Radix DLT — The Decentralized Finance Protocol

Radix DLT — The Decentralized Finance Protocol



Friction in today’s financial system costs the world 0.05% of global GDP (approximately $71Bn per annum), and delivers financial products and services that are often inflexible and benefit primarily those at the top of the food chain. Radix believes this is the most important problem that the right permissionless DLT network can solve.

The concept of Decentralised Finance (DeFi) offers an alternative, where innovative new financial applications can be quickly developed and easily accessed by all. The right permissionless DLT network can enable this new era of financial innovation and democratization, providing an open infrastructure of programmable assets that can substantially replace the closed, walled gardens of traditional banking infrastructure today. Delivering on the promise of DeFi requires a platform that is equal to the task of becoming the new financial layer for the connected world. DeFi as it exists today (as a ~$4Bn market) covers only a narrow set of financial services for a narrow set of users who are already excited about crypto. But the growth of this early DeFi market is already constrained by today’s technology. Apps are reaching the limits of performance of available DLT platforms, and frequent exploits keep the majority of mainstream users away. These technology limitations will only become more urgent to solve as DeFi grows into an anticipated $64Bn market over the next two years.

Radix intends to remove the technology barriers limiting the expansion of DeFi by building a layer-1 protocol that directly addresses the technology needs of DeFi, both for today’s applications and for the future of general financial services for the world. This is a full stack approach, re-engineering consensus, distributed virtual machines, executable on-ledger code, DeFi component building, DeFi application building and developer incentives.

Radix is the future of DeFi

Decentralized finance applications are currently being built on protocols that were not designed to meet the needs and requirements of DeFi services.

Radix is using our significant technology innovations to be the first layer 1 protocol specifically built to serve the rapidly growing DeFi industry.

Radix Focuses On The Three Drivers of DeFi Growth


Despite the rapid growth of crypto, it is surprisingly difficult and expensive to get money into and out of the current DeFi ecosystem.

Our user-centric, vertically integrated approach is focused on making on/off ramping as simple, secure and friction-free as possible.


Liquidity is the lifeblood of the global economy, yet right now most of the world’s tokens and assets have their limited liquidity fragmented across platforms and do not work well together.

The Radix platform provides native functionality for projects, developers, communities and market makers to create and access liquidity pools at the call of an API.


Network effects of a public ledger are based on both the number of users and the number of connections between assets/applications on the platform.

By standardizing and simplifying the way financial assets/products are represented on Radix, these asset “code blocks” can be easily composed together at scale.

What are the Benefits of Decentralized Finance?

Decentralized money uses three main standards from the Ethereum blockchain to unlock liquidity and development, enhance monetary security and candor, and support an integrated and normalized financial framework.

Programmability: Smart deals that can be programmed extraordinarily, mechanize the implementation and empower the production of instruments related to new money and sophisticated resources.

Immutability: Sealed information coordination over blockchain decentralized design expands security and auditability.

Interoperability: The Ethereum composite programming stack ensures that the DeFi conventions and applications work to coordinate and complement each other.

The current decentralized money application is based on conventions that are not intended to address the problems and administrative requirements of DeFi. Radix makes use of our important innovation developments to become the main layer 1 convention that explicitly works to serve the fast-growing DeFi industry. Our latest form from Radix Economics is far more difficult than the previous version. Although we accept everything that stable decentralized storage that has significant value to the world is very important, we listen to your criticism carefully. We briefly looked at the various things we needed to convey to make this innovation successful for the world and concluded that the main symbol that triggers Radix to organize should not be a proper token for the system to work.

London-based Radix is building a money decentralization convention (DeFi) which is intended to provide frictionless access, liquidity and programmability for every benefit on the planet. Erosion in our worldwide budget framework currently costs partners $ 71 billion every year. Rapid ascent DeFi offers options that contrast with the norm through a creative and versatile structure.

At Radix we are building a decentralized open record that has the speed and adaptability to be truly global and open to everyone. We focus on guaranteeing full open control of the system and have effectively released our code, sharing updates as they are made on the go.

Radix DLT is building a decentralized money convention that provides unrestricted access, liquidity, and programmability for all benefits on the planet. In achieving a significant innovation a year ago, the Radix group defeated the main issue of DeFi's flexibility by reaching more than 1 million exchanges every second with their innovation, throughput more than 5x higher than NASDAQ at its peak. The group is currently centered around refining the convention to fully expect the principle of clean shipments.

Radix is made of two layers: the Radix Engine and the Radix Ledger. Radix Engine is an application layer for Radix parts that designers communicate lawfully. While comparable in ideas to virtual machines given by sharp agreement stages such as Ethereum or Hyperledger, the Radix Engine is a change in view of the increase in conventional smart contracts.


Cerberus solves the problem of state machine replication (SMR) fault-tolerant distribution of states across many nodes. Cerberus is built on a BFT-style consensus while retaining the two main properties of BFT:

  1. Safety when asynchronous, survivability when synchronous
  2. Preference for consistency by availability (that is, safety by liveness during periods of asynchrony)
  3. We also make the following general BFT assumptions in our base model. While we make these assumptions in order to describe a simple form of the Cerberus model, some of these restrictions can be removed in practical implementation (in particular, a set of static nodes). We discuss some of these in the Implementation section of this document.
  • Static, world famous set of nodes
  • Partial synchronicity (i.e. after some global stabilization time there is an unknown border within which all messages arrive)
  • 2f + 1 nodes follow the protocol, where f is the number of Byzantine nodes (per shard in Cerberus case)
  • Attackers who are computationally incapable of breaking standard cryptography primitives
  • Having a practical threshold signature method for aggregating votes from nodes
  • Communication between the correct nodes is peer-to-peer, authenticated and reliable
  • In classic BFT, the client command log is ordered globally so that the correct nodes can agree on the final state. Performance improvements have traditionally been based on "vertical" scaling, or "pushing more commands down." one pipe ".
  • In practice, applications usually do not require a global ordering of all commands; they only require ordering of commands that are interdependent. Cerberus needs an application layer that defines dependencies so that it can implement partial ordering, only ordering commands that are linked. The Shards of Cerberus represent this dependency relationship between teams. Commands that do not share a partial ordering relationship do not share shards either, and can be safely executed in parallel.

But beyond security and speed, the creators of Radix have not forgotten about other aspects that are important to the DeFi market, namely liquidity and simplicity. Therefore, the Radix blockchain is initially designed to be as standardized as possible to provide a low entry threshold for both dApps creators and their users.

Liquidity will be boosted by the internal tools of the Radix blockchain , such as an API , which will allow developers to access various liquidity providers directly through code, without using third-party, centralized solutions.

The Radix Roadmap


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  • TechnicalRPN-1 Drop 2
  • First platform building on Radix Announced
  • Non-TechnicalRadvocates Ambassador Program Stage 2
  • ERC20 Token sale
  • ERC20 DeFi launch
  • ERC20 Token Listed on Exchanges


  • TechnicalRPN-1 Drop 3 (Q1)
  • Betanet for node-runner testing (Q1)
  • RPN-1 Drop 4 (Q2)
  • Mainnet Staking/Node runner client release (ahead of mainnet) (Q2)
  • Radix ERC20 <-> Mainnet token swaps go live on partner exchanges (Q2)
  • RPN-1 Mainnet launch (Q2)
  • Radix Engine V1 (Q2, part of mainnet launch)
  • Network Emissions start (Q2, part of mainet launch)
  • Radix Engine V2 + On Ledger Royalties (H’2)
  • Radix Dev Royalties Program Launches (H’2)
  • First DeFi catalog Components released (H’2)
  • Non-TechnicalRadix Wrapping Service (H’2)
  • Radix ERC20 <-> Mainnet simple token gateway (H’2)
  • Ren Integration Target Launch (H’2)


  • Technical

Practice makes perfect

Dan Hughes


Piers Ridyard


Albert Castellana



Adam Simmons

Head of Strategy

Alex Cyon


Alex Wormbs


Edgars Nemse


Florian Casar


Josh Primero


Leroy Margolis

Head of Finance

Maciej Witak

Head of Community

Martin Sandiford

Scrum Master/Developer

Matthew Hine


Richa Vajpeyi

Head of Marketing

Romulus Pasca


Shambu Pujar


Stacey Williams

Chief of Staff

#DEFI #RadixDLT #blockchain #cryptocurrency

Website: https://www.radixdlt.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/RadixDLT

Telegram: https://t.me/radix_dlt

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RadixDLT

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Radix

Medium: https://medium.com/@radixdlt


Bitcointalk Username: Dewi08

Telegram Username: @ dhewio8

Bitcointalk url: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=894088

Wallet address (eth): 0x53D1Ea8619E638e286f914987D107d570fDD686B

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