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Radiant Sapphic Fingers Wet Vag


Radiant Sapphic Fingers Wet Vag
By Kim Tranell Updated: Feb 23, 2022
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Kim Tranell Seventeen.com Health Columnist
I’m Kim, a freelance writer/editor/explainer-of-all-things-awkward. I am also *obsessed* with vintage dresses, the Dogs of Instagram, Taylor Swift, and pizza. (P.S. Tweet me your health Qs, plz!)
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That is, if you even want to shave. You totally don't have to.
First things first: There's no one right way to deal with pubic hair . You can leave it how it grows, shave it into a shape, wax it off completely, trim it a little bit, or something else entirely—it's all fine. At the end of the day, how you decide to handle your body (including your pubic hair!) is entirely up to you.
That being said, if you do decide to alter your pubic hair in some way, you want to be armed with the right tools and info to avoid getting any nicks, bumps, or razor burn because those can be uncomfortable anywhere, but especially down there. Read on for expert tips on how to shave your pubic hair and answers to all your questions about grooming.
We get it. You're bombarded by what seems like a million messages about pube grooming—friends who talk about being totally bare, waxing ads at every salon— and you're like: Is this the norm? Am I a freak? Should I shave it all off ASAP? But the truth is, some girls like a bare bikini area, while others get a little freaked by feeling exposed. Some may be into a little bit of a trim, but not all that psyched about the upkeep of taking it all off.
Consider your pubic-hair stylings a very personal preference, says Jennifer Ashton, MD, an ob-gyn and author of The Body Scoop for Girls . Just like anything else you'd do to your bod—your haircut, your nail art, your makeup routine (or lack thereof)—go with what feels right for you.
Waxing is fine—and TBH, it will probably leave you with a smoother surface and slightly less frequent upkeep than shaving—but real talk: Ripping your hair out can be pretty painful. On the other hand, depilatory creams can be fairly painless, but you have to read the package and the instructions very carefully, because not all are made for the uber-sensitive skin of your vulva and bikini line.
And even those that are can irritate—or burn—your skin if left on too long. Shaving, can feel like an easier and more familiar introduction to bikini-line grooming: You've been doing it to your legs, so you've got the basics down, right? Again, though, this decision is up to you. Do some research and pick what's best for your situation.
Let's say shaving is your choice for hair removal, there are still some specific steps you should take in order to make sure you're taking proper care of yourself down there. It sounds complicated, but just follow the steps below and you'll be smooth in no time.
Shaving will be so much easier when the hair is shorter. Just use a small pair of scissors or a hair trimmer and cut down on the hair so it's about a quarter of an inch long.
This step is important. "Any time you shave or wax, that hair follicle on your skin is going to be opened up," explains Dr. Ashton. "That makes it easy for bacteria to enter and cause an infection." So, you want to make sure the area is clean before you get to work. An exfoliant will remove dead skin and help to prevent ingrown hairs. Again, make sure you are using a simple product that won't irritate your skin. Also, remember that these products are not for inside your vagina, but simply the outer area.
Once again, make sure you're choosing a simple shaving cream for sensitive skin. Then, dab it all over your pubic area.
It's finally time for the big shave. Since pubic hair is the thickest hair on your body, take a brand-new blade or a fresh-and-sharp disposable razor. Then shave downward *with* the hair, i.e. in the direction it's growing. Using small strokes and holding your skin taut with the other hand will help protect against nicks and cuts. And of course: Take. It. Slow.
Before you go completely bare though, keep in mind, certain areas are more sensitive and prone to redness and irritation. "It's best to leave the hair right around the vaginal opening alone because the skin there is so sensitive," warns Dr. Holmes. "Trimming is fine, but shaving can create a problem."
After you're done shaving and you've rinsed away the excess cream, moisturize with a fragrance-free lotion.
According to Dr. Holmes, that's totally a myth. "It has a sharp edge after you shave, so it just feels thicker or coarser," she says. In reality, though, the hair hasn't changed.
So you shaved and now it's like your bikini line is breaking out on you. That's likely folliculitis, aka razor burn, and it happens when bacteria get inside those little hair follicles and inflame them, causing those prickly pink-and-white bumps you're seeing.
Many times this issue will resolve on its own within a few days, but in the meantime, you can soothe your skin by applying a little 1% hydrocortisone cream (available near the first aid products at the drugstore) or an ointment with vitamins A and D/zinc oxide (aka diaper rash cream).
If it doesn't clear up or it's driving you nuts, see your doctor for a prescription for an antibiotic. "It can really help," says Dr. Ashton.
It's as if the biggest, most painful pimple of your life has sprung right by your swimsuit line, huh? Don't freak out, it's probably just an ingrown hair. You get them when dead skin cells clog up a hair follicle and force the hair that's inside to grow sideways under the skin (rather than up and out).
Resist the urge to dig or pick, and instead, treat it once a day with a mild toner containing salicylic acid, the same exfoliating ingredient used to beat acne. See a doc for treatment if the itching/burning/pain gets serious.
Sneaking scratches through your bikini bottoms is not a good look. Most likely, that itching is caused by prickly dry skin or some sort of inflammation. If you're shaving with soap, try switching to shaving cream, since it'll moisturize your skin a little more. And to prevent the tiny bumps and micro-nicks that cause the aforementioned irritation, use a brand-new razor and warm water next time.
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What does a female orgasm LOOK like in reality?
Famous Brazilian photographer Marcos Alberti recently teamed up with sex toy brand Smile Makers, to capture 22 women’s faces before, during and after their orgasm – in an attempt to break down the barriers of female sexual well being.
Because pleasure is as much a woman’s right as it is a man’s.
And it looks nothing like what you see on movies and the Internet.
Don’t believe us? Check out some pictures from Marcos’s photoshoot, which happened right here in Singapore!
The ‘O’ project aims to break down the barriers and stigma surrounding female sexuality and masturbation, and to celebrate desire.
Apparently, about 22 women from different backgrounds were asked to pleasure themselves using a sex toy, and were photographed before, during, and after their orgasm.
Marcos has been quoted as saying , “One of my main concerns about this project, was to make every woman feel comfortable in the studio. I designed a curtain with a small hole for the camera, but I didn’t know if these women will forget that I was there, but they all did.”
“Real expressions, they were not acting or faking it, we managed everything to be real.”
Without further ado, here are the very aesthetically shot pictures. The unmistakable glow on the women’s faces in the end say it all!
Fan Yang, Global Brand Manager of Smile Makers says, “All the women who modelled were in awe of their photos, especially the final shot where they were glowing and radiant.”
“That final shot, of a strong female grinning into the camera, is exactly what we want people to see.”
Meanwhile, if you are wondering why these women look so much more beautiful and radiant after their big ‘O’, here’s why:
It also helps prevent wrinkles and locks in the skin’s moisture!
*Republished with permission from The Asianparent Singapore
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“The photos unveil the slow or, in some cases, rapid progression of each woman’s facial changes as she reaches and recovers from orgasm.”
In the professional world of photography, some photographers have relatively boring jobs, and take pictures of beetles for Wikipedia, or something.
Others, however, like certain fashion photographers, live the good life and take pictures of beautiful women for a living.
But then, there’s a totally separate category of photographers who have really, really cool jobs, like Brazilian photographer Marcos Alberti, who takes pictures of women before, during, and after they have an orgasm.
In his aptly named “O Project,” Alberti teamed up with sexual well-being brand Smile Makers, and photographed 20 women who were getting themselves off with vibrators, and made a collage of each woman before, during, and after orgasm.
But if you’re thinking that Alberti got to see everything and took some ultra sexy photographs of actual the action , let me be the one to tell you that he didn’t. Sorry. He only saw what was going on in their face-area. 
“The headshots are fun and sexy, but tasteful, keeping everything below the waist hidden from view – ­­­­­­­­­­even from the photographer,” the project description on Alberti’s website reads. 
“The four photos unveil the slow or, in some cases, rapid progression of each woman’s facial changes as she reaches and recovers from orgasm. All women deserve to be in control of their sexuality, no matter their background. Women should be free to be empowered by – and have a little fun with – their sexuality.”
“I love that we were able to speak so frankly with these women about sex and pleasure,” Alberti says. “When you approach the taboo topic of sex through the lens of humor, people start to open up and share opinions more freely, which can lead to a monumental change in people’s mentality.”
“We are sending the message to women everywhere that this is not a shameful secret,” he added to Men’s Health . “This is real, it is raw, and it is beautiful.”
Commenting on their orgasmic mission, Fan Yang, the global brand manager of Smile Makers, said: “Female sexuality is more often shrouded in shame and secrecy. Our partnership with Marcos allowed us to create this series to upend that social stigma around female sexuality, and encourage the normalization of female pleasure.”
“All the women who modelled were in awe of their photos, especially the final shot where they were glowing and radiant,” Yang continues. “That final shot, of a strong female grinning into the camera, is exactly what we want people to see. We hope that everyone viewing this project will feel more confident about their bodies and sexuality. All it takes is one smile at a time.”





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12 Sexy Sentences That Drive Any Man Wild
Ready to explore the masculine landscape of erogenous zones? Here are 10 places guys love to be touched and tips on how to do it.
Isn’t it amazingly seductive and strangely intimate, when a guy plays with your hair? Now, imagine being him, watching the woman he likes staring up at him, as she seductively runs her fingers through his hair? Even if he doesn’t have any, the scalp is super sensitive and the gesture is endearing, all the same.
You’re not the only one who loves their hair being touched…
Why? Because every man’s hair is different and unique to him. It says something about him, complements his style and expresses his individuality. When you show him that you adore his hair, he feels it in a special way, because you’re appreciating a very unique part of him. Add to that the intense physical stimulation of a head massage and you’re well on your way to fireworks.
It’s no secret that the human neck is chock full of nerve endings , but this particular area of a man’s body is often sadly neglected. He loves it just as much as you do, so unleash your inner (but gentle) vampire and look at his neck with new eyes.
Come up behind him and kiss him just below his ear. Nibble lightly on the back of his neck. Run your tongue slowly up the front and softly stroke around his hairline with your fingertips. Whether you do it while you’re both in the kitchen making dinner, or after you’ve gone to bed, this is something he simply won’t be able to get enough of.
There’s nothing more sensual than playing with each other’s tongues, especially when you initiate doing so. It’s intimate, teasing and guaranteed to turn him on. Start by lying down on the bed and lightly licking his lower lip.
Ask him to poke his tongue out and get ready to be creative. Circle your tongue around his, gently suck it and pull back slightly. He’ll be begging for more and when you spice up your kissing life by tantalising his tongue, so will you.
Whispering sweet nothing’s in your man’s ear might sound like something straight out of a romance novel, but the ears really are incredible erogenous zones. As well as verbal stimuli, there are sexy little areas that beg to be touched.
Flick your tongue behind his earlobe, in the crevice between the neck. Nibble, suck and tug gently on his earlobe with your lips. Tell him he smells good or how much you love kissing him. Find out which ear is more sensitive and focus on that.
A word of warning though, sticking your tongue into, or directly kissing, his ear canal might have the opposite effect.
Massaging and playing with each other’s hands and feet can quickly turn into heated sex, even if you’re initially doing it for relaxation or affection while you’re on the couch watching Netflix. Fingertips, especially, are extremely sensitive, not to mention perfect tools for teasing.
When you play with his hands, stare into his eyes and slowly bring his fingers to your mouth – it’s obvious which appendage he’ll be reminded of. Start to lick and suck his fingers and you’ll soon take the anticipation to a point of no return.
Yep, men have nipples too and many of them love your touch! To find out if he does, start with slow, gentle touches and gauge his response or straight out ask him if he likes it. Though his nipples might not be quite as sensitive as yours, it’s likely they’ll be up for a good time.
Try different types of touching with your fingers and tongue. Circle around his nipple, flick your tongue back and forth or try a gentle bite. If you really want to up the ante, rub ice over them and blow on the wet surface. Basically, if it works for you, chances are it’ll work for him.
When a guy is making love to you in a position where you’re facing him, think about the areas of his body you love to grab in that moment of passion. His sacrum, or lower back, and butt come to mind.
When you do this randomly during the day, or during foreplay, he’ll experience some of the same sensations, as his mind fills with images of sex with you. This kind of touch creates that delicious anticipation, as he craves what happens next.
Sometimes, withholding touch can be just as sexy as touching, as you no doubt know. His inner thighs are not only close to his favourite sexual region, they’re also a sensitive erogenous zone.
Slowly rub your nails along them when you’re watching TV, or lick, nibble an
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