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Рампа тор адрес

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Daniel November 6, The site is only available in the Russian language. This market is notable for having a forum interface. It is regarded as one of the most popular darknet bazaars that remain in operation. Based on the statistics presented on the forum at the time we did this review, RAMP had , users; 13, created topics, , posts all time , and 88 posts for the week. These numbers show that RAMP is indeed a significant darknet community. Also, it could be due to its focus on drugs and prohibition of hacking and pornography. And of course, you need to be able to comprehend Russian texts. This darknet market has no English version. You can actually proceed to browsing the site and making purchases with just the Tor browser and your bitcoins. The Tor browser is essentially Firefox that enables anonymous web browsing and taps on the Tor network to allow it to open Onion websites. However, you must be sure that your anonymity is maintained and that you are properly secure as you use RAMP. VPN ensures that your online activities will not be tracked, especially as you go into shopping for prohibited products. PGP , on the other hand, is a software used for encrypting and decrypting messages or information shared online. It enables anonymous chats or exchange of information, which is particularly useful as you send your shipping address. Like in most other darknet markets, it is recommended that you use your real name and address for shipping as using a fake name and address only tends to invite more suspicion. Registering or a Russian Anonymous Marketplace account takes some time. As you click on the Register button, you will be shown a long page that tells you the things you need to know about having a RAMP account. You need to wait for seconds before you can proceed to the registration process. Apparently, you must use this time to read everything shown on the page. The account registration button is greyed out initially and only becomes active as the countdown timer ends. The RAMP account registration form may look long but it actually asks for just the usual information from users, plus an email address. It only requires a username must be 2 to 25 characters , password, and email address. Yes, you will be asked for your email address so be sure to have one that is not related to your other accounts. Create an email account that is not linked or associated with any of the email or other online accounts you are using. After the second waiting period, the actual account registration actually only takes around 15 seconds. You should be able to have your account and be automatically logged in once your account has been created. As mentioned, Russian Anonymous Marketplace is a forum-based darknet marketplace. These ads are very distractive as most of them are animated. If you are using a typical Your RAMP account comes with a Profile page where you can add your contact details, enable 2-factor authentication, reset your password, and do other changes to your account details and settings. However, you have to activate javascript support on the Tor browser as you load the site for the first time. You just need to be mindful of the threads you are clicking. There will be a lot of threads to go through so you also have to have the patience to do lots of clicking and scrolling. Go over the other parts of this review below to be guided on how to use the site and how to post or buy the products posted. There are no categories and listings on RAMP similar to what can be found in other darknet markets. Postings are not grouped according to their respective categories. However, the site clearly specializes in recreational drugs. They are just presented according to their vendors or sellers. The Audited Dealers group is obviously the more reliable group of vendors so it would be advisable to start with them as you look for products to buy. We have skimmed through different threads on RAMP to find out what specific drugs are available. The following is a sampling of the most popular drugs being offered on the site. Depending on the gravity, RAMP users found to have violated the rules of the site are sent a warning or may be banned permanently from the site. What you will find on the site is just a regular search feature for a forum. You just have the option to narrow down your search to a specific thread. You can also sort results according to a number of parameters. Again, since RAMP is unlike the usual darknet markets, you will not find vendor profiles on the site. The vendors are presented in their separate threads. If you want to learn more about the vendor, just read the posts on the thread. You should be able to get an idea of the credibility or reliability of the vendor by reading the posts on their respective threads. Unfortunately, the Russian Anonymous Marketplace does not have a system for ranking or rating vendors. You really have to read and read some more to come up with your own assessment of which vendors to choose. There is no wallet or account deposit on RAMP. Different vendors have different ways of handling purchases although most of them accept bitcoins or Qiwi. If you already have your bitcoin wallet and bitcoins or a Qiwi account, you can proceed to making purchases. You can use bitcoin tumbling services for an even more secure and anonymous transaction. To place an order, what you need to do is to go to the thread of the vendor you like and post a message or something to express your interest in buying something. Be sure that this first message includes your public PGP key. The vendor will then contact you. Yes, you have to wait for the vendor to contact you before any transaction proceeds. RAMP recommends the use of Jabber to further discuss transactions. All message exchanges should be PGP encrypted. The transaction will then proceed depending on what you and the seller have discussed and agreed upon. For vendors with stores or accounts with other major darknet markets they usually indicate the links on their threads , it would be better to go to their respective darknet market accounts so you have a more systematic and reliable way of making a purchase. Most darknet markets come with escrow or multisig payment systems, which can help prevent scams. These allow you to get your money back in case you get a bad product or in case no delivery has been made. They are particularly quick in addressing complaints of scams or fraud, which is said to be the reason why this forum-based darknet market continues to thrive. Near the bottom part of the site, there are important threads worth noting. They are as follows:. Очень круто что вы есть!! Беру в телеге за киви у eldoctorsmama, благо почти во всех городах!!! Стремно было у него кокос брать, хотя до этого уже цепляли по мелочи… ну норм, с ровная работа. Так что заранее предвкушаем кайф от кидалова на любую сумму. Homepage prior to login. SilikatMan February 14, at 8: Василий February 20, at 7: Serge February 25, at 9: Dobriniy July 14, at 4: Leave a comment Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.

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Russian Anonymous Marketplace — RAMP 2017

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How To Access RAMP (Russian Anonymous Marketplace)

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How To Access RAMP (Russian Anonymous Marketplace)

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Russian Anonymous Marketplace — RAMP 2017

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Russian Anonymous Marketplace — RAMP 2017

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Russian Anonymous Marketplace — RAMP 2017

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How To Access RAMP (Russian Anonymous Marketplace)

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How To Access RAMP (Russian Anonymous Marketplace)

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