Naseeha Channel

【 Pαrт:2 ➛ NEATNESS 】  

Alhamdulillāh in the last issue, the importance of cleanliness in our homes was discussed. Just as it is important to keep our homes clean and tidy, it is also important to keep it orderly and well organized. The Hadith very emphatically teaches us to be neat and organized in whatever we do.

On one occasion Rasulullah ﷺ said to the Sahaabah (radiyallahu anhum): “You will soon be meeting some of your brothers, so straighten your saddles, and neaten your clothing until you become like a shining star in the sight of the people” (Abu Dawood #4091).

In this Hadith, Rasulullah ﷺ explicitly commands the Sahaabah (radiyallahu anhum) to straighten their saddles and neaten their clothes so as to look presentable in the sight of people. 

The following are some points that should be considered:

Neatness in one’s home: It should be the duty of every Muslim to keep his home and surroundings neat and tidy. If someone enters the house, he should find it pleasantly inviting. The woman of the house should be an example to her husband and children in keeping the house neat and tidy. In fact, all the members of the house should be taught to keep the house in this manner. Unfortunately, often people neglect their homes and live in a chaotic manner. It is unpleasant to find disorganized tables, shelves, and scattered clothes lying around everywhere. Wherever you look, there are signs of chaos and disorder. At times, household members remain in their pyjamas for the entire day. Children are sometimes left dirty and neglected. Certainly, these are against the morals of a Muslim and the teachings of the Shari’ah. 

In the life-style of the friends of Allah Ta’ala, we find many lessons of guidance. In his last illness, Hakeemul-Ummah Hazrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (rahmatullahi alahi) had become extremely weak. Late one night Hazrat needed to go to the toilet. In the rural parts of India of that time, there was no electricity and the toilets were situated outside the homes. Furthermore since there was no running water, water had to be taken along for istinja (washing). In this condition of weakness and in the darkness of the night, Hazrat (rahmatullahi alahi) carried his lota (water can) to the toilet. On his return from the toilet, he felt dizzy and fell unconscious for a while. When he regained consciousness, he dragged himself into the house and lay down to rest. He then realised that the lota had remained where he had fallen in the darkness. He immediately realized that should anyone else wish to use the toilet, he will be inconvenienced due to not finding the lota in its place. Despite his weakness he could not bear the thought of somebody being inconvenienced in this way. He therefore got up, went outside, retrieved the lota and put it back in its proper place. 

To maintain order in one’s home and to keep it neat and organized, the following points should be kept in mind by members of the household:

1. Everything at home should be organized and kept in its respective place. If any item is used, it should be put back in its place after use. Generally, if items are not put back in their proper places then in times of emergencies it puts one in great difficulty. 

2. Members of the house should be taught not to leave their things lying around. Children, especially, should be made to clear up after playing with their toys, puzzles, etc. In this way things will always be kept neat and tidy. 

3. To inculcate the habit of neatness in ourselves as well as our children, each person should be taught to daily make their own beds even though one may have domestic servants who will do the job. After bathing or changing, the clothes one has removed must be put into the washing baskets. Similarly, after eating, the dirty dishes should be taken to the sink. This should be made a rule in the house.

 cσηtίηυєd in sнα Allααн

Author: Uswatul Muslimah

Read the previous part here

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