


Confess your secrets r/ confessions
I always put extra chicken nuggets whenever someone orders them.
Found SO’s Reddit confessing emotional affair
My previous roommate turned me off of an entire culture of food because she was such a bad chef
I don't reply to Texts/Messages/DMs on purpose..
I hooked up with my married friend and now she'd pregnant and I am pretty sure it's mine.
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It seems like this is getting to be a more popular opinion but it can still be very touchy to bring up in a group setting. Lots of guys will make fun of you for liking bigger girls and it sucks :/. Honestly i also feel a bit of shame for not being able to own up to my preference. I know some guys who are loud and proud about their love for chunky girls and I want that same level of confidence.
So i guess this is my first attempt at being proud of my attraction. Chubby girls are the best tho!! I've been with one for a couple months now and it fucking rocks. She loves to cook. She loves to lounge around. She LOVES to eat and is always taking me out to try something new and delicious. She's the best cuddle buddy I've ever had by a mile. And the sex is so awesome that its honestly kinda unfair to skinny girls lol.
After typing this up I already feel more confident 😅
When I was working in McDonald’s, whenever someone orders chicken nuggets, I usually hook ‘em up with a couple extra. If they got the 20 piece I usually add like 5 extra nuggies.
It all started when I (20F) moved in with my bf 2 years ago, i have always worked in cleaning and didnt mind doing the dishes and cleaning basic stuff like the toilet at the start, however it has slowly evolved into so much more, buying new cleaning supplies and smelling the new variants of toilet cleaner genuinely excite me. I never cleaned at home, my mom cleaned everything and i think i may be turning into my mom a little.
I feel like no one else my age feels like this, and it kind of makes me feel weird ? having a sunday like today where i can take my time to clean my house top to bottom is extremely relaxing to me, and going to the store afterwards and coming home to a shiny clean living room that smells like fresh cotton feels like a reward to me.
i dont clean 24/7, i have weeks where i neglect it all or only do the bare minimum, but once I do go on a cleaning spree.. well i cannot be stopped.
Am I weird? Am i turning into a boomer? or worse, my mom? (just kidding i love my mom shes the best<3)
I found my wife’s Reddit. We got married July of last year. This Reddit confessed that she had been obsessed with a coworker and “thought about him every day” since at least January of last year.
From March to September of last year, she had secretly cheated on me with a roommate before that. And November before that she cheated with a former so of hers. Our whole 3 year relationship feels like a sick lie…
We had lots of communication issues, but when I tried to talk about them, she would withdraw and go to other people instead. Both of us stonewalled each other sometimes but she would deliberately go to others. I don’t know if she had more secrets.
Not going to specify what background my old roommate was, but she was from another country. Now her culture's food is kinda becoming trendy in the US which is great, but I actually get nauseous when I see it now.
Her kitchen hygiene was awful.... touching raw fish then touching everything else. She would overcook everything. Everything was always chopped into mush because that's how she preferred to eat it. She would cook mass amounts of it then store it in the fridge till it spoiled. She'd let the dirty dishes still covered with food sit out and attract fruit flies.
To her credit, she did mention that the way she cooked it all was not the "proper" way since she was an insanely picky eater and kinda vegetarian/pescatarian and most the dishes traditionally had meat.
But between all the bad smells associated with her making that food, I am completely turned off of it. I mean, jesus, one time she made something that smelt like spicy wet hay and even she was appalled by it lmao.
So....I often have ignored txt messages from people...phone calls...Fb messages etc...
And I really don't know why... I enjoy and love most of these people... But, I just can't find the energy anymore to be idk...cheerful? To make small talk? I absolutely hate myself for it...but, I don't know what to do anymore... I just go to work everyday...then come home and just want to hide in my room. Do I know why? No.... I really don't. It's just what's comfortable to me.
These people in my life deserve someone who wants to give them all their time and energy.
Can I change? Or should I just tell them to move on.... ?
She's the younger sister of my friend. We dated for a bit many years ago and it went nowhere, but we stayed friends. She got married to this guy about 2 years ago, and seemed to be happy, and I never thought anything of it.
But about a year ago she told me she was unhappy in her marriage and wonders what else may have been. I see her as just a friend and try to give her the best advice I can. Be open, talk to him, try to make your marriage work. Communicate.
Well a few months ago I'm out working in the garden and she stops by, tells me she was in the neighborhood and wanted to say hi. I pop a bottle of home made wine and we walk around my farm and talk and laugh. I'm not thinking anything of it, this is my married friend.
She tells me her and husband have been trying to gave kids for a bit and it's just not happening. He doesn't want to go to a fertility doctor. I again tell her to be open and honest and tell him she thinks they should.
We're by my duck pond at this point wich has some Rose of Sharron bushes, which she tells me is her favorite flower, and she bends over to smell one and hikes up her skirt as she does, revealing she is not wearing underwear.
It all clicked in to me and even though I don't think it's the right thing to do, I take the hint and I take her. We had sex there in a flowerbed. She got dressed, left, and we never spoke of it again.
Now a few months later she is pregnant, and posting all this stuff about how happy she is her and husband are finally having a baby.
As far as I'm concerned if he raises it, it's his kid no matter what. I won't tell him, I know she won't. So I guess that's that.

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Pretty slutty, but if I were a girl…I would totally blow a guy for a ride to McDonalds. I mean it’s just a little head. Drunk munchies are a motherfucker.
To check out more confessions or leave your own, hit up the Whisper app now.
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Some pretty bizarre stuff has happened on Reddit over the years.
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“There was a guy who posted on /b asking if he should kill his girlfriend. They said yes, and then he responded with pictures of her body, strung up so that her teenaged son would find it when he got home, as the other commenters continued to encourage him. It was reposted on Reddit and ended up making the news. That one made me sick to my stomach.” — Capcombric
“I remember a guy who unknowingly admitted to molesting his cousin on askreddit when he was asking for advice. Pretty much they were having a sleepover and he sticks his hand down her pants and starts fingering her out of no where. She stops talking to him after that and he’s freaking out saying she’s being a bitch and he was worried she was going to tell on him even though she definitely wanted it. After all, if she didn’t, she would have stopped him. After everyone in the comments trying to explain that he molested her, he argued back saying they’re wrong but then deleted his post.” — Douche_Kayak
“Someone accidentally killed multiple tenants (maybe a family?) because he left a rag or something in a bad place in the basement. He saw it before any investigation and took to so it couldn’t go back on him or his business.” — Broship_Rajor
“There was a guy who confessed to murder using that bear meme. I think that one qualifies. They also caught the guy shortly after the post.” — titty_twister_9000
“I’m not sure of the thread and it was months ago, but it was a child psychologist who was talking about molesting and abusing his clients. I work in mental health, so I think it was on a related subreddit. Anyways, it was super disturbing. He went into really creepy detail about how he would groom the children. Some of the things made me think he wasn’t really a psychologist, but some of his knowledge made me think he did have some healthcare knowledge.” — cts_2
“That guy that did an AMA on his former incestuous relationship with his mom.” — onewhosleepsnot
“Wasn’t there a guy who confessed to killing his sisters asshole boyfriend by making it looked like the guy OD’d?” — Watermelon420
“I remember when a guy used confession bear to say that he was supposed to cheat with his new wife’s best friend and waited for her in a hotel, but she died in a car accident on the way there.” — jeff_the_nurse
“The guy whose girlfriend had a rape fantasy. So he followed her out of her town and actually raped her…” — road_dogg
“The guy that fucked hundreds of men to give them aids was beyond fucked up. I’m pretty desensitized and that was to much for me.” — Igotnothingatall
“That one guy who confessed to killing some guy beating the shit out of another guy in a dark alley; then went home and melted the gun.” — CaptianRed
“Dude broke both of his arms. Mom asks if he needs help masturbating, she helps him. Then they eventually fuck and it goes on for a while. The dad knew as well.” — Misterversace
“Not on reddit, hell this is only loosely related, but the time a guy on/b/ showed pics of the skull he stole from the catacombs under paris, and then him fucking it.” — SoupDeLaDog
“There was a deleted confession of a Venezuelan redditor…
About killing a street thug for raping/molesting his gf. This happened when Venezuela is in the first stages of entering economical apocalypse it is currently in.
He described that it is futile for a Venezuelan to leave the criminal to due process, since law enforcement can’t be bothered to enforce the case. The police were underpaid, and most of the time are in cahoots with the criminals.
So he kidnapped the thug, brought him to a remote house, and beat the thug to death with a metal/wooden bat while the thug is tied to a chair.
He then disposed the body in a plastic bodybag in a river or a roadside street just like how you see it on gangster films.
I remember that he wrote that the whole ordeal left him feeling apathetic and nonchalant.
The original confession has been deleted to protect himself.
My memory of his confession is hazy, but it was one of the first, memorable and powerful thing I’ve read on reddit.” — RubahBetutu
“Someone confessed to forcing little girls to orally please him.” — ImJustaBagofHammers
“There was that Ask Reddit Rapist thread. Things got dark.” — MrSups
“One where a guy admitted his friends murdered a homeless man while they were hanging out in pretty graphic detail.” — SeanGames
“I remember seeing a post on /r/offmychest where a kid like 16 or something confessed to raping a friend while she was in a coma.” — RobertTheMuffin
“I seem to remember a post where someone confessed to a hit and run.” — Marmitecashews
“Probably the confession where the Redditor and a (girl) friend decided to experiment in bestiality with his dog. They waited until no one was home, the girl stripped down naked and bent over on all fours and changed her mind when the dog approached her. The dog then proceeded to chase her, mount her and have sex with the girl. She ended up committing suicide weeks later.
Not sure of validity of it, but still disturbed the hell out of me.”
“The one where he was going to reveal an famously anti-gay senator for having a relationship with another man in 3 weeks time, but then never posted after the deadline.” — mzyos
“This guy said he would wear a girl’s panties, talk to her, cum in them while talking to her, then put them back in her drawer/suitcase (he was a luggage guy).” — [deleted]
“The guy who confessed to spending thousands of dollars on inflatable dragons so he could have sex with them. It was in a finance thread, which made it even more bizarre. Eventually someone finally asked if he had sex with them and he’s like ‘well, duh.'” — ItsMinnieYall
“On the legal advice forum several months ago (it’s been deleted) someone got on there who described, in detail, a ‘sexual’ encounter he had just had, where, when he went to the bathroom to take a shower, when he came back out the woman was gone, and 20 minutes later the cops showed up.
The whole story sounded like a very cliched – and detailed rape scenario; a few commenters responded to the OP just to tell him to shut-up, stop typing on reddit, and go call an attorney ASAP.
Then, the story was deleted.” — [deleted]
“There was a guy who confessed that he stalked a girl for a year, hacked her love interest’s computer, planted a load of evidence that love interest had been stalking her and was into a load of weird and creepy stuff, revealed it to girl, helped girl to get a restraining order on love interest, used that as his way in with the girl, and eventually married her … what the actual fuck.” — ashdelete 
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