Christina Moore

Research methodology question paper pune university (Steuben) this man is cocky on a cloud he lived in Antioch a distant capital of Rome his stage a wooden platform in the middle of the street his song a simple one example Oh gimme up good digestion and something to digest if you provide some bread and wine just keep some people eating they'll never be a lady whose digestion observe him closely he is dead he has been dead for almost 1700 years his bones lie buried beneath the sands of what is now called Western Turkey his painted clown white flesh has slid away and vanished rejoined the elements it gave it birth his gesture bells are silent his comic phallus is forgotten his jokes are blown like pollen through the empty skulls of those who one time watched him all day old it all day all day all dead whatever truth there is whatever quick perception whatever ability there is to feel to leap across the precipice of time all this exists within ourselves you Columbia University.

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