Rageafterstorm Porn

Rageafterstorm Porn


Rageafterstorm Porn
Awww, poor RageAfterStorm couldn't handle criticism
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An Anti-SJW that was revealed to be a White Nationalist. You could probably say "Supremacist" at this point. In one of her vids, she went the route of "They're genetically inferior" when it comes to blacks, and she included Daily Stormer links in her description. Then later tried to claim that it was just a joke after all the blowback. Basically Tara McCarthy {Another White Nationalist} was only one really defending her. RageAfterStorm was someone that a number of Anti-SJWs {including some who have been on DP} plugged, had on their channel, and supported. So they all scrambled to distance themselves from her. I'm not shocked at all that this happened. Because all you gotta do to get the attention of Anti-SJWs, is make a vid about how much you hate feminism, political correctness, etc. Chances are they won't look that far into what else you stand for or believe.
You know you're not a skeptic when you rely on obviously biased material to back up your bullshit (RAS with the Daily Stormer, Sargon with Breitbart).
Hey, don't say that shit about Sargon, King of the Septics, according to this old FBI-report i didn't read, Hitler probably escaped to Argentina.
1 Make a channel based entirely on mocking and disagreeing with people.
2 People mock and disagree with you.
she needs her nazi safe space, room where she can play games with other likeminded nazis, where they can have nazislampeotry about muzzies outfucking EU in next decade and thus renaming EU to ISIS. She can also just sit there and hug her plushHitler as a part of her recovery.
She deleted her Twitter & YouTube over an antisemitic tweet. It was about the death of one of the members of linkin park. She mentions that he makes music influenced by the Jews and called him selfish for abandoning his children.
She got removed from her position as Deputy Editor for Kipper Central (UKIP endorsed): https://twitter.com/kippercentral/status/880924751904083968
Yeah I saw that. I won't miss her. If she ever comes back, whatever. I just hope that people continue pointing out her bullshit. I'm glad that more people, especially more Anti-SJWs started calling her out, but I wish that it didn't take Rage going full 1488 to get them to do it. Because no offense to DP, but if that Race Realism vid didn't come out, it was probably only a matter of time before she got an invite to come on the show. Rage was someone that a number of Antis {including some that have been guests on DP} featured on their channels and promoted.
Interesting way of thinking things. She hates Jews... yet she's concerned about his six kids... who were Jewish.
Anyone calling her out on her callous anti-semitism (Nazis are always going to be callous towards the Jews, full stop) isn't bullying her. Hell, they were too nice to her.
Supposedly she left because of the backlash she got from the Race Realism video. She also had a lot going on in her life like school and constantly getting sexually harassed and assaulted by the migrants in her area. [1]
Tree of Logic - Discussing Skeptic Hypocrisy and The Truth About Rage After Storm [1] https://youtu.be/Qc0vU9U2E5A?t=694
This is what they mean when people say sunlight is the best disinfectant. If you make a video with references to the daily stormer you're gonna have a bad time.
...but the daily stormer is the only local paper in my town? Where else ami I supposed to go for my news?
You say stupid shit like she did you get blowback. If you can't handle the heat get the hell out of the kitchen. No sympathy for her whatsoever.
Bye bitch, don't have the internet door hit your flat ass on the way out!
I don't think we ever saw her ass. For all we know, she was working with an onion booty.
Does anyone know Rage's real name???
I don't know why the "skeptic" community was so against what she said but was so quick to defend Jon Tron for saying pretty much the exact same thing.

“”i hope rageafterstorm comes back. the openly fascist ones are a lot easier to deal with than the cryptos. useful ammo

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One of my supporters in the USA was showing me some videos on his bitchute channel, when I spotted a really great video by a German girl from Switzerland who called herself: RageAfterStorm – a strange name. I was extremely impressed with the video. It was equal in quality to the type of stuff that Evalion used to do. In fact, I’ll upload it.
I was very impressed with the video and I’d never heard of this girl before. I discovered that she is Swiss/German who lives in Britain. But then I found out that she disappeared in 2017. It seems she was not around for long. Saddest of all is that she began deleting her videos. So I don’t know if much of her work survives. I’ve only found 2 videos of hers, and it is as if, there isn’t much of an archive of what she did.
I found a website called blindlight, which did quite a nasty expose on her. Blindlight looks like they’re a serious white right website. Blindlight points out that RageAfterStorm never attacked the Jews openly or pointed out the Jews and that she later went on and on about the Muslims. This is of course very dodgy. If you ignore the Jew and you point at everyone except the Jew… then that raises serious questions. I agree with them on those points. Blindlight then said that most of these young white right women are actually from rich backgrounds and they move into the white right, but they never criticise the Jews.
This is where Evalion did excellent work. Evalion stood up for the Germans, and she firmly stood up for Hitler and she went after the Jews exposing them fantastically.
You do get women like the one on Red Ice, who has to be careful … and Red Ice indeed as a rule avoid the Jew topic. I used to have some of my supporters trying to get me on to Red Ice, and I even saw the emails to them and even replied to them, but Red Ice steered clear of me. Guys like Alex and myself are far too “extremist” and “racialist” to function in these other “softer” arenas. But the truth is, that for our race, we do need softer messages to bring in people. Even the people like Jared Taylor, who knows about the Jews and hides the Jews and has Jews as his supporters … does manage to bring in many people. One woman told me that she was converted by listening to Jared Taylor. So the soft message does have its place.
White women are the best by far, when it comes to spreading the soft message far and wide.
In fact, I had my first ever discussion with Monika Schaefer, as we prepared for our first #TeamWhite show with her, and she explained that she thinks that white men and white women have different roles to play in all aspects of life including the spreading of messages. This is very true, and I agreed 100% with her. There are things white women are fantastic at, in getting attention and getting a message out, especially if they are young and pretty. The young white guys are hooked on them instantly and their followings are huge.
But then you get guys like Alex and myself, and I think we fulfill a totally different function. We have to say things that nobody else would dare to say. What we say is true, but its harsh, and thus we have a role that we must fulfill.
I am sad to see many whites websites attacking the pretty white women who did try to put out racial messages. I think they’ve done a great service for us, even if, they avoid other things… even the Jews … FOR NOW. But we cannot stay away from the Jewish issue eternally, and even the white women will have to up their game and tackle the Jews. You even get the Lauren Southerns and Tara McCarthy’s who are Jewish women trying to move into the white right. Tara even interviewed me once. I was unaware at the time that she was Jewish and only found out later. The interview I did with her did spread around quite a lot. It was probably the best publicity I ever had on the white right.
Jews try to be on ALL SIDES OF THE COIN.
However, there comes a time when one must ask about these Jewish women on the white right. The Jews have screwed us up our asses so hard that when they turn around, the two-faced traitors and liars that they are, that I really don’t care if they are now on “our side”. So Lauren Southern did good stuff for South Africa, but I don’t feel any particular desire to support her in any way. I only have one short Lauren Southern video that I want to show people because she makes a point that nobody else from outside has ever made. But other than that, I never watch her videos and I never pass them on to anyone. That’s how I feel about Jews.
I don’t support ANY of the “right wing Jews”. I steer clear of the Henry Makows and the “conservative” Jew scum like David Horrowitz and many others. I don’t give a rats ass for any Jew who is “now our friend” because the fact is, they were working hard to destroy us for long and it is DESPITE THEIR EFFORTS THAT WE SURVIVED! So I feel dog shit for them.
Returning to RageAfterStorm, the one video I saw, which I want to use, is brilliant, and her wording and the things she says, are hard and harsh. She has a message like Evalion, but a harsher black/white racial one. It was truly brilliantly done. In a certain respect, she was coming close to matching Evalion.
She was a SJW (Social Justice Warrior) before turning to the white right. But then she disappeared. Tara McCarthy came to her defense.
Her real name is Alison Pead. That surname of hers is a bit strange for me, and I’m wondering if she’s Jewish. Does anyone know? The only thing I want to know is whether Alison is Jewish.
Jews are two-faced dogshit. They will work with your enemies while feigning friendship. Then if you survive or win anyway, they actually will come back to befriend you again in order to infiltrate you again. This process actually happened with the NAZIs and with the Fascists in Italy. The NAZIs told the Jews to f*ck off. The Fascists, actually let them back in! I have wondered for a long time whether the failures of Italy and Mussolini in WW2 are due to the Jews they let back in? I am a firm believer that the only sensible path with Jews is to stick by Alex Linder’s type of rule: There are only 2 teams: #TeamWhite and #TeamJew. Whites and Jews can NEVER be compatible – NEVER. To let them in, is to start the entire cycle again. Kick the friendly Jews out. Get rid of them. Do what Hitler did. That IS the most sensible way. Any kind of weakness merely brings us back to square one and the cycle starts all over again.
There are many other criticisms of Alison Pead. But I’m not interested in that. My only question is whether she was Jewish.
With regard to young white guys rushing to support attractive young white women with a racial message: I see nothing wrong with this. I regard it as good. The Jews and Liberal Elite scum hire all the most attractive white women and have them on TV everywhere spreading Liberal poison. Why should the Jews and Liberal race traitor scum have a MONOPOLY on attractive white women spreading a message? It is also healthy that the young white males LIKE attractive white women. It shows that they are healthy and fine. I also like seeing young white women actually putting on makeup, having beautiful long hair and actually LOOKING LIKE A WOMAN! I am sick to death of looking at, and listening to Jewish hags and demented white women who imitate Jewish hags. If white girls begin to try to be attractive and take pride in themselves, it is very good, and it is excellent that the boys go crazy for them. This is how it SHOULD BE.
So I am sad that we’ve lost some of the pretty white women who were breaking critical ground by spreading a racial message. Apparently Alison Pead had a following of 93,000 people in the short time that she was on youtube.
I think though, Evalion must have done us the greatest service of all. I think nobody did better work in spreading the truth about Germany, Adolf Hitler and the Jews, than her. I think she may have awakened, perhaps millions of whites, especially young, sex-starved, girl-starved white males who had forgotten what an attractive white woman actually looks like.
I know some white guys even called these girls “THOTS” – meaning: “That Ho (whore) Over There. But I don’t have that negative view of them. These young white women used their female powers and role to spread a message at a speed that no white man could even come close to. They sowed the first seeds. Monika Schaefer and I were discussing the female role in spreading the message.
So I’m sad that some went. I really liked the look and message these white girls put out. It also showed what white girls can aspire to. It is good for the young guys to see there is HOPE, to see that young white women are NOT all rotted in their heads. That they are not all filled with Liberal garbage – that they are sane and loyal and passionate even, about their race.
The Daily Stormer says white women should be beaten. The Daily Stormer apparently even applauds men who kill white women. This is a real Beta-male type of outlook. This is terrible actually. This is not the way the white race works. We have had strong males in the past, but cruelty to women has not been our method. In fact, I don’t advocate cruelty to our own people except in 2 instances: (a) Murder of Whites (b) Treason to Whites. Those are the only times when we should kill our own. In fact, where we’ve been really SLACKING has been in the killing of our traitors! That is where we are way behind on what we should be doing.
I really hope that we see more pretty young white women coming out and trying to spread the message. I think its fabulous, and I don’t mind whether those girls have an audience 10,000 times more than me. The message they are spreading is so important for our race, and I think it is greatly motivating for the young white men to see what our girls can be like and it will instill in them HOPE FOR LOVE AND MARRIAGE. That is critical for our SURVIVAL AS A RACE.
Here is what they have on wikipedia about Alison Pead:-
Alison Pead (1997/1998–) [note 1] , better known as RageAfterStorm , was a YouTube talker who self-identified as alt-right
Pead was Deputy Editor of pro- UKIP blog Kipper Central, where she listed herself as “Alison Pead”. [10] [11] Kipper Central suspended Pead in June 2017. [12] [note 2]
In July 2017, Pead left YouTube and Twitter without explanation. Before deleting her YouTube channel, she had 93 thousand subscribers [13] [14] and many thousands of views. [note 3]
Pead published a “Race Is Real” video using The Daily Storme
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