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By Daily Mail Reporter Updated: 19:48 BST, 13 September 2009
Accused: Child Protective Services notified detectives about the alleged situation
A mother who gave her son up for adoption has been accused of having sex with him after making contact on the internet.
U.S. police say 35-year-old Aimee Louise Sword, who gave her unnamed son up a decade ago, is facing one count of third-degree criminal sexual conduct after two counts were dropped earlier this week.
She gave herself up to police in April.
It has not been revealed when or where she and the teenager met or whether he knew she was his biological mother.
Sword's lawyer, Kenneth Burch, said that his client 'maintains her presumption of innocence' and that she had been distressed by the accusations.
Fears were also raised about the psychological effects the alleged incident may have had on the minor.
Dr. Gerald Shiener, Chief of Consultation and Liaison Psychiatry at Sinai Grace Hospital in Detroit, said: 'Our first reaction to hearing about something like this is that this is every man's nightmare.
'It's an abomination. This could be his first sexual experience, and his first sexual experience could be something so conflicted, so unusual, so prohibited that it will stay with him for life.'
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Published by Associated Newspapers Ltd
Part of the Daily Mail, The Mail on Sunday & Metro Media Group

Woman Held in Rare Incest Prosecution / Children missing after mother arrested in court
Charlie Goodyear, Chronicle Staff Writer


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This Mickey Mouse popcorn bucket is all over TikTok


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Anecdote Candle's new line kinda dunks on millennial culture
Charlie Goodyear, Chronicle Staff Writer
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An Antioch woman accused of having an incestuous relationship with her adult son made a tearful court appearance yesterday where a prosecutor labeled her a "walking genetic disaster."
But her attorney called the state's case an outrage, saying "the press, the publicity, the titillation aside, this woman should not be in custody. "This is sexual contact between consenting adults," said attorney Paul Mariano , a Contra Costa County deputy public defender.
The 43-year-old woman and her son, 23, have a 1-year-old daughter and now face felony incest charges that carry a maximum three-year prison sentence. They are not being named by The Chronicle to protect the identity of the child. The pair had been having a relationship for several years after the son, who was raised by his grandmother, sought his mother and moved back into the family home. The woman has six other children by two different fathers.
Authorities first learned of the relationship last month when the woman's 10-year-old daughter told a teacher about it. The woman was arrested after showing up for a family law hearing in court, but the son fled before police could find him. Investigators believe some or all three of his half-brothers, ages 11, 13 and 15, are with him.
The woman remains jailed in Martinez in lieu of $50,000 bail after Contra Costa Superior Court Judge John Minney rejected a request from Mariano to reduce the bail.
Prosecutor Paul Sequeira argued that she would flee if released on bail and told Minney, "You have to look at (the defendant), who has seven children, as a walking genetic disaster." But Mariano said his client has no criminal record and does not pose a threat to public safety. He argued that it is unusual for prosecutors to file criminal charges in incest cases where only adult relatives have engaged in a sexual relationship. "Right now her entire life has been shattered and taken away from her," Mariano said while the woman sobbed as she stood behind a glass wall in a locked section of the courtroom.
After the brief hearing, Sequeira told reporters that he probably would not have filed incest charges against the woman and her son if they had not had a child. Authorities have said they have never handled such a case in Contra Costa County.
Contrary to earlier reports, the woman is not pregnant and had never asked any of her children to call her son "Daddy," Mariano said.
Authorities are concerned that the 1-year-old daughter suffers from birth defects but Mariano said the girl appears to be "a normal well-adjusted toddler" currently in foster care.
A preliminary hearing of the evidence in the case is scheduled for next week.
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Simon: What? We... no! (pause) What?
River: Two by two... Everyone has a match, a mate, a dopple. I love you.
Simon: No, River... mei-mei... of course, I love you too, but we can't be married. (to Book) She's really crazy! (River kicks Simon in the shin) Ow! Ah, no, I — I don't mean crazy... that's just — you know that's not something brothers and sisters do. I mean, on some planets but only pretty bad ones.

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Ross: You were my first kiss with Rachel?!
Monica: You were my first kiss ever ?!
Chandler: What did I marry into?!

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