Работа В Зоопарках Сочинение

Работа В Зоопарках Сочинение


Работа В Зоопарках Сочинение

Сделайте мне пожалуйста сочинение на тему "Я работаю в зоопарке" по английски с переводом ПРОШУ:):):):):)

Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple, the present continuous or the future simple.A: What 1) .................. (you/do) on Saturday?B: I

2) .................. (volunteer) at my local animal shelter.That’s where I 3) .................. (go) every weekend.A: That’s interesting. Do you think I could come along too?B: OK. The shift 4) ......... (start) at 10. I 5) .......... (write)down the address and we can meet there at 9:30.A: Can we make it 9:45? I 6) ................ (expect) a parcel onSaturday morning. The mail 7) .............. (come) around9:30. I think I 8) ............... (be) at the shelter at 9:45.B: 9:45 is fine. I 9) .................. (see) you then. Mysister 10) .................. (come) too.A: Great! I’d love to see her again.​

Task 3. Open the brackets putting the verbs into the Future Simple.1) He__many countries next holiday. (to visit)2) Their friends__a birthday party ne

xt week. (to have)3) I__animals in one of the biggest zoo in our city.(to feed)4) You__a good mark for this written task. (not get)​

They're arriving at the film studio.2 What are the extras doing at 9.30 tomorrow morning?3 What's Ben doing at 10.30 tomorrow morning?4 What's Anne do

ing at 11.30 tomorrow morning?5 What are the extras doing at 11.45 tomorrow morning?6 What is the director doing at 12.15 tomorrow?7 What are they doing at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon?Помпгите пжпж пока что англиски не начялся​

Task 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect1) They__these books yet. (not read)2) She__her favourite chocolate. (to buy)3) __you__Mosco

w? (to visit). -Yes, No,4) Her grandmother__this delicious cake. (to bake)​

Write an essay about one of the professions in the box. Use have to/don’t have to. Add some job qualities and other words in the box. nurse

theme park mascot accountant gardener baker police officer pizza delivery boy cashier vet hairdresser mechanic pilot outdoor indoor factory full-time part-time dayshift job qualities: friendly, brave, enthusiastic and so on. Follow the plan below:1. Name2. Job3. Where works4. How long works5. Job descriptions6. Qualities for the work7. Pros and consFor example:This is Maira (1). She is a teacher (2). She works at school, so she has an indoor job (3). She works part-time (4). She comes home when her lessons are over (4). She has a very responsible job, she teaches kids (5). She is friendly because she is always there to help children (6). She is also hardworking, she sometimes stays late planning the lesson for the following day (6). She is patient too (6). She tries to be calm every time when someone doesn’t understand something and she has to explain it more than once (6). She doesn’t have to be fit but she really cares about her health, so she does exercises every morning(6). She really loves her profession because it’s exciting and interesting, but she sometimes gets tired of long paper works(7). ​

1. А) Mark the sentences True or False1. All parties in the English school are interesting.2. All the children liked the party on the Valentine’s Day.

3. The party was held in the classroom.4. Sharon got a bunch of flowers from Joe.5. Sharon wrote ten cards to boys.6. They sang and danced at the party.1. _____ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______5​

Задание 3. Прочитайте 2 отрывка из рождественских рассказов.Что непохожего вы увидели в них? Запишите 3 различия, подтверждая свои ответы цитатами.Зап

олните таблицу, цитаты, можно сокращать при необходимости.6 балловФ.М.Достоевский«Мальчик у Христа на ёлке»Л.Андреев«Ангелочек»123​

Task 3 Look at the words in brackets. Decide which of these animals match the descriptionsВыберите из скобок, животных, которые соответствуют описанию

Выбрать нужно только трех из всего списка(bear/camel/gazelle/deer/snake/seal/snow leopard/mouse/rabbit)The fastestThe most dangerousThe heaviestОЧЕНЬ СРОЧНО​

PRESENT SIMPLEExercise 1Complete the sentences. Use the right positive or negative forms of the verb to be: am, am not, is, isn't,1. Michel's new car.

..blue.a. amb. isc. are2. Mychildren...8 and 6 years old.a. amb. isc. areI … interested in Maths. I think it's boring.a. am notb. is notc. amn't4. We can walk to the supermarket. It … far.a. isb. isn'tc. aren't5. Kate and Sandra … at work today because it is a bank holiday.a. isb. arec. aren't6. … this the right phone number?a. Amb. Isc. Are7. Nick's parents … teachers at our school.a. amb. isc. are8.That book...very exciting. Take this one.a. am notb. is notc. are not9. ...Tom and Bob good students in your class?a. Amb. Isc. Are10. Today the news … veryexciting.a. amb. isc. are11. I … hot. Please, open the window.a. amb. isc. are12. There … many women in our office, only three.a. am notb. isn'tc. aren't​

Task 3.Choose a correct variant.1. Did you see / have you seen my book anywhere? I can't find it.2. I have done/ did my homework. Now I can go for a w

alk.3. We didn't play/haven't played football yesterday.4. Someone has eaten/ate all the cakes. I'll buy some more.5. Children have visited/visited their Granny three days ago.6. When did you help / have you helped your parents about the house?​

Общие вопросы Правила Как получить баллы? Реклама Политика конфиденциальности Responsible disclosure program

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