Race and religion in the National Socialist Party

Race and religion in the National Socialist Party

In this article we want to professionally examine the presence of different religions and races in the school of National Socialism (translated version)


The presence of priests alongside Hitler

The presence of priests in the Third Reich

The cult leader (Major) Saurin Sapron is preparing services for soldiers in the town of Am Himmel near the guinea pig Lins, Germany. Look at the hats of Lufthansa officers. Since there were no formal uniforms and uniforms for the clergy, the clergy generally wore the gray or olive green of the farm issued to the soldiers. However, Gulicia's supervisors refused to wear Waffen-SS officers' "Death Head" (skull and transverse bones) uniforms. Therefore, on the field, they usually wore camouflaged battle trophies minus the "head of death" signs. For formal wear and ceremonies, the normal Wehrmacht or Luftwaffe Cin wIS is used

We German National Socialists do not believe in anything on this earth except our God in heaven and the German people. And I can also say other things to these skeptics, which is that I know very well what a human being can achieve and what their limits are, but I believe that the human beings that God has created also want to live their lives. Guide them according to the pattern of the will of God Almighty. But they can maintain themselves as God created them. "

Adolf Hitler, speech in Würzburg on June 27, 1937

Church in the Reich

Adolf Hitler, after taking power (becoming Chancellor) by the German people, was sent by God to be the title of God for the German nation.

After Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany, he undertook extensive reconstructions, including churches, and Hitler had a special respect for the church and was said to take the views of religious missionaries into account. More than 600,000 German teachers, bishops and clergy were members of the pro-Hitler movement, and this shows the depth of Hitler's love among Christians.

One of the reasons why Nazi greetings were also used was that it was said.

Churches were being rebuilt in Nazi Germany at a time when churches and theologians were being severely persecuted in the Soviet Union and communist countries, with widespread deportations of theologians and abusive treatment of livestock.
2,500 Christian churches built in Hitler's Germany About 2,500 new churches were built in Germany at a time when US and Soviet allies destroyed most of the Christian churches in Russia and Ukraine. No Christian church was closed under Hitler. It was the law that the school and the church took precedence over services to Hitler's youth. In the late fall of 1944, the SS Waffen barracks in Breslau provided two buses to take young people to the nearest Catholic or Protestant church every Sunday. Membership in the Christian Church did not hinder progress in the National Socialist Party

One who lives at the heights of human life, reaches superhuman and has a true religion. Because religion is supernatural submission. But he who lives in the plains of human life is far from superhuman, and as a result has no real religion, or if he declares what is completely human, his religion is a lie and he himself is an idolater. Slowly "A true leader of the people, one of the highest officials and ready at any moment to announce important decisions - who take responsibility for his millions of followers - knows that he is united with the superhuman and bends his will to God. And people who have experienced a change of destiny, after waking up from weakness, disease and feverish dreams to health and new strength, experience not only the highest human things in their resurrection, but also the power of the superhuman. And also: each of the insignificant and insignificant human beings carries within themselves what is noble in human beings, in the great fateful crisis of their lives, it transcends human beings, and in this case, by touching the margins of the superhuman, It becomes respectful and religious, but the human worms that crawl on the earth know nothing but what is human and less than human and do not reach what is truly divine, but are self-sufficient and even themselves with what is divine. "For this reason, it is obvious that the Führer, Adolf Hitler, feels in his high position and has felt in many of his outstanding speeches. Which is under the providence of God Almighty and against the great guide of the destiny of nations. We are not surprised when he sometimes closes in on prayer; He once even delivered a great speech on May 1, 1933, saying, "We will not leave you unless you bless us.
The value of the state lies in the sincere coexistence between church and state, the struggle against the material worldview, and for a genuine popular society it serves the interests of the German people and the well-being of our Christian faith. "Adolf Hitler Reichstag, Berlin Political Statement on the Law Empowerment March 23, 1933

Hitler's presence in the church

Hitler is leaving the church
Hitler's presence in the church with Goering's wife and child. Hitler's baby bath and godfather
Hitler listening to the religious hymn "Now we thank God for all of us" at a post-unity celebration in Vienna. Austria his land with the Reich: "We pray for a just God, May

Reich leaders talk about religion

Go to church and pray to God, raise your children as worthy Christians, and convince yourself that fighting each other is more important to this Christianity than separating for the benefit of a third party. Hitler
The National Socialist government declares its allegiance to positive Christianity. It will be your sincere effort to protect both great Christian confessions in their rights, to protect them from interfering in your teachings, and to coordinate your duties in accordance with the views and aspirations of the government today. Adolf Hitler June 26, 1934
National Socialist means surrender to yes, is a victim of selfishness in the pursuit of society, National Socialism in its deepest meaning: service - Christianity. "" German is a lifelong seeker of God. "" Christianity is not a religion for all. -Let's be sure for many people. "Few of them have been nurtured into reality. This is one of the most wonderful branches that the educated soul has ever declared." - Dr. Joseph Goebbels Micha the 1929
I am writing a play, the hero of Jesus Christ. Christ measures men by measuring them, thanks to which he ultimately surrenders. On the other hand, this tragedy of almost all the great prophets and revolutionaries "" The German religious question cannot be separated from Christ "
"We do not allow ourselves to be slandered as atheists - by misusing the term idolatry - simply because we as a society do not welcome a particular sect or dogma or any of it. We do not want one of our men, we give ourselves the right and freedom to draw a clear line between religious / ecclesiastical / sectarian and political / worldview / military activities, and we will vigorously fight against any violation. Likewise, we teach our men - in spite of the very justified anger and many bad experiences our people have had in the past - to anything that is sacred to any ordinary comrade - because of his education and belief - without any Himmler was insulted in word and deed
Himmler had somewhat anti-Christian views but even he says (in this part it is clearly about Christianity):
"... in spite of the very justified anger and many bad experiences that our people have had in the past in this regard - respecting everything that is sacred to any ordinary comrade - because of his education and beliefs - without any insult in Words and deeds. "

So anti-Christian pagans, the next time you insult Christ, remember Himmler's words.
My feelings as a Christian show me to my Lord and my Savior as a fighter. They show me to a man who, when he was surrounded by only a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were." , Invited men to fight them, and who - the truth of God - was not as suffering but as a greater warrior. "In boundless love as a Christian, I read a passage that tells us It tells how God finally got up with His power and caught the plague to drive it away. Worshiping baby vipers and pickers. How great was his fight against the Jewish poison. Today, two thousand years later, I have come to realize more deeply than ever the fact that this is why he had to shed his blood on the cross. "Adolf Hitler, in his speech in Munich on April 12, 1922
As a front-line soldier, I first asked God: Lord, do not let me be cowardly! Whatever happens to us is our victory or our downfall. We also want to ask God for a prayer that we do stubbornly and relentlessly: Lord, do not let us be cowards! Speech by Adolf Hitler at the NSDAP Summit in Berlin, May 1, 1927

Hitler's speech on Christianity

(Because this article has been translated, it is written above the original subtitle translated into Persian)

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Man cannot survive without believing in God. A soldier who endures three or four days of heavy bombardment needs religious support. "Adolf Hitler November 4, 1936 with Cardinal Falhaber

Hitler's presence at religious ceremonies

Christmas celebration with the presence of the pope

Presence of religions in the National Socialist Party


Thirteenth Mountain Armed Army of the Dagger in Croatia known as the Dagger (in German: Die 13. Waffen-Gebirgs-Division der SS "Handschar", kroatische Nr. 1)

One of the mountain rifle divisions was Waffen ‌s, who served with the Nazi German army but was never part of the Nazi German army. The division served the independent Croatian government and engaged in operations against Yugoslav partisans. The independent state of Croatia was a state from Nazi Germany that included almost all of present-day Croatia and all of present-day Bosnia and Herzegovina and parts of Serbia. The dagger army was used from March to December 1944. The division was named dagger in honor of the dagger carried by Turkish police during the centuries that the region was part of the Ottoman Empire. It was the first non-German Waffen-Ass division, and its formation marked the expansion of Waffen-Ass into a multi-ethnic military force. The division, made up of Bosnian Muslims (Bosnian) and some Croatian Catholics and officers of the German Yugoslavia Volkswagen (German), took an oath of allegiance to both Adolf Hitler and Croatian leader Antipaulic.

Activity: 1943-1945

Country: Nazi Germany Reich Germany

Loyalty: Nazi Germany Reich Germany

Independent Government of Croatia

Branch: Vafen Osas

Type: Mountain Riflemen

Role: Anti-guerrilla operations

Size: Division (maximum 17,000)

Alias: Dagger

Slogan: Handžaru udaraj! (Dagger - Attack!)


Operation Weaver

Zafe operation

Operation Austra

Operation Maybaum

Myglocation operation

Operation Flemund

Hydroze operation

Hackflash operation

Operation of Ferrolingroach

Prominent commanders

Karl-Gustaf Saubertsweig

Desidrius Humpel

Mohammad Amin al-Hassani, who was involved in the construction of the dagger army

Congregational prayer of the Muslims of the 13th Division of the German SS in 1943

The dagger army was used from March to December 1944. The division was named dagger in honor of the dagger carried by Turkish police during the centuries that the region was part of the Ottoman Empire. It was the first non-German Waffen-Ass division, and its formation marked the expansion of Waffen-Ass into a multi-ethnic military force. The division, made up of Bosnian Muslims (Bosnian) and some Croatian Catholics and officers of the German Volkswich Deutsche (German ethnicity), took an oath of allegiance to both Adolf Hitler and the Croatian leader Antipaulic.

Heinrich Himmler (SS Commander) was very interested in Islam and believed that it had the ability to produce reckless warriors.

Himmler meets with Haj Amin al-Husseini
Hitler met with Haj Amin al-Husseini
In the way of the Prophet and the Führers "

This is the slogan of the 13th Mountain Dagger SS "

An army that is offering congregational prayers
They fought until the last moment of their lives but did not surrender to the enemy!
Adolf Hitler repeatedly referred to the Muslim world in the last days of the war at the Berlin Underground Sanctuary in 1945. He explained to his secretary Martin Bormann: "The Islamic world was eagerly awaiting our victories in the war. .

Source; Books in the Way of the Prophet and the Führers
A book for Muslims as a gift to Hitler. And here olso is the ss berg section. 60,000 Muslims join the battle for Hitler (National Socialist)
Description of the Muslim Army
Interview with Leon Degrell about the Muslim Legion ( part 1

Part 2
Part 3
The Palestinians fought alongside the Germans in World War II in the Free Arab Legion of Wehrmacht
Those on the left or the right who claim that the Palestinian question is somehow alien to us are historically illiterate
Bosnian soldiers join ss army reading book on Islam and Judaism

Other images of the Muslim army

The Grand Mufti Of Palestina Amin al-Husseini visits Bosnian Volunteers Of The Waffen SS
12 January 1944

A clip of the Muslim army praying
The Germans and the Arabs fought together for a goal
Palestine, the common refuge of the 3 holy religions. Although Christians and Muslims ruled those holy lands peacefully, Christians and Muslims became enemies after World War II because of a cursed race called the Jews. Sacred lands have been persecuted since 1948. The Arabs, the so-called Muslim countries, prefer to be friends with the Jews. I will give you interesting information. According to statistics, the Turkish people are almost the most anti-Semitic people in Europe and the Middle East. However, National Socialist activities cannot progress in a healthy way due to the small number of National Socialist masses in Turkey and their inability to organize properly. If we return to our subject, in order to save Palestine, first of all, Christians and Muslims must wake up again and unite against the Jews.
Description of the Muslim army


Waffen-SS divisions consisted of many nationalities from around the world.

All sections in Waffen-SS were ordered in a series of numbers, regardless of their type. People with a nationality label are at least nominally recruited from those nationalities. Many of the higher-numbered units were small battle groups (Kampfgruppen), meaning only divisions by name.

Hitler did not hate anyone. Hitler only prioritized Germany. All wise leaders put their nation first.
About everything in school about World War II
It was a lie about everything you were taught in school about World War II. History is rewritten by the winners. Hitler and the Germans were not racist or evil
Nazi Black Army Part 1: During the six years of the war, the NS Germans created the largest ethnic, religious, national, political, and cultural force in Western history. Some African, Spanish, Asian, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Native American, Muslim, Russian, English, French, Finnish, Croatian, Romanian, Hungarian, Lithuanian, Estonian, Tartar, Norwegian, Belgian, Jewish, American, Italian, Slavic and The Indians in the army of the Wehrmacht and the SS. This is a history that they will not teach you in history books
The Nazi Black Army Part 2: It was a lie about everything you were taught in school about World War II. History is rewritten by the winners. Hitler and the Germans were not racist or evil. The liberal-democratic powers of the United States and their Soviet Bolshevik allies have murdered, enslaved, and oppressed "non-white" peoples more than they have been falsely accused by National Socialist Germany. History is made by the ruling elite endless and always victorious. Africans behaved better in Germany than in the United States, where blacks faced separatism. There were some Africans, Spaniards, Asians, Dutch, Danes, Japanese, Americans, Swedes, Native Americans, Muslims, Russians, British, Slavs, and Indians in the Warmakht and SS armies. This is a history that they will not teach you in history books.

Hitler's Jewish Army part 1
Part 2'
Hitler's International Army part 1
Part 2

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