Rainbow English 9 Класс Контрольная Работа

Rainbow English 9 Класс Контрольная Работа


Rainbow English 9 Класс Контрольная Работа


Английский язык

Проверочные работы

9 класс

 /  «Контрольные работы к учебнику О.А.Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева;Английский язык; 9 кл

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Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации

«Контрольные работы к учебнику О.А.Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева;Английский язык; 9 кл (63.5 KB)

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1.Complete the sentences with function words.
1) Don’t worry, I’ll do the job instead you. 2) This film studio caters the youngest children. 3) You will find this picture if you turn the page. 4) It was an old car which often broke . 5) How long has the film been ? 6) The letters p.m. stand “post meridiem”. 7) A that moment we felt that someone was spying us. 8) Brought into the house, the snowman soon turned water. 9) She felt a flush of shame what she had done. 10) Tornados are a real threat some American states.
2.Use the right passive verb forms to complete these sentences.
1) Could you wait a minute? Your fax (send) . 2) Yesterday my favourite film (broadcast) on TV. 3) By five o’clock tea (make) , and we were enjoying a friendly talk. 4) Don’t worry. The patient (take) to the surgery. 5) When I entered the hall, it (decorate) for the New Year party. 6) Tomorrow a very important political problem (discuss) in the weekly talk show. 7) In this climate oranges (grow) all over the country. 8) Before the bell rang, the quiz (write) and (hand) in. 9) Everything (prepare) for your trip, now you may set off. 10) Listen. My favourite story by Kuprin (read) on the radio.
3.One of the sentences in each pair is right, the other is not. Mark the right one.
a) We looked up: the sky was threatening with a storm.
b) We looked up: the sky was threatened with a storm.
2) a) In such situations the police is always called.
b) In such situations the police are always called.
3) a) What a shame you haven’t seen this wonderful film!
b) How shame you haven’t seen this wonderful film!
4) a) They write “traveler” in Britain and “traveller” in America.
b) They write “traveller” in Britain and “traveler” in America.
5) a) It is unmoral to teach children cruelty.
b) It is immoral to teach children cruelty.
6) a) Nowadays goods are advertised on Russian television.
b) Nowadays goods are broadcast on Russian television.
8) a) “Major” and “minor” are synonyms.
b) “Major” and “minor” are antonyms.
9) a) The sound is very loud. Could you turn it up, please?
b) The sound is very loud. Could you turn it down, please?
10) a) I’ve just come back from London. It’s been an unforgettable trip.
b) I’ve just came back from London. It’s been an unforgotten trip.
1. Rewrite the following sentences in the passive.
1)We don’t add any harmful ingredients to our products.
2)The Government is now building a lot of new schools in the provinces.
3) The police have just arrested him on suspicion of cruelty to animals.
4)They are going to open a new supermarket next week.
5) They publish a lot of books on IT.
2. Complete the sentences using the passive voice.
1) This report ________________ (produce) at the request of the board.
2) Twenty hotel managers _______________ (interview) for the purpose of the report yesterday.
3)The job _____________ (finish) by tonight.
4) The meeting ___________ (change) to Thursday.
5)The beans ____________ (separate) from the shells.
6)He ___________ (give) some money by Jane yesterday.
3. Match the beginnings of the sentences with the endings .
6.His trousers were completely covered
4. Rewrite the following sentences in the passive making the underlined words the subject.
1)They’ve sent me  a lot of junk mail .
2) The credit bank lent me three thousand dollars  in 1998.
3) One of his aunts taught him  maths .
4)They will pay the workers $50  every day.
1.Complete the sentences using function words where necessary.
Please sit down and have some tea. I’d like you to feel home. 2) As soon as I entered the house, I felt that I’d been there before. 3) If you’re with your homework, we can take a walk in the park. 4) It’s very bad manners to push people . 5) We don’t mind ___ staying alone for some time. 6) The young mother was holding the little boy ___ the hand. 7) Did you enjoy yourself the concert yesterday night? 8) Why are you saying it a whisper? Is it a secret? 9) All my class are looking forward our excursion to St Petersburg. 10) Their family has grown bigger and they are looking a new more spacious house.
2. Complete the sentences with the words derived from those in brackets.
In her new light blue dress Olga looked (sensation) . 2) Is “The Times” a (day) or a (week) newspaper? 3) Almost all people are afraid of (lonely) . 4) Bathing in the river on a cold day like this is (mad) . 5) My father spent his (child) in a small town in the North. 6) I’ll meet you at the (enter) to the theatre. 7) We hadn’t met before, for me he was a complete (strange) . 8) Do you mind (wait) for a second? I’ll be back soon.
3. Choose the right items to complete the texts below.
Books are used for (1) and passing on all kinds of knowledge, ideas, and stories. Some of the earliest books were made by the ancient Egyptians. They were written by hand on rolls of paper made (2) the papyrus plant.
By the time of the Roman Empire, many books were hand-written on parchment or vellum, made (3) animal skin. It (4) into sheets to look much the same (5) a modern book.
During the Middle Ages, monks made many beautiful books. They were (6) ___ by hand with bright colours and sometimes with gold and silver. In the 1400s (7) on paper was introduced in Europe. At first this was very slow because much of the work still (8) be done by hand. Then Johannes Gutenberg invented a machine with (9) type 1 which could produce books (10) . Today, many (11) are produced every year,
11) a) millions of books c) millions books
b) million of books d) million books
1.Complete these sentences with the right participles.
(Printing/ Printed) texts are easier to read than those (writing/ written) by hand.
(Fascinating/ Fascinated) by the story, the children did not move.
The music (sounding/ sounded) from the radio was light and cheerful.
The tree (growing/ grown) behind my window is not a birch but an oak.
A house (building/ built) of stone is stronger than a house (building/ built) of wood.
The children (playing/ played) in the garden are Dorothy’s brother and sister.
I did not understand the question (asking/ asked) by the teacher.
2 . Complete these sentences with the gerund.
3. Complete these sentences with the participles.
1) We continued our way (not to know about the danger).
2)(To get the necessary information) we sent them a letter .
3) (To examine his wounds) the doctor said he would get better soon.
4.)(To ask the price) the customer pointed to an armchair standing in the
5) (To walk up and down the room) he thought about problem.
6) (Not to receive an answer) she decided to write again
3) Сказав это, он вышел из комнаты.
4)Он взял словарь, не спросив разрешения.
Complete these sentences with the suitable infinitives.
to understand, to fly, to read, to know, to buy, to see
Who was the first man into space? – Y. Gagarin was.
She will be the last person the truth.
This is the money the dictionary you need.
Fill in the prepositions where necessary to complete the sentences.
1) William Shakespeare was the author “The Twelfth Night”. 2) I know James is mad computer games. 3) Have you booked ___ the tickets? 4) I’m getting bored the conversation we are having. 5) The slow journey irritated the passengers. 6) The little boy was shaking all . He was really frightened. 7) John is one of our best students. He is the top of the class. 8) There were two piles ___ books on the desk. 9) He always speaks respectfully his parents. 10) Could you write him a note, please?
3 .C omplete the sentences. Use to where necessary.
1) I would like you have respect of your fellow students. 2) I heard Paul whisper the answer to the riddle. 3) I have never seen Mrs Anderson dance or sing. 4) We expect you ___ come back before nine. 5) We shall make him answer our questions. 6) Although you are already grown-up I can’t let you ___ return so late. 7) Did you notice them enter the building? 8) We want them win the competition. 9) Old Mrs Andrews felt Victor ___ touch her arm. 10) I would like him finish the job before four.
4. Complete the text with the derivatives formed from words on the right.
Each year 50,000 (1) immigrants arrive in Britain. The rate at which people are entering Britain without official (2) is almost (3) to estimate. Some people say there are certain (4) benefits. “The UK has been welcoming hard-working (5) Europeans. The majority of immigrants are here because they have the right to be here or because we want them to be here. They make a vital (6) to Britain’s economy,” says one of the officials. “We have a (7) economy that attracts (8) from all over the world and a world-class (9) system which is (10) to international students,” he adds.
1.Complete the sentences. Use pair or couple . 1) Alice bought a ... of fashionable boots for winter. 2) Jason always keeps a ... of periodicals on his desk to read them during the break. 3) My breakfast usually consists of a cup of coffee and a ... of sandwiches. 4) My advice is to keep another ... of glasses at hand.5) I have a ... of very good friends whom I love dearly. 6) She will arrive in a ... of days. We are preparing a room for her. 7) This ... of trousers will go very well with your new jacket. 8) These socks are different, they are not a ... .9) What a wonderful ... of eyes she has! 10) everyone knows that Andrew and Margo are a loving ... .
2. Complete the sentences, using Complex Object .
1) They would like (we) to read aloud.
2)Bob advised (she) to stay for another week.
3)We expect (he) to arrive at noon.
5) Dad always makes ( I ) go fishing with him every weekend.
6)Our parents expect (we) to stop quarreling.
3. Open the brackets and use the Complex Object.
1) Do you want (they / stay) at the hotel?
2)I would like (the professor / look through) my report.
3)We considered (he /be) an honest person.
4)I would like (the dress / buy) by Sunday.
5)He doesn’t want (they / be late) for dinner.
4 .Translate the sentences using Complex Object.
1)Я бы хотел, чтобы вы доставили товары к концу месяца.
2)Вы сегодня услышите, как она поет.
3)Я не ожидал, что Майк – такой невежливый.
4)Я слышал, что его имя упоминали на собрании.
5)Он не заметил, как мы подошли к нему.
1.Choose the right word to complete the sentences.
1) (Neither/ Either) he nor she is English. 2) (None/ No one) knows the answer to your question. 3) You have so many pens. Could you give me (any/ either) of them? 4) They never come on time, neither/ so) does she. 5) I can’t accept your explanation (either/ too). 6) There are two bags on the chair. Take one of them. (Either/ any) will do. 7) (None/ No one) of us has ever heard this name. 8) Richard will join us, (so/ neither) will Alice.
2. Express the same in English. Use the construction have smth done where you think it is appropriate.
1) Я не шью платья сама, мне их шьют. 2) Робин подстригает траву сам, для его сестры делают это другие. 3) Джон никогда не моет посуду, ему ее моют. 4) Она не печатает свои письма, ей их печатают. 5) Ей переводят статьи.
3. Choose would rather or had better to complete the sentences.
1) You stop drinking coffee. They say it is not healthy. 2) They finish the task today. We must mail the results in the morning. 3) Jerry play football than chess. 4) We stay at home. It’s so cold outside. 5) They help their mother. She has so many things to do. 6) Shall I write the exercise? – You do.
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