at it down the street) sometimes they do not reset afterward, as in they simply stand were the sex act occurred...forever, or atleast as far as I could tell.
2 - The casting range of the spell is too short in my opinion, they should be able to initiate it from a respectable distance, like the range of the Cupids arrow to keep consistency.
3 - I personally would like to see an option in the MCM to deselct the PC or only select the PC only in these random rapes. Would be interesting to play a character everyone wanted sexually and at the same time in some cases, no one would dare rape the dragonborn. Hope those suggestions make sense.
4 - Maybe down the road having an option were mulitple people "share" you in a rape scene would also be interesting, as in they pass you around, if this mod as that capability.
Anyway, i really appreciate the work on this as it was one of the things i also wanted in Sexis from Sexaddicts. Keep up the great work!
I am having some ctd issues, but i do not believe it is related to this mod, as I just downloaded the 1.9 patch...installed new SKSE and i probably have some other mods not liking the patch...i will check that out.
Very quick response as I have to leave the house in a minute...
1 - This seems to be a limitation with most of these mods. Usually I switch it off and wait for all activities to cease before I go from an exterior cell to an interior cell, or vice versa. I am planning to take a look at some cell change logic to handle this situation.
2 - I did have the spell cast distance set to a larger value, but it looked "wrong". Seems to look better when they sneak right up to their victim and cast.
3 - I'll definitely look into this as it's not too difficult to implement.
4 - Probably not in the near future as that will require some significant logic to be added. I don't think WaxenFigure has implemented this in SexAddicts for that reason.
Sorry, one more thing as I am playing around with the timers...it seems to work great at 60 seconds (default), regularily. However when i change it to 5 seconds (second timer still at 0), i should be getting raped alot if I am the only female in a room with 4 guys, right? However, it seems like it has the opposite affect, i am never getting raped when i reduce it to 5 sec.
Is this me not understanding the timers? Lower is more often the mod forces NPC's to initiate random sex right?
Edit - The more I check i am not sure if it isn't something else, because then i change the time, then change it back to default i still get no action. Its like if i change it at all it stops working. My fix is to uncheck the esp, log in, save log out, recheck esp and then reload save and turn it back on and it works again.
2nd Edit - Another thing i am noticing is when i have this mod active and zone out into another cell and then reload the autosave i can not cast any spells or use my weapons, the keys/mouse just doesn't work. I have not tested this on an actual save yet, but i would think it would have the same effect. To fix this i have to reload a save with this mod unactive (turned off in MCM). So for the time being i will turn it on and off in the cell i want to use it.
Been testing it most of the day, because i want to support our modder, they do such great work!
Btw, appreciate the quick response and I hope people really enjoy it!
Hmm... interesting. I do reset the timer if either the base interval or the variance is changed in the MCM config (using UnregisterForUpdate() and RegisterForSingleUpdate() based on the updated timer values). It works every time for me. I'll see if I can reproduce this at some point.
Stupid suggestion probably, but do make sure the mod is active although I'm probably safe in assuming that you didn't deactivate it when you changed the timer to 5 seconds.
For those who have NPCs stuck after leaving a cell, I can suggest using the XLV mod, as it has a dialogue option (pyonnnnn!) that resets the NPC. Just be warned you'll have to look around in that thread for a working link.
 On 3/25/2013 at 7:59 AM, Arizona_Steve said:
Hmm... interesting. I do reset the timer if either the base interval or the variance is changed in the MCM config (using UnregisterForUpdate() and RegisterForSingleUpdate() based on the updated timer values). It works every time for me. I'll see if I can reproduce this at some point.
Stupid suggestion probably, but do make sure the mod is active although I'm probably safe in assuming that you didn't deactivate it when you changed the timer to 5 seconds.
Ya, it was active and i waited about 5 minutes with no action, then i went back to the cell i had action before (at default) and there was no action there. So i did my deactive from steam, log in, save, log out, reactive, log in via save, then active mod and it worked at the default again.
Is there a version of MCM i need to have? Could i have an older one that might cause this problem?
Not sure if I can think of anything else, i uninstalled Sexaddict, just incase that mod was conflicting with this one, but no change.
Again, just to confirm, if i am in a room with 10 people and i am the only female and i set it to 5 seconds, it should almost be non stop action, is that correct? Or could there be delays of over a minute to up to 5 minutes?
Thats a really great Mod. Thnx alot
I got just one question. Is it possible to make the spell cast distance configure able in MCM?
Im sorry but is this download updated to be compatible with loverscomfort? Seems to replace script from that mod?
 On 3/24/2013 at 10:27 PM, Arizona_Steve said:
This mod pairs random NPCs together for sex using the SexiS mod. It was created for a couple of reasons:- I was too impatient to wait for WaxenFigure to add the extra animations to his Sex Addicts mod, and I wanted a testbed to track down some instabilities that I was seeing in SexiS.
Full credit goes to WaxenFigure for the concept and his implementation in his Sex Addicts mod. I have shamelessly pulled some of my code from his mod. He has also very graciously stated that he has no issue with me releasing this, despite the fact that my mod together with the SexiS defeated mod covers most of the functionality of his mod.
I set up an MCM screen for my options as, quite honestly, it's a little hard to cast a configuration menu spell when Lydia is grinding one out on the PC's face. When my mod is first loaded, it is switched off. You will need to go into the MCM menu and switch the mod on before you will see any action.
Each time the code loops, a couple is assigned and sex is initiated. The time between each loop is fully adjustable and you can specify the base time between each loop, and a random component. The time between each loop will be determined as somewhere between (base - random) and (base + random). The random component should be set to a value less than the base component, although I have clamping code in my mod which prevents anything ridiculous being assigned. Up to an hour can be set up between iterations of the loop, so you can happily explore Skyrim with only the occasional surprise, or you can set up a 5 second loop and get a major orgy going in Whiterun or Solitude!
I have updated a couple of SexiS files. SexisSystemScr has some major stability improvements and is critical to this mod working for any length of time. I also updated SexiSMagEffScr to remove the start and end notifications from SexiS as they were drowning out my notifications as to who started going at it with who.
Without any further ado, here is the file. Install manually or with NMM. Enjoy!
its a fun mod just set it to 20 mins lol well my multipul followers started fucking each other in the middle of a battle,,,lol.... its all fun
 On 3/25/2013 at 1:14 PM, kenny9438 said:
Im sorry but is this download updated to be compatible with loverscomfort? Seems to replace script from that mod?
Should be. I generally prefix all the objects I create via the creation kit or otherwise with an ID that is unique to that mod, specifically to ensure compatibility with other mods. I'll take a look when I get some time tonight.
The girls have futa when they rape ?
It's been a whille since i played skyrim, been on oblivion, this mod made me come back xD
Well I think that the random rape should be atomaticaly deactivated during battle or when enemies are nearby, or even when the pc has weapons drawed.
Any way I did install it but I got a message that I need to update to skyrim 1.8.151, (which is the oneI have obviously) I imediatelly removed it to avoid any problems that might arise.
There have been two updates from Bethseda since 1.8. If you're current that's why you're getting the error. It will still work right and will just prompt you that error at the beginning.
On the SexiS main thread there is a fix about the patch 1.9 / 1.8 message error, made by WaxenFigure.
It seems I have some corrupted saves, which is causing some CTD's. I think i have fixed it now and I installed new versions of modes that have issues with 1.90, including updating SKUI which could of affected the timers.
I will let you know how things work later tonight.
Edit - Ok, it seems to work. I went into Whiterun with it on and two sets of people had sex, so it seemed to work. However before i went there (and i never turned it off), i was in the mod, Luxury Suite (beefcake edition) and I was the only female...nothing for 10 minutes. So I guess i am curious how the mod picks it targets, you would think if you are the only female surrounded by men it would happen more often, but it seems the more group of people, men and women the better chance it happens.
I guess this is where the PC and NPC swtiches will come in handy to modify this. Didn't work on modifying the timers, but i will try that tomorrow.
Thanks for sharing this a lack of a random rape plugin was a deal breaker for me
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