Rain Florence

Rain Florence


Rain Florence
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Hi, this is my first reddit post so do not go to hard on me.
Now, if you have been watching H3H3Production & Ethan&Hila for a decent amount of time now you may have heard of Rain Florence. You might have already heard of this stuff but I have put hours into research and I will make sure you learn more.
For those who don't know I will tell you who Rain Florence is:
Rain Florence is a vegetarian, breast feeding supporter, hippie, and vegan. She makes videos about health, travel, food, and the biggest one which is breast feeding. She says says she makes videos about nudism, naturism, and fruitarianism. She is a mom with a kid aged is 5 or 6. She was most famous for her enema videos which got attention by H3H3. Seems pretty innocent..right?
As previously mentioned seems pretty innocent, right? Well you would be wrong because she is a prostitute on YouTube and even worse, porn websites. But, why would such an innocent woman do this?( Keep in mind some of the things I say about why she does this are speculation.) It all started one day where she had made one of her first videos where her daughter came in the kitchen and asked for ice cream, then she made home-made ice cream, the video ends with both of them satisfied. Here is where the speculation comes in: So I am guessing her daughter died because her daughter never appears in any of her recent or past year videos, the only child who appears is her son. She maybe was making herself and her son as healthy as possible was because her daughter died from a weight disease. AND in that very video I mentioned earlier Florence realised her daughter was too fat so she was trying to make healthy alternatives. (This next sentence is partly speculation.) Not only that, she got divorced from her husband(Speculation drops after this) probably because she was cheating on him because her porn videos featuring other men, he thought enough was enough with the child abuse, or he was jealous that the other men were smashing her but he had to record. Now, what does this have to do with starting to becom a prostitute? If her kid died and her husband divorced her she would be very very depressed. Sometimes depression can lead to watching porn, in this case for her it is MAKING porn.
As you have seen, she wants to keep her kid healthy. She might be going too far. First of all, she has been breastfeeding her child for as long as he has lived (5 or 6 years old) Luckily she stopped, however people usually stop doing that at around atleast a few months old but at maximum 2 years. Not only that, I don't even think the kid can talk. When her shit isn't in his mouth he does not have a decently strong vocabulary at all. I have heard he has learning dis abilities. It would make sense because it doesn't look like he can talk. Also, I've seen his skin and he looks pretty malnourished. The most surprising thing is that she moved From Texas to Ecuador to avoid CPS - Child Protective Services. She is also trying to breastfeed as many kids as possible in Ecuador (She wants about 50) not even joking, she said that. She got a boyfriend from Ecuador who was breastfed for 12 years. Let that sink in.. Think of all the things that happen to you before 12. Yeah, it's fucked up. She also thinks her milk can solve every problem. She has made videos in the past with the titles that basically say "breast milk cures sore throat" "breast milk cures pink eye" the second video is VERY explicit first one is not. I will not link the explicit things besides her channel. She also makes up these idiotic statements about how her milk solves her problems. She also tells her viewers false information. An example is how she said iquanas can not bite because they have no teeth. The statement is obviously incorrect because what she said is contradicting what the truth is. She probably over breast fed her son because it was a fetish to her, she liked the feeling, or it got her satisfyed. Rain has also had her kid featured in porn videos and from what I have heard the son looks very sad in them. (I don't watch porn) She also had a cat who was forced to take a bath in water and be finished off with vinegar. The cat got injured but Florence didn't take it to the vet and she said "a snake ate it." She is such a horrid person.
FATHER INFO (credit to kiwifarms.net user Phoenix Gibran) (I did not write this)
Her viewers are 99% men, and most with middle eastern type names. Check out her facebook page and take a looksee for yourself. The kid is now just grunting and growling during his forced breastfeeding with a camera on him... that just isn't right. This child has no choice but to stick that tiny nub into his mouth - even while she is massaging it to death, and he has no choice but to lay there so he growls at her, and she ignores it? So fucking weird. she won't let him escape.
The father is more crazy than Rain/Linzi. The father, Donald P. has a number of baby mamas of his 3 grown children. I am not sure he has ever had a real job..maybe a high school biology teacher for one year..before he decided to be a loaf and spend 24/7 forcing his child to breastfeed and dealing with his equally insane wife who thinks he knows every single thing there is to know. The father was a big fat slob when he was previously married - obese. Now he shoves papayas down his throat all day long and enemas them out. they force the kid to eat the exact same thing.... day after day after day after day.
Father thinks that humans come from fig trees. I am not kidding. He says The figs represent the breast that nurtured humans into being (no lie, this is what he thinks). check it out at Fig theory.com.. and he also thinks he knows everything about everything else. His arrogance have led him to nowhere and his hiding can't last much longer. He has been on youtube videos with Linzi and he looks like a stupid oaf, and acts like a ditz.. yet in truth, he is quite dangerous because he is neglecting his little boy, for whatever reason on Earth, it just makes no sense. They seem to be using him as some sort of lab experiment and ignore the fact that he is suffering so obviously.
THE little blonde boy WAS BORN ORANGE.. it is in one of her videos.. the baby was orange!!.. - she only ate carrots during pregnancy, he was in breech position but the idiot decided to have a water birth at home in spite of the fact he was breech, and had to go to the hospital at the very last minute.. These two people are incompetent. the child is disabled, likely autistic and can't talk at 4 years old - and worse of all constantly having tantrums, breakdowns and just flat out going crazy.. Kids know.. Kids know at an early age when their parents have zero control. Father is now isolating his boy from everyone in a country where his boy can't even understand a thing others are saying.
He actually holds the kid down against his will to allow his porn wife to stick her milkless tit in the boy's mouth. he actually supports her posting disgusting filthy sexually enticing videos, of her masterbating a papaya, of her massaging her breasts. . The boy didn't even like him for years and would never even go to him or want to be picked up by him.. and the father is such a reject, he allowed linzi to essentially develop a monolithic relationship with the boy and because of her own idiocy and because she just flat out isn't very smart, and is the worst mother in the world, the only thing that she could do to get her kid to calm down (because the boy knew early on that his parents had zero control and were crazy) is to force him to breastfeed.. every tantrum, ever morning to wake up, every night to go to sleep, everytime he is upset, when he is hungry, when he is sleepy, she just forces him to breastfeed. '
It is the weirdest saddest situation ever, as the child has zero chance of functioning on his own in the world.. can you imagine what his life is going to be like. even now he can't even communicate with one other human being.
If you jack off to her content/porn just know you are supporting a child abuser. I would recommend to never go on this person's channel. I would also recommend to get her to stop this disgusting, putrid, and horrid content which YouTube staff are accepting only because they can jack off to it. Remember, her son is being used for her to gain money and that is all she wants. She would not have started this chaos if she did not want money.
90%+ of info - https://kiwifarms.net/threads/rain-florence.14179/ Rest of Info on her YT (I will find the video of her female child don't worry) (9+ Hours Worth of Research) (Feel free to point out any mistakes)
The girl might have been saved by CPS who knows that women is crazy u can see it in her eyes
She was not saved because she specifically moved to get away from it.
Just seeing this, pretty bad stuff.
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