Rainbow English Контрольные Работы

Rainbow English Контрольные Работы


Rainbow English Контрольные Работы
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Контрольные работы по учебнику "Rainbow English"

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Выбранный для просмотра документ итоговая 2 !.docx
Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому во 2 классе.
Соедини слова из столбика 1 со словами из столбика 2.
Дополните текст подходящими по смыслу словами из рамки.
We can see three girls. They are in the 1)………………… Wendy is by the 2)…………………
Sally is on the 3) ……………………. Jane is in the 4)………………………. Wendy is six, Jane and Sally are 5)……………………….. They are good 6) …………………………
They are not 7)………….., they are happy and sunny.
Поставь слова в правильной последовательности и запиши предложения.
………………………………………………………………………………………… ..
Вставь в предложения am , is , are .
How old …….. your sister, Rose? – She……..seven.
My father and my mother ………… from Moscow.
Соедини вопросы и подходящие ответы.
Прочитай текст и утверждения после текста. Если утверждение верное, поставь галочку ( V ), если нет – крестик ( X ).
My mother, father, sister, brother and I are in Paris. It is my father, Sam. He is from Samara. He is not old. He is a pilot. It is my mother, Jane. She is from Novgorod. She is a good and happy mother. My mother is a cook. It is my big brother, Steve. He is a student. He is funny. It is my sister. She is five. She is cute.
Выбранный для просмотра документ итоговая 3!.docx
Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку для 3 класса
по учебнику О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева « Rainbow English »
Задание 1 . Распредели слова по группам : jobs, animals, colours, food, numerals, sportsmen, days, family
Cow, sparrow, mice, granparents, mum, father, red, purple, elephant, hare, skier, teacher, brown, pink, grey, thirteen, fourteen, three, eight, Thursday, Tuesday, Wednesday, nurse, apples, milk, sweets, frog, goose, tennis player.
Задание 2 . Заполните предложения следующими словами : has, can, your, can’t, hates, like, love, lives, Mrs Smith, the Sparrows
He…….in a small town. He…….a lot friends.
………… .. are good family and they ……..their two children.
……… likes hares but she doesn’t …….. snails.
… ..little sister ……crocodiles and elephants
Задание 3. Прочитай текст. Выбери правильный перевод предложений
Hello! My name is Mary Stewart. I’m from Australia. I live in Sydney. I’m twelve and I go to school. I like my school very much. I have a lot of friends and very good teachers. They teach their pupils to read, to write, to count, to speak French. We are at school in the morning and in the afternoon. At four o’clock I’m in my house. I eat and feed my pets. I have four animals-a dog, a cat, and two birds. I love my animals.
У меня много друзей и очень хороших учителей.
Задание 4. Соедини вопросы в левой колонке с ответами в правой колонке.
Does Mary live in America or Australia? A)Yes, they are
How old is she? B) They teach French
Does she go to school? C) She lives in Australia
Does she have friends at school? D) She is twelve
Are her teachers good? E) Yes, she does
Do they teach their pupils to speak Russian or French? F) Yes, she does
Does she have three or four pets? G) A dog, cat, two birds
What are their pets? I) She has four pets
Выбранный для просмотра документ итоговая 4!.docx
Прочитай открытку, которую написал Джон Баркер своей бабушке, когда отдыхал в озёрном крае.
We are in the Lake District now and I love it. We get up at
eight, take a shower, dress and have breakfast at nine. We
have breakfast in our hotel room but we don’t have lunch
at the hotel. We always have lunch in town. Every day in
the afternoon we go to the lake. When the lake is not cold, we swim in it.
When it is cold, we go to the swimming pool. After five we often come to
our room. We read, watch television or play computer games. Sometimes
we play lotto. We never go to bed at ten. Our days are very long. We go to bed
at eleven or twelve o’clock. Now it’s ten and I’m writing to you. We are happy.
Отметь, какие утверждения верны, ( True ) а какие не верны ( False ).
John barker has breakfast at eight. __________
The Barkers live in London, but now they are living in the Lake District. __________.
John always swims in the lake. __________
After five the barkers are in their room. ___________
It’s eleven and John is writing to his granny. ___________
Впиши правильную форму глагола – am , is , are
You _____ they ______ the student _____
He ____ my mum ______ the doctors_____
She _____ Tom _____ my sister _____
Поставь глагол в скобках в нужную форму.
I _________________ (to go) to school now.
My mum __________________(to wash up) at the moment.
Tom and Nick __________________(to play) football now.
We ____________________(to finish) the test now.
My friends ___________________(to have) breakfast now.
Our sister ____________________(to dress) in her room now.
I __________________ (to swim) now.
Переведи слова с английского на русский:
for breakfast - ____________________
to take a shower - _____________________
Выбранный для просмотра документ итоговая 5 !.docx
1. Write the past forms of the verbs:
a) not likes b) doesn't likes c) doesn't like
3. The person who takes part in sport competitions is a …
a) pop singer b) sportsman c) actress
5. She usually …… to music in the evening.
a) listen b) listens c) is listening
6. What`s your ……. ?- I live at 7 Apple Street.
a) occupation b) interests c) address
7. The person who sings songs is a…
8. The person who plays in film is an …
1. London is the capital of Great Britain.
3. The brown table is not as big as the yellow table.
4. Let’s go to the theatre tomorrow.
5. You didn’t collect English books, did you?
4. Divide the verbs into Regular and Irregular :
did, went, lived, came, visited, wanted, flew, showed, bought,
skated, had, danced, swam, watched.
5. Fill in the gaps with many or much :
1. There is _________ snow in the streets.
2. How _________ books are there on the shelf?
6 . Choose the appropriate form of the verb to be (am, is, are):
7.Complete the disjunctive questions
Jane has got a big collections of badges,________?
We were not at the zoo three days ago, ________?
You couldn’t come on time,_________?
Выбранный для просмотра документ итоговая 6!.docx
Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку 6 класс. Вариант 1
My neighbour Jason is a baker. He is very busy. When he is not at the bakery, he is out having fun. Every day Jason wakes up at 5 o’clock in the morning. He has breakfast and then he rides his bike to the bakery. When he gets there, he starts to make bread. His work is very hard. He works until 3 o’clock in the afternoon. Then he goes back home where he has lunch and rest for a while. In the evenings he sometimes goes to the cinema or meets his friends. On Wednesday he always does the shopping. On Sundays he always wakes up late and then reads a book or works in the garden. He usually goes to bed at 11 o’clock at night.
What is this story about? Choose the right answer . (О чем этот рассказ? Выберите правильный ответ.)
Read the text. Mark the statements as T (true) or F (false). (Прочитайте текст. Отметьте утверждения как верные ( T) или неверные (F).)
Every day Jason wakes up at 6 o’clock.
When he gets to the bakery, he starts to make biscuit.
On Wednesday Jason always does the shopping.
On Sundays he always wakes up early.
Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку 6 класс. Вариант2
How are you? It`s my birthday next Saturday and I`m having a party at my house. Why don`t you come? We always have a great time!
I usually decorate my house with a lot of colorful balloons and we all play some great party games. Then there is the food. My mother is a great cook and she makes a lot of delicious food. We usually have pizza with ham, bacon, mushrooms and peppers, ham and cheese or tuna sandwiches and different kinds if salads. There is always a lot of coke, orange and apple juice to drink, and my birthday cake of course. I love chocolate so it`s always a chocolate cake.
So, I really hope you can make it! The party starts at six. Don’t be late !
What is this email about? Choose the right answer . (О чем это электронное письмо? Выберите правильный ответ.)
Read the text. Mark the statements as T (true) or F (false). (Прочитайте текст. Отметьте утверждения как верные (T) или неверные ( F).)
Helen decorates the house with balloons.
Present Simple или Present Continuous
They (watch) television very often.
What time (you/go) to bed last night?
Kate loves travelling. She (visit) many countries.
Поставьте существительные в притяжательном падеже.
Правильно употребите выражение частотности.
He cleans his shoes ( один раз ) a month.
She brushes her teeth more than ( три раза ) a day.
Present Simple или Present Continuous
The girl (speak) English very well.
Tim (finish) school some years ago.
Mary loves travelling. She (visit) many countries.
Поставьте существительные в притяжательном падеже.
Правильно употребите выражение частотности.
He cleans his shoes ( один раз ) a month.
She brushes her teeth more than ( три раза ) a day.
Выбранный для просмотра документ стартовая 4 кл!.docx
Цель работы – контроль навыков чтения на материале, изученном в 3 классе, контроль лексических навыков по темам «Числительные», «Еда», «Части тела», «Дни недели»,
контроль грамматических навыков по темам « Present Simple », «Исчисляемые / неисчисляемые существительные»
Прочитай рассказ и выполни задание.
Fred has got a little white puppy. His name is Tad. Tad and Fred are friends. They like to jump and run. They like to play hide-and-seek ( прятки ). One day ( однажды ) they play hide-and-seek in the park. Fred wants to find ( найти ) Tad but he can't see his puppy. Tad wants to find Fred, too. But he can't see his friend. Tad sees a big black dog.
"Where is Fred?" the puppy says. " I am sorry, I don't know " ( Я сожалею , но я не знаю ), the dog says. Tad wants to find his house. He runs and runs. He sees a big red house. Tad says: "This house is very big. It's not my house". Then he sees a little blue house. Tad says: "This house is very little. It's not my house". Tad runs and runs. He sees a green house. It isn't very big and it isn't very little. Tad says: " It's my house". He sees Fred and his family. It ' s nice to be at home .
Выбери правильный ответ в соответствии с прочитанным текстом.
a) in the park b) in the house c) in the forest
Часть II . Лексико-грамматический тест.
1. Какое из слов в каждой строчке лишнее? Выпиши его .
a) ten, twelve, tea, fourteen, thirty
b) hockey, tennis, football, corn, basketball
c) cheese, bread, breakfast, meat, cake
e) Monday, Sunday, Wednesday, Tuesday, Ben.
b) He eats many/much bread for breakfast.
c) His friend live/lives in the forest.
e) They go/goes to the park every day.
I . 1 – b 2 – c 3 – a 4 – b 5 – c 6 – a
II. 1. a) tea b) corn c) breakfast d) rabbit e) Ben
2. a) many b)much c)lives d)like e)go
Выбранный для просмотра документ стартовая 5 кл!.docx
Прочитай рассказ и выполни задание.
Yesterday afternoon John’s mother was at work. John was at home with his father. They watched TV together. Then his father said: “Let’s cook dinner for Mum and we can all have dinner!” And they went to the kitchen. The father wanted to have some soup but John didn’t like it. They decided to have fish. The father took the fish and they started cooking it together.
Then John went to his bedroom to do his homework. His father went to his room to read a book. They didn’t go to the kitchen again.
After an hour, John’s mother came home. She was tired. But when she opened the door, she ran to the kitchen and cried: “Oh, no!” The kitchen was very dirty. They couldn’t eat the fish because it was black! John’s mother wasn’t happy. John and his father were sad, too.
But then, John and his father cleaned the kitchen and cooked a pizza for dinner.
Выбери правильный ответ в соответствии с прочитанным текстом.
a) “Let’s cook dinner for Mum together”.
b) “Let’s do your homework together”.
a) John went to his bedroom to read a book.
b) John went to his bedroom to watch TV.
c) John went to his bedroom to do his homework.
5. John’s mother was unhappy because…
c) John and his father cooked a pizza for dinner.
Часть II . Лексико-грамматический тест.
1. Какое из слов в каждой строчке лишнее? Выпиши его .
a) boots, shoes, trainers, trousers
c) granny, postman, grandpa, dad, brother
e) Maths, PE, Thursday, Reading, Russian 2. Выберите правильное слово .
2) In winter my grandmother doesn’t … her flowers every day.
4) … the children play snowballs in the park yesterday?
5) In summer the days are … than in winter.
I . 1- b ) 2 – a ) 3 – b ) 4 – c ) 5– b )
III. 1) – a) 2) – b) 3) – c) 4) – c) 5) – b)
Выбранный для просмотра документ стартовая 6!.doc
1. Write the past forms of the verbs:
a) not likes b) doesn't likes c) doesn't like
3. The person who takes part in sport competitions is a …
a) pop singer b) sportsman c) actress
5. She usually …… to music in the evening.
a) listen b) listens c) is listening
6. What`s your ……. ?- I live at 7 Apple Street.
a) occupation b) interests c) address
7. The person who sings songs is a…
8. The person who plays in film is an …
1. London is the capital of Great Britain.
3. The brown table is not as big as the yellow table.
4. Let’s go to the theatre tomorrow.
5. You didn’t collect English books, did you?
4. Divide the verbs into Regular and Irregular :
did, went, lived, came, visited, wanted, flew, showed, bought,
skated, had, danced, swam, watched.
5. Fill in the gaps with many or much :
1. There is _________ snow in the streets.
2. How _________ books are there on the shelf?
6 . Choose the appropriate form of the verb to be (am, is, are):
7.Complete the disjunctive questions
Jane has got a big collections of badges,________?
We were not at the zoo three days ago, ________?
You couldn’t come on time,_________?
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