Ramp russian anonymous marketplace

Ramp russian anonymous marketplace

Ramp russian anonymous marketplace

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Ramp russian anonymous marketplace

RAMP is a strictly Russian site and therefore users who do not know Russian cannot use the platform, since it has no options for translation. Now RAMP is gone, you will need a new market to use. The guys over at DarkWebNews have then best list of markets to buy stuff from. Go to the Market List here https: The marketplace has been taken down by Russian authorities as a result of an ongoing crackdown in the country. Law enforcement seized the site in July around the same time AlphaBay was also shut down. Dark web markets, in general, provide an exclusive hub of illegal products and services, many of which may have a negative impact on the lives of buyers. These products and services are found in any major dark web market, and it is no doubt that the presiding authorities routinely launch investigations to apprehend the administrators and users of such sites. Apart from an apparent shutdown from the authorities, other ways in which these markets can temporarily go down is through maintenance, where the site owners tend to add additional security layers or change servers for one reason or the other. When this transpires, the whole site may go down, or at least a section of it. No wonder why users in site forums complain that they cannot access their accounts, as was the case with Valhalla Market. Similar cases have been reported from time to time where the site is still up, but users cannot access their funds or have lost their funds. The AlphaBay and Hansa markets fell as a result of a comprehensive crackdown orchestrated collaboratively between authorities from different countries in the U. The first market to shut down was AlphaBay, and then Hansa closely followed only a few weeks later. On online forums, a subsection of users stated that it was an exit scam or perhaps a maintenance issue, whereas others believed the site had been taken down by law enforcement. The move to close down AlphaBay first was purely tactical given the fact that Hansa was seized earlier on by the Dutch authorities. The essence of the game plan was to monitor the activities of dark web users in the market. As expected, the closure of AlphaBay would, in turn, direct users to open accounts with other darknet markets to continue their operations. Among the markets that experienced the influx of new users was Hansa, where the authorities who were working undercover noticed a peculiar trend in the opening of the accounts. Both sellers and buyers were opening accounts with the same usernames and passwords. This quickly tipped off investigators to a clear pattern, providing enough evidence to proceed with their investigations and ultimately bring down these user bases. It got to a point where registration on Hansa was closed, and the reason provided upon visiting the website was that there was an influx of AlphaBay refugees. Now, this was because investigators were buying time to carry out their investigations and make judgments based on the available evidence. When registration was open again, new users opened accounts on the platform while some existing users opened other accounts only to withdraw funds for fear the market would soon close down. Among the many errors that ultimately exposed his identity was to use his real name and email address to post on forums where he stated he needs help on how to code for his hidden site. He also paid an undercover cop to assassinate a former site employee, and he also used his real photograph to rent servers for his website. Whenever markets exit from the scene for one reason or the other, users lose their Bitcoins for good. Because of this, users ought to take precautions to protect their funds while using the marketplaces on the Tor network. First of all, users should only deposit funds in their accounts when they need it. And as such, if by any chance the Bitcoins are in excess, then they ought to withdraw them with immediate effect. Secondly, users should not use their real names and addresses to open accounts, since this exposes their identity. One can learn from the mistake of the Silk Road founder. On the issue of dark web markets, it is evident that despite one marketplace closing down, others will have room to grow. This means new sites, and the administrators who run them, are likely to have learned from the mistakes of their predecessors to be extra careful in doing business on the dark web. As it is, the industry is a multi-million dollar one, since the number of operations carried out on a daily basis involve thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people. And as a result, the amount of money transacted is running into hundreds of millions of dollars, meaning that the site admins will get a substantial amount in the form of commissions. Treasure hunts are reminiscent of a playful childhood. Parents hiding treasures around the house, or perhaps the garden, giving clues to gleeful children on how best to find treats in their hidey holes. In Russia, drug use and distribution is taken very seriously. While in other places around the world, drug policy may focus on user rehabilitation, this is not so in Russia. Drug cases account for over 1 in 5 prisoners in the prison system, and possession, even of very small amounts of marijuana, can land you an extended stay in prison. Deep web marketplaces are nothing new. It has been over five years since the rise of these black markets, places online where illegal as well as legal goods and services like drugs, counterfeits, and hacked accounts are traded, all anonymously, via the Tor browser. This Russian language market mainly deals in drugs and is structured as a message board, where dealers advertise their wares, and potential buyers message them to arrange a trade. However, unlike online marketplaces in other parts of the world, which typically send drug packages via the postal system, RAMP generally operates as a drug drop system or a treasure hunt. Drug drops are done in a very discrete way with RAMP. This treasure is often placed by the seller days, weeks, or even months in advance, where it awaits a buyer requesting that exact substance and amount. What it means for buyers is that they might be sent on a mad treasure hunt in a far-flung location within the city. Sometimes RAMP drugs are hidden a little too well, or even not well at all, which can result in a buyer not finding the package, or even discovering that the package is not there. This is all detailed in public feedback to the seller on RAMP. Some treasure hunts may result in customers searching for treasure for hours, especially if they are in a strange area like abandoned buildings, rubbish dumps, or even in the woods. Will treasure hunting for drugs become a common practice in other parts of the world, too? It seems logical that a less risky method of delivery than the postal system would become a regular practice. Perhaps in the years to come, we will see people hunting around areas, seemingly looking for something. Perhaps these people could even pass off their strange behavior under the guise of geocaching. If RAMP can make treasure hunting popular in Russia, then it stands to make sense that another marketplace could do the same in other countries. Only time will tell. Tor is being used by some people to stay anonymous online, or simply they want to keep their personal information private. Darknet markets have a short shelf life. They have a certain innate tendency to implode, leaving behind a whole host of angry sellers and buyers in their wake. The RAMP site has been open since September , so is fast coming up for their four-year anniversary. A site created for buyers and sellers to trade in psychoactive substances, RAMP remains popular and continues to operate in a space where many have failed. So just what makes RAMP so resilient? That cockroach that survived the nuclear war survived the blasts of Operation Onymous when law enforcement raided big names like Silk Road 2. Law enforcement in the US, the country that leads the majority of attacks against deep web enterprises has no say in law enforcement matters in Russia. To stay out of the crosshairs of police action, the site actively operates under strict rules including no political talk, no violence, or arms, and more. Because the site allows buyers and sellers to do deals without acting as an intermediary, there are no funds in escrow to steal. The market makes money just on seller fees. In a world where war chugs along slowly, there needs to be an escape, and drugs can offer just that. RAMP is not available for doing business outside these countries. Distribution networks for the site mainly work over a system of dead drops, where a seller leaves a package in a hidden place for a buyer to then pick up later. As you can imagine, both buyer and seller or an associate need to be in a similar geographical location for this system to work. Why not browse RAMP yourself to have a look at how it operates? Grab yourself a login and password and browse the forums. You can check in on conversations on shop boards about the quality of their goods, perhaps ask some questions in Russian, and get to know something just a little bit different from the regular. But what about RAMP? Do you know about RAMP? You know Russia, right? Sellers put up ads for their items for sale under various categories, which buyers can then contact them through. The payment is handled entirely between the buyer and the seller, so RAMP itself only generates income through seller account fees and advertising. They are listed on the site in their own categories, one for each country. There are a lot less listings available for these countries, however. So just how did a forum-based Russian language darknet market outlive all the rest of its competitors? Russia is known for giving a big middle finger to any attempts from US authorities to try and gain information from the country. Russia and the US are hardly what could be described as comrades, more like neighbors who are just tolerating each other barely! There has always been a strong underground criminal element in Russia, and they also lead the way in underground activity online. An organized system where everyone knows their place and anonymity is guaranteed means that the darknet markets such as RAMP can continue to flourish. With anonymity a given and no definitive taskforce to tackle online darknet markets, RAMP is sitting pretty. The site can continue to operate without much fear of retribution. With this in mind, other people who would be considering starting their own darknet market could take RAMP as an example of how to do it right. How many different cryptocurrencies do you have in your e-wallets? Cryptocurrencies have steadily been gaining influence on world markets, but just where can you spend your hard-earned coins? RAMP is the longest running deep web marketplace online and is a Russian language forum site that operates across Russia, with a presence in other Eastern European countries including Ukraine and Kazakhstan. Accessed via Tor, the site is a haven for drug vendors and buyers and is the biggest marketplace of its kind in the region. A dead drop is where the drug stash is hidden in a public location across the city somewhere, where the buyer has to travel to and pick it up. And some sellers will have multiple stashes around the city already, so they can send a customer to a pickup spot as soon as the funds have gone through. According to the admin of the marketplace, Darkside, RAMP offers Litecoin alongside Bitcoin because of the fluctuations in the value of Bitcoin at various points in time. Bitcoin is known to suffer from extreme fluctuations in its value, whereas Litecoin does not follow the same fate. Vendor accounts cost a certain amount of cryptocurrency on each marketplace, which is how they make their money. In the overwhelming majority of markets, the accepted cryptocurrency to purchase vendor accounts is Bitcoin. There is also the option to conduct transactions in Litecoin between buyer and seller. Although the marketplace is not setup to accept funds as an intermediary between buyer and seller, if both buyer and seller have Litecoin wallets, they can easily make a transaction between themselves in Litecoin. The more each marketplace diversifies the methods of payment they allow, the better off they will be. RAMP is a hugely successful marketplace because they understand their market. Although RAMP may look simple to outsiders, this is where its beauty lies. The foundations of the platform are solid. But the deep web is so much more for those who have the willpower and acumen to traverse its surreptitious expanse. Deep web refers to any part of the internet that is not indexed or retrievable via a search engine, including both dark net sites and benign content such as corporate intranet sites. The dark net is an overlay network of the Internet that is part of the anonymous encrypted network. These sites cannot be retrieved by the search engine and are hidden, blocking access from standard web browsers such as Chrome. This is where the darknet markets for drugs, weapons, and other goods exist. To access the dark net, Tor, the anonymous browsing software must be used. It might shock some people who have never been on the dark web to know that most sites visited, and goods sold are also available on the Clearnet. According to Tor, only 1. Often the assumption about the deep web is that its visitors are only there for the illegal goods such as drugs. However, the majority of its users find its ultimate utility in protecting their regular browsing habits to ensure their online activity remains private. Citizens of countries that limit access to the Internet are more likely to utilize the the Tor network on the deep web for anonymous browsing and communication hidden from government monitoring. Activists and political dissidents in Russia, China, and elsewhere heavily use Tor to escape limits on free speech and then media as well as to ensure the freedom of their ideas through anonymity and security from government persecution. Just because your browsing is anonymous, your identity can still be discovered and any illegal activity, such as purchasing illegal goods on darknet market sites, can be investigated if you practice poor OPSEC. He is not the only one to be caught. According to Gwern Branwen, over people affiliated with the Dark Web for have been arrested for things like sex trafficking, gun running, and drug dealing since This should be warning enough for those of you too smug to think that you will not get caught on darknet markets. So be vigilant and deliberate in all your perusing and always think with the mindset of taking as many security precautions as possible. One of the most obvious is you doubling your encryption and security with a VPN. There are plenty of blogs posts similar to this one and online forums that help novices navigate the deep and sometimes intimidating waters of the deep web. In terms of purchasing, people are usually helpful with providing vender recommendations and product reviews on darknet market site forums. As long as you are vigilant and willing to put in the effort, the user-friendly manuals and advice blogs will help you overcome the learning curve that intrinsically exists with any new endeavor a person takes on. The deep web is much like the Clearnet in this aspect in that it has search engines and email clients. Popular search engines include Search Tor Hidden Services, not Evil, Candle, and TORCH, although each is vastly different and as a result, has its advantages and disadvantages, depending on what you want to search. For email services, there are several options, including Sigaint, ProtonMail, Tutanota, Lavaboom, and Lelantos to name a few. Those who respect the system and its technique find the deep web is a community of similarly-minded people who want to help one another navigate the deep web. Most are willing to help out anyone with questions, so long as the question shows you did some research first. Those who do not respect the system will inevitably get called out by others as lazy and ignorant. So do your fair share of due diligence before posting anything to ensure against sounding like a newbie who lacks the self-initiative to do their research. A question with an answer that can be obtained from a simple browser search is a bad question and should be avoided at all costs. Internet censorship runs rife — except on the dark web. RAMP is a forum-based dark web site. Many regions around the world put various blocks on their internet access so that citizens can no longer access various domains. In Singapore, trying to access a porn site will likely result on you landing on a boring placeholder page saying the site you are trying to access is no allowed. This form of internet censorship varies from geo-blocking, whereby the site locks you out based on where you live. Some countries are also a little more ruthless in their blocking of information. China is notorious for their internet censorship, banning citizens from accessing not only Google, but Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and even the New York Times — alongside many others. Other countries have varying degrees of censorship, and often the rules can ramp up and change swiftly, seemingly without rhyme or reason. This includes information related to child pornography, suicide, and drug use. Additions to the law were added at a later date to include references to extremism. The agency has been ruthless in their blocks, with everything ranging from torrenting sites, to online gambling. The agency has even put temporary blocks on sites such as Wikipedia and Github. They are particularly judicious when it comes to things such as attempts to rally protests and anti-government chatter. Swiftly after the first set of blocking, which involved the vast majority of. One such site that fell victim to the Roskomnadzor was Erowid, in February of The website contains a wealth of information from scientific papers and journalistic articles, to large scale survey results, to user experiences, and other sources. It is perhaps the most well-known and well respected large scale source of information on drugs that exists online. The factual site provides a beacon of hope for people wanting to find real information regarding drugs amidst a sea of misinformation that exists outside it. In Russia, removing this site from the web may have actually made drug use more risky. While the Roskomnadzor are busying themselves to ramp up blocking websites left, right, and center, the irony of the situation is that the dark web is flourishing in Russia with sites such as RAMP. Many sites developed in other nations around the world are choosing to obtain hosting in the country, because in Russia they steadfastly refused to release information to other countries or cooperate with worldwide investigations, and hosts ask for no identifying information. The oldest existing dark web marketplace, RAMP, is growing daily, too. RAMP is a Russian language drug marketplace that allows for private interactions between buyer and seller. RAMP operates as a forum where people come to buy and sell drugs. Has anyone benefitted more from the swift exits of other dark web marketplaces more than RAMP? You might be surprised with what you find on RAMP! Getting familiar with the deep web? Looking to explore the top. The Hidden Wiki contains links to all of the most popular sites on the deep web and is a great jump off point for those looking to explore. They also have a site on the clear net. We did find an even better resource if you are just after Deep Web links, it has categories, descriptions and even screen shots of all active links. The number one darknet market at the moment is AlphaBay. Although darknet markets come and go, AlphaBay has been reigning supreme for around a year now. The site contains the most listings of any marketplace on the deep web, with items ranging from hacked accounts, electronics, fraudulent identity documents, and, of course, the ever popular drugs category which contains items like methamphetamine, MDMA, and various nootropics like Modafinil. The marketplace operates with an escrow system, and transactions are conducted using the default currency on the deep web — Bitcoin. Find out everything you about AlphaBay here: Not sure which marketplace you want to use but know that you want to score some drugs? Know exactly what you want? Grams is your ideal search engine. Grams crawls all of the darknet market listings so when you type in what you want into the search field you obtain the most relevant listings, from all marketplaces. Yep, Silk Rod is back with a 3. It was down for a couple of month where they did a big security overhaul and a slight re-design. It is created and run by the same team that own and run CryptoMarket. They are growing FAST and have a massive selection of goods for sale. Torch is one of the biggest search engines available that provides search results from the deep web. Type your query into the search field and start your research journey. Another darknet market, RAMP is the oldest running marketplace on the deep web. The site is one of a handful of forum-based marketplaces operating, and most users are in Russia, but some also operate in other Eastern European countries. The site allows buyers and sellers to organize drug deals one on one, with no middle man involved in the transactions. Dream Market is our third darknet market on the list. This site has been around since and has gained in popularity only recently, upon other marketplaces exiting the scene. It operates similar to AlphaBay, and is a traditional escrow market. Expect to see this market continue on its upward trajectory for a while to come yet. Dream Market onion URL: All the info on Dream Market: Forums have been a mainstay among computer enthusiasts since the inception of the internet, and in its early incarnation, newsgroups. The Hub is one of the biggest forums available on the deep web and focuses on deep web related topics such as security, cryptocurrencies, drug safety, and various darknet markets. Just recently, Tor has switched searching services from Google to privacy-oriented search engine DuckDuckGo, which is a coup for the burgeoning search engine. The search engine does not track users, unlike competitors Google and Bing, which makes it an easy choice for users concerned with privacy. This also means that searches are not served up according to your customer profiling, making it quite refreshing for users that are becoming increasingly annoyed with confounding search results from the other major players. Although DuckDuckGo only searches Clearnet sites, it is a useful addition to your arsenal of privacy keeping tools. Created by Julian Assange who currently holed up in the Ecuadorian embassy in London as he has been since — the organization reports on secrets supplied by whistle-blowers, informants, and the general public that are deemed important in the interests of freedom of information. Wikileaks has published vast reams of content over the past 10 years, including several high-profile government leaks. For those who are interested in setting up their very own deep web shop, TorShops is the place to go. The site makes it simple to set up your very own. Each site comes with an integrated Bitcoin wallet so payments are made easily, a secure a fast server for your site, inventory management systems, and order tracking. RAMP has now joined the list of major dark web marketplaces to be taken down by authorities. When AlphaBay went down, there were speculations as to what was going on behind the scenes. This way, if by any chance the market goes down, the user will not have lost their funds. What if treasure hunting between drug dealers and buyers was commonplace? Russia and drugs In Russia, drug use and distribution is taken very seriously. RAMP transactions are either conducted in either Bitcoin or via phone transfer. Searching for RAMP hidden treasure on private property can also draw the eye of others. There is a hidden area of the internet called the Dark Web. What is it and what it is used for? Darknet markets that go offline for good either fall prey to: Law enforcement, if they track down the site administrators, seized funds, and shut the site down. They now have the prestigious title of the longest lasting darknet market. The answer lies in RAMP site setup. Three things, in fact. RAMP is in Russian, based in Russia, and owned by Russians Law enforcement in the US, the country that leads the majority of attacks against deep web enterprises has no say in law enforcement matters in Russia. RAMP follows strict laws of operation To stay out of the crosshairs of police action, the site actively operates under strict rules including no political talk, no violence, or arms, and more. RAMP holds no funds in escrow Because the site allows buyers and sellers to do deals without acting as an intermediary, there are no funds in escrow to steal. Make sure to check customer reviews for shops before making any purchases. RAMP was established in September and has been online ever since. How RAMP works Sellers put up ads for their items for sale under various categories, which buyers can then contact them through. Why it works So just how did a forum-based Russian language darknet market outlive all the rest of its competitors? It avoids contentious items and topics and so is not going to be a target for lawmakers. For a long time, Bitcoin was the only accepted cryptocurrency. How does it work? The Future The more each marketplace diversifies the methods of payment they allow, the better off they will be. The deep web is not invulnerable- OPSEC still matters Just because your browsing is anonymous, your identity can still be discovered and any illegal activity, such as purchasing illegal goods on darknet market sites, can be investigated if you practice poor OPSEC. The community is not as user-hostile as one might assume There are plenty of blogs posts similar to this one and online forums that help novices navigate the deep and sometimes intimidating waters of the deep web. The deep web has search engines and secure email browsers The deep web is much like the Clearnet in this aspect in that it has search engines and email clients. Internet Censorship by region Many regions around the world put various blocks on their internet access so that citizens can no longer access various domains. The drug website blockings in Russia Swiftly after the first set of blocking, which involved the vast majority of. And the real irony of the situation and where RAMP fits in? They also have a site on the clear net The list is regularly updated and has been a stalwart of the deep web for years and years. AlphaBay The number one darknet market at the moment is AlphaBay. Grams Not sure which marketplace you want to use but know that you want to score some drugs? Dream Market Dream Market is our third darknet market on the list. The Hub Forums have been a mainstay among computer enthusiasts since the inception of the internet, and in its early incarnation, newsgroups. DuckDuckGo Just recently, Tor has switched searching services from Google to privacy-oriented search engine DuckDuckGo, which is a coup for the burgeoning search engine. TorShops For those who are interested in setting up their very own deep web shop, TorShops is the place to go. Page 1 Page 2 Next page.

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