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Thursday, September 8, 2011

9:00 AM

Author: MiloSaysRelax ,
Celestia ,
Everypony ,
Fanfiction ,
Incomplete ,
Luna ,
OC Ponies ,
Star-3 ,

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Wt... Nope not even gonna say that.
Uh, a very creative title, that's for sure.
I like Twilight's black mock turtleneck. She looks like Steve Jobs. Also, good writing, even if I am hella tired of reading about our heroes getting mashed and mangled.
Nope, not even gonna bother, fed up with dark and sad fics... Isn't there enough dark and sad in real life without bringing it here too?
If the "sad" put anyone off, the vast majority of the story's sadness will probably have happened in this first chapter, I tagged it Sad as a bit of Hail Mary considering the subject matter was probably going to make it that.
A pony version of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead would be hilarious.
The title made me rage (lol) T.T Rainbow can't be dead...
@ Zarkanorf Yeah, when I saw this, that was my instant reaction. Imagine Pinkie flipping that coin. Oh dear god I can actually imagine the weird way's she'd be doing it to. Would... who would be playing hamlet??
Pretty interesting fic up to now, can't wait to see where it goes. ^^
@ NinesTempest Twi probably, being mane character. If it was done for the Pilot, it would be nice to have Pinkie Pie and Nightmare Moon talking about the inevitability of her defeat while both are off screen. Plot Bunny to a Good Home?
That title will get you attention, positive or not is to be seen. Personally... I get enough reading out of reviewing and editing stories over at /fic/, I'm even 2 chapters behind on FoE... you know it's bad then.
@ moocow1452 All these ideas are fantastic. I now want to adapt shakespeare to ponies while keeping them in character.
@ Kits Damn, you beat me to it! That's what I also thought the moment the scene was described.
Gah. More grimdark. Even if the writing is superb, I'm just going to skip it. I like my ponies the way they are -- fluffy marshmallows who at worst face a baddy before taking him/her out, or end up talking to inanimate objects before they're snapped out of it. And heck, that last isn't all that dark from a kid's PoV, just make-believe.
oh my. definitely what it says on the tin. uhm, i really have nothing i can say about the story itself. it all seems, uhm, well written. characterization seems pretty good. i'm getting a bit of a vibe from Rarity's scene that maybe she's being, uhm, downplayed? but it's so minor and really, with six - er - four characters, i can see some of them having less time than others. actually, re-reading her scenes i think it was my own interpretation that was tainting them and not how it was written. nasty way to go though.
The title pulled me in, by just being so blunt. It's not even all that sad....at least no more than a lot of TV drama type shows. My brain went in the same place as Twilight's anyway, so it's not depressing, if that makes sense. 'Mystery' does seem like it's the best tag for it, which makes it interesting. Will certainly be following this one.
Wait! PART ONE!!! THERE'S MORE! I'm really starting to hate these continuing stories. Especially when they're really good.
Gilda is the obvious culprit considering the victims and means. But too obvious? Bitter!Luna could of done it too. or even some other third party. But I'll admit it's the first thing I thought as well
Done reading... Holy shit this is kinda heartbreaking. Still wondering why Luna is in the tags, she's clearly not in this chapter. My guess is it's either Gilda, Luna (plz no! Not Luna) Or some OC. For the first time ever, i'm finding myself eagerly waiting for the next chapter of a fic WITHOUT shipping...
Sorry... this may be the most brilliantly-written fic ever, but I will never know, because I'm not going to read it. I avoid grimdark stuff in general, but one that starts out with two of my favorite characters dead? No, I can't handle that, sorry. (For the record, they're all my favorite characters).
Id say gilda but this is fiction so it would be too obvious! Its most likely Some unlucky pony with the readon why pulled out of nowwhere. Its never obvious in fiction, realistic would be so boring. Kinda like CSI, with best subjects always being unrelated. I dont like the title and I felt the ponies didnt take the situation gravely enough in few scenes but It was alright. Waiting for update...
If the author is as good as this story indicates then it won't be Gilda ............it is too obvious But I can explain the Luna tag very easily They crashed either at "night" or the Early morning Here is hoping for some awkward luna interegation
I really enjoy the style. And I probably hat the weirdest idea ever. A "Coltlumbo" Episode in Ponyville. Even tough it would be a strange Crossover I think this could fit well with the everypony is crazy theme. Oh god, now I have to write this...
Griffon the Knock-off I can definitely see some interrogation happening. Luna, tracking down Gilda, Trixie, investigating whether any participants of the young fliers competition or whether any fans of hers were violent. I don't think it'd be Luna... The girls saved her from her Lunar imprisonment (without her purification, she'd have been forced back eventually, undoubtedly). I think she'd be grateful to them. I could see Gilda steaming for a year, and then encountering one or both ponies and going all instinctually ballistic. Gryphons do predate on ponies in mythology. If it were Trixie... then they are all in danger. If she lost her mind over her life, possessions and career being destroyed by the Ponyville 6... Well... I won't get into OCs. If it's an OC, then the reasons are in the author's head, not mine, and I don't know where things will go. Of course, the story could end with Twilight in defeat, mathematically figuring out just exactly how an accident could cause everything, seeing the evidence lead up to the improbability of a freak accident... I think that she'd mentally break for a few days. Everything would hit her at once I think... maybe. I hate sad stories, cause they make me feel bad, but sometimes it's OK when friends can band together and find the silver lining. There better be a silver lining!
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I really feel like it could be better to have obvious and simple explanation to everything than some half assed deus ex machina. Not implying that it would be neither though, I'm just thinking theoretically. That picture seems a bit odd doesn't it? Does every fic need a pic if there's not a single one that fits?
I was kinda disappointed in myself when I saw the initial star rating here, but then I read the comments, and I cheered up slightly. Not due to the compliments of my writing style (although I do quite enjoy them), but because, well, a good mystery story makes you speculate, and there's plenty of that going on here :D
Sorry, author, you lost me. Too over the top. It just doesn't have any emotional impact anymore when you kill off two of the cast and are already spouting grimdark cliche lines by the top of page 2. It's been done, and really this doesn't have much interesting to say beyond the same old tug at the heartstrings that every sad fic tries.
@ NinesTempest EXCERPT FROM SONNET 51: Then should I spur, though mounted on the wind, In winged speed no motion shall I know, Then can no horse with my desire keep pace. Therefore desire, (of perfect'st love being made) Shall neigh, no dull flesh, in his fiery race; Hrmmmm....Ponies in Pentameter, eh? I could see it happening...
Why? Why does this need to exist? Answer: It does not.
If clopfics can exist, then so can grimdark fics like this. Don't like it? Don't read it and fucking deal with it.
@ Dusty the Royal Janitor Arguably, why does any fanfiction need to exist? All that is required is one person's want to make it exist. Of course, you probably just don't like the story and are hiding it behind a witty comment. Which is fine, I suppose, but you could be more useful if you explain your problem with it rather than just comment in such a manner that I can only assume is designed to make me feel bad. So, in conclusion, why? Why does your comment need to exist? Answer: it does not :P
It isn't even a matter of not needing to exist, for me. It's a matter of wondering why you chose pretty commonly used cliches to base the first chapter around. I mean, we've seen all these elements before, and from what is up here the only 'interesting' bit of question left to answer is who set it up. I'm not quite sure if it's a matter of the pacing you're using, or that I'm just not empathizing with your characters, but frankly I have a hard time caring after the chapter. And it seems like Twilight's in the same position.
@ Whiteout What cliches do you mean? I'm not questioning your opinion, by the way, if you don't like it, then you don't like it, that's cool. But I'm just curious to see what you see as a cliche.
Nope. Not going to read this one. You're not allowed to kill THOSE ponies.
Finding it funny how many are outright refusing to read this....
So, I've seen.... about 2 or 3 others that actually know what this is mimicking... Congratulations, brony, on choosing a wonderful play to go over with ponies. I haven't read it entirely yet, but I still love the concept.
@ Desert Rose I'm finding it odd too. I have another story here on EqD, also Grimdark, and in a lot of ways far more violent and visceral than this, and everyone seemed to like it. Also, it's weird because its...a bit pointless to comment about it. "I'm not going to read this because I don't like Grimdark" is pretty much as constructive as someone saying "I'm not going to read this because I don't like ponies". All it could really serve is a tiny bit of disillusionment from the author.
@ Whitney Okay, I haven't read it yet, but the post itself says it isn't based on Rosencrantz/Guildstern.
This story is pretty great so far. Only needs minor editing. The ultimate judgement will be on the later chapters to see how the mystery unfolds. The characterizations are great though. Wonder how long Twi will make it before having a proper breakdown to get it out of her system. Maybe after seeing the bodies? Will Celestia be there to comfort her? I for one am hoping that Gilda didn't do this since in my opinion she is the one most suited to murder the hell out of whoever killed her former friend.
If you're not going to read a story because you don't like the content, why bother to post about how you're not going to read it? It's a waste of time, as well as possibly making the writer feel bad. If it's not your cup of tea, just turn up your nose and move along. Spitting in it doesn't do anyone else any good - it just clutters up the space that could be occupied by constructive criticism and commentary from those that DO enjoy grimdark.
see title ...spoilers much? not reading
Just read a story about pinkie pie dying, not sure if I wanna read one about my favorite pony dying too, even if I do love mysteries. I'll have to mull this over.
So i definately love this fic and i want to give my input on possible suspects First up is the one everypony suspects Gilda: she is the one to dislike Pinkie and Rainbow Dash the most, BUT despite this envy and hatred of their friendship, i would like to say that she would not do something so brutal to Rainbow because of their past friendship. While she is one of the characters most likely to be a suspect because she can fly amd cause damage, she may not even be near Ponyville for all we know. Next up Trixie: she is likely a choice because she could be using them to draw out Twilight, however I sincerely doubt her ego will allow her to do it and even then she would go after Twilight and it would be hard for her to kill Dash and Pinkie because she only shows knowledge of SHOW magic (bright lights, illusions, etc) Also I want to bring in th X factor: A competitor at the Young Fliers competition can be the most likely to kill Dash over jealousy at her fame and Pinkie could be an unfortunate casualty, causing the.death of the two This is all a guess from watching the show and looking at the details from the story, so if i
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