


not sure if this has been done before
not sure if this has been done before
This is the BARE MINIMUM for M' lady!
Question for youngins out there, has simp culture made it harder to get laid?
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I'm 32 and been married for 2 years so I've been completely out of the dating game. My question to younger guys (particularly Gen Z's)....has the simp culture made it harder to get laid and have girlfriends? It seems to me that you have the added benefit of today's technology to slide in a girls DM's or meet them on tinder which is nice....But it also seems like girls who are, let's be honest....Not that attractive...Have been elevated by social media into these :"unattainable" women, even though 15 to 20 years ago they wouldn't have been really anything special. I live in Scottsdale, and I've met women who are okay, maybe 6's and 7's at best, but then you see their Instagram and they have 100 to 200k followers, and an army of simps following them around all day. I couldn't imagine trying to date in today's world with this added social status pressure brought on by social media. It used to be if you were the hot girl in high school, you'd be the local star who dates the local High School quarterback. Now it seems like all the local girls who are attractive are dating rappers, sports stars, and youtube stars. I feel like if I was a high schooler in today's world, I would have never have gotten laid at all, as opposed to only getting lucky a few times back then.
Not kidding. I had a filthy SIMP thought to apologize for asking this girl out at her workplace for “making her uncomfortable” and when I mentioned this to my therapist she gave a very disapproving look and shook her head “No.” (for some reason I feel the need to add that my therapist is kinda jacked lol). Ngl I still do want this person to come around and be like yeah let’s hang out but my therapist said I’m not letting my thoughts induce deleterious behaviors as I would have in the past which is indicative of progress.
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