Random Facials

Random Facials


Random Facials
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by Marketing | Aug 1, 2019 | 0 comments
Like your phone filters, facial aesthetic treatments are great alternatives to enhance your features – but way better because the effects are actually real!
Even though facial aesthetic treatments are becoming more socially acceptable today in Malaysia, there are still lots of misconceptions going around. So let’s debunk the myths!
Myth #1: Facial aesthetic causes my face to look unnatural, swollen and expressionless
It’s undeniable that some people have an overdone look on their face. But those are usually caused by excessive procedures. As long as the procedures are done with a trained doctor with just the right amount, you can achieve desirable results easily and still look natural.
A credible clinic will always first assess your condition to identify the right treatments required, and how many sessions you actually need for natural, subtle and fresh results. As a patient, it is best to lower your expectations if you are facing a more severe case, as it may need more than one session to slowly build the results you want without any unnatural effects.
Myth #2: Facial aesthetic are only for matured skin
For best results, prevention is always better than cure. Though troubled skin is possible to improve, signs of aging are harder to reverse. As we grow old, our skin elasticity declines which results in the appearance of lines and wrinkles, plus volume loss.
The famous Botox treatment paralyses your face muscle in small, safe amounts to delay the formation of wrinkles. Dermal fillers help to restore the loss volume of your skin, making it look more plump and youthful. With constant treatments, the total signs of aging could actually be delayed which makes it possible for you to look way younger than your age!
Myth #3: There is downtime after every treatment
Most facial aesthetic treatments are non-invasive and have little to zero downtime. Patients that undergo these treatments can get back to their day-to-day routines without having to worry about extreme recovery – the side effects are mostly mild with minimal to no pain. After all, they are not called “lunchtime treatment” for nothing!
Myth #4: Aesthetic treatments will thin out the skin
This is certainly not what FDA-approved treatments do to your skin as most of them target deeper skin layers which are unlikely to cause your skin to thin out.
While treatments like laser actually targets to resurface the top layer of your skin, it also encourages collagen production underneath to help smoothen skin textures, reduce pigmentation, reduce lines and firm your skin. With just the right amount of treatment done, your skin will not be exposed to any harm. Plus, if there is a need for other rounds, your professional doctor will definitely advise on the frequency and amount of time you have to wait before another session.
Myth #5: Aesthetic treatment contains toxic that are harmful to your health
This is why finding a credible clinic and experienced doctor should always be your top priority. In the hands of professionals, you can rest assured that the treatments are safe. Besides just considering product quality, a hygienic clinical environment is crucial for you to undergo these procedures. Always go under the care of an experienced doctor who recommends you FDA-approved treatments to ensure best, risk-free results.
FDA-approved treatments are definitely one of the best ways to help you decide. This is because once the treatment is granted this approval, it means that Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has determined that the benefits actually outweigh the known-risk for intended used.
Myth #6: Once you start, you can’t stop…or you will look worse than before!
If we are talking about safe and FDA-approved treatments, then this is definitely not true. While the aesthetic effects can wear off, you certainly will not end up looking worse than before.
Treatments like Botox and dermal fillers are temporary and their effects will wear off eventually, but with regular treatment renewal, the effects of aging can be delayed over time. Treatments like lasers help to improve your skin condition almost instantly after the treatment without constant follow-ups.
As a patient considering any aesthetic procedure, you should always research prior to have a good knowledge before making your decision. It is always best that you go to a credible clinic with trained professionals who will assess and consult you on the suitable treatments to address your concerns.
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Generate random human face in 1 click and download it! AI generated fake person photos: man, woman or child.
This-Person-Does-not-Exist.com, 2022. You can use images from the website for your needs, just place a backlink to the our website.
People tend not to think about the effect that neural networks have on our lives, because usually, we see the result of its work and not the "face" of a neural network. Perhaps that is why the generator of fake photos became the main topic of discussion for several weeks in the media devoted to technology at the end of 2020. Not everyone was able to guess that AI could generate a realistic face of a non-existent person in a couple of seconds. Fake portraits look very realistic and it's frightening. If AI can create faces for itself and can text like real people, then what is going to happen next?
We are talking about the website thispersondoesnotexist.com ("this person does not exist dot com") and are going to tell of the history and areas of application. The way the generator works will be explained further.
The AI face generator is powered by StyleGAN, a neural network from Nvidia developed in 2018. GAN consists of 2 competing neural networks, one generates something, and the second tries to find whether results are real or generated by the first. Training ends when the first neural network begins to constantly deceive the second.
An interesting point is that the creation of photographs of non-existent people was a by- product: the main goal was to train the AI to recognize fake faces and faces in general. The company needed this to improve the performance of its video cards by automatically recognizing faces and applying other rendering algorithms to them. However, since
the StyleGAN code is publicly available, an engineer at Uber was able to take it and create a random face generator that rocked the internet.
For the user, everything works very simply. As soon as you are on the website random face is generated. You can download the picture if you want. Refresh the page if you don’t like the person that you are seeing. If you see the same face, just wait a couple of seconds, and refresh the page again. The website shows the results of the generator’s work (which are updated every 2-3 seconds) not the generator itself.
It is almost impossible to recognise an image of a fake person. AI is so developed that 90% of fakes are not recognized by an ordinary person and 50% are not recognized by an experienced photographer. There are no services for recognition. Occasionally, a neural network makes mistakes, which is why artifacts appear: an incorrectly bent pattern, a strange hair color, and so on.
The only thing you need to do is take a closer look: humans’ visual processing systems are far stronger than computers’, so it is possible to recognise forgery by detection.
Jevin West and Carl Bergstrom created a website called “Which Face Is Real”, which is focused on teaching people to be more analytical of potentially false portraits. Before making suggestions that a person in a photo is existent, there are several things that need to be considered.
One of the most common ones is symmetrical issues, in particular eyeglasses and earrings.
Same uneven issues with teeth are quite common too. Look for odd characteristics like pixels and repeated incisors. Fake hair, in general, may seem with some glow around it or look too straight and streaked, again, with visible asymmetry.
Study background carefully. If it’s fake, it may include unusual distortions in shapes and lines, or have a torn appearance overall. Bleed-through occurs in bright colors that stand out from the background onto a fake person’s head.
Another distinguishing feature of the NVIDIA “StyleGAN algorithm” is glossy “water splotches”.

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"Facials are degrading — and that's why they're so hot." So says America's leading sex columnist Dan Savage about the act of ejaculating semen on to someone's face. But the appeal of the facial can't be summed up with that single term. Rather, this act that's become the standard coda in porn is about much more than the longing to dominate or humiliate a sex partner. Understanding what makes it such a ubiquitous trope in adult movies (and in people's private sexual lives) means understanding a particularly male longing for acceptance.
Anti-pornography activists like Gail Dines and Robert Jensen agree with at least Savage's first three words; in recent works, both have cited the growing popularity of the "facial" as proof of the misogyny of mainstream pornography. On the other end of the ideological spectrum, sex-positive feminist Clarisse Thorn wrote for Jezebel in May that "facials feel really degrading to me." Despite their divergent politics, Savage, Dines, Jensen and Thorn all use the same word — "degrading" –- for facials, providing a strikingly rare example of consensus in contemporary sex writing.
The facial has a relatively recent history. In an interview, sex educator Charlie Glickman told me that early stag movies never showed ejaculation; if men ejaculated at all, they did so inside women's bodies. (It's remarkable that the porn that still features ejaculation in the vagina is now a relatively small niche known as "creampie.") That changed in the 1970s, when porn movies became longer, scripted features with bigger budgets. Since there would be more than one sex romp in the film, external ejaculation was the mark that a specific scene had ended. Porn historian Linda Williams compares this to the way that songs were spaced out in Hollywood musicals, with kitschy dialogue in between the showcase numbers that were the centerpieces of the films. But in the ‘70s and ‘80s, most of these ejaculations were onto backs, butts, or breasts — hardly ever onto faces.
Glickman suggests that the AIDS crisis and the concern with safer sex was what made the facial popular. "Cum on me, not in me" was a popular sex educator slogan as far back as the late 1980s. Ejaculating on a woman's stomach, however, usually meant that the camera wouldn't let the audience see the actress' expression. But if the male actor came on her face, the viewer could see two things at once: evidence of male pleasure (symbolized by the ejaculation) and the equally important sign that a woman's reaction to that pleasure mattered. With sex now so dangerous — and HIV particularly likely to be spread through semen — facials were relatively "safe." But in the era of AIDS, they were also compelling visual evidence that a woman wasn't threatened by a man's semen. In that sense facials were, almost from the start, more about women's acceptance of men's bodies than about women's degradation.
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The sheer amount of porn featuring facial cumshots is so vast that it's impossible to imagine an exhaustive analysis of all of it. But two things seem clear. First, as Megan Andelloux (founder and director of Center for Sexual Pleasure and Health ) noted in an interview with me, questions from college students about facials have risen dramatically in recent years. This isn't something people are just watching porn stars do; it's something a lot of young men (and some young women) want to try themselves. Second, as Glickman — a former adult film reviewer —pointed out, a lot more straight porn features women happily accepting facials than reacting with disgust and evident humiliation. That acceptance may be feigned, but it suggests that the primary turn-on about facials for men isn't the desire to degrade women. (Glickman further suggested that the fact that facials are also so common in gay male pornography – where the sexual politics are radically different – argues against the assumption that coming on someone's face is rooted in men's misogyny.)
A few years ago, in a humanities course on the body, my class was discussing one of the most famous selections from the now-iconic Vagina Monologues , "Because He Liked to Look at It". The monologue tells the story of a woman who thought her vagina was "incredibly ugly" until she meets a man named Bob, who loves to stare at —and taste — her vulva with delight and wonder. Bob's embrace of her body is the key to her self-acceptance. During our discussion of the monologue, a male student noted bravely that he thought many men felt the same way about their penises. Perhaps, he suggested, the intense appeal of facials in porn (and real life) was about men's desire for that same experience of being validated as desirable, as good, as "not dirty." For a young man raised with the sense that his body – and especially his penis – is "disgusting", a woman's willingness to accept a facial is an intensely powerful source of affirmation.
In my conversations with Glickman and Andelloux, I shared this anecdote. Both agreed that rather than seeing the facial as rooted in the impulse to denigrate, it might indeed be better to view it as longing for approval. Andelloux pointed out that in her experience, many women (often with good reason) have a difficult time believing that degradation isn't at the root of straight men's fascination with facials. In any case, humiliation and affirmation aren't incompatible reactions to the same act; a feeling of indignity when your partner ejaculates on your face isn't contingent on his intending to demean you. No one should be obligated to endure humiliation for the sake of someone else's longing for validation.
At the same time (as perhaps with anal sex), many people struggle to believe that receiving a facial is something a woman could enjoy. Andelloux told me a story about a seminar she ran recently on a college campus during which a young woman shared that she experienced her first orgasm when her boyfriend came on her face. "Nothing else that was said that day shocked the audience so much. I could tell a lot of people didn't believe her. But I did." Andelloux remarked that some other women reacted with hostility, "as if by admitting a liking for facials, she was committing an act of violence against other women." In the era of porn wars, perhaps not even anal sex is as politicized as the question of where the ejaculate lands.
That classroom discussion about facials and the Vagina Monologues had an unforgettable finish. A female student turned to the guy who'd brought up the topic of semen and validation and asked him, "So you're saying that when a man comes on a woman's face, it's not about making her dirty — it's about making him feel clean?" The young man blushed, the class tittered. "Yes," he said, "that's it. And that's what makes it so hot."
Hugo Schwyzer is a professor of gender studies and history at Pasadena City College and a nationally-known speaker on sex, relationships, and masculinity. You can see more of his work at his eponymous site .

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Draw the essence of the pose first and work on details later.
You will get better each session but it takes time and practice.
Learn from your mistakes. If you do this you will improve much faster.
Make these exercises a daily habit and you will surely improve a lot !
Find the best drawing from the previous session and aim to beat that during this session.
Challenge yourself and choose a shorter time limit every couple of weeks.
Try to complete your drawing on time.
If you can't complete your drawing on time maybe you should change the time limit.
If your drawings are out of proportion try drawing the hips and backbone first.
Try different drawing materials from time to time.
Don't forget to have fun.

I realized while practicing gesture drawing that usually the model got stuck in my head. So I figured, drawing poses using photos of interesting models and characters will be much more stimulating

With that in mind I put together a library of images of cool models and poses for people to practice gesture drawing.

Quickposes is a tool for art students, illustrators or anyone who wants to focus on improving their drawing skills. By practicing gesture drawing you will not only get better at recognizing certain aspects of poses, but you will also build a visual library of characters and models.

Click here to register and start creating your own sets!

Grab something to draw! Select the type of poses you want to draw and your desired time limit.

Try to draw the essence of the pose within the time limit. The image will change after the time limit has passed.

For a special list of images go to Challenges .

For non time limit mode use Random gestures .

For images with time limit use Timed practice .

Note: Challenges are always 20 images each session.

I believe Ryan Woodward is one the best artists when it comes to figurative gesture drawing.

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