ROCKZ - World's Most Bulletproof Cryptocurrency

ROCKZ - World's Most Bulletproof Cryptocurrency



As progressive as it sounds, Blockchain really is a system to convey everybody to the most noteworthy level of responsibility. Not any more missed exchanges, human or machine blunders, or even a trade that was not finished with the assent of the gatherings included. Above whatever else, the most basic territory where Blockchain causes is to ensure the legitimacy of an exchange by recording it on a principle enroll as well as an associated dispersed arrangement of registers, which are all associated through a safe approval component.

The blockchain is a morally sound computerized record of monetary exchanges that can be customized to record not simply money related exchanges but rather for all intents and purposes everything of esteem. Blockchain innovation resembles the web in that it has a worked in power. By putting away squares of data that are indistinguishable over its system, the blockchain can’t be controlled by any single substance and has no single purpose of disappointment. The web itself has turned out to be tough for just about 30 years. It’s a reputation that looks good for blockchain innovation as it keeps on being produced.


ROCKZ is The world's most impenetrable digital money. The ROCKZ mission is to make the cryptographic money showcase straightforward, sheltered and trusted for its clients, so we can anchor the notoriety and maximum capacity of blockchain advancements and the cryptosphere for who and what is to come. 

ROCKZ is an administration, not an item. Its prosperity will be estimated, not in the outrageous valuations of the coin, but rather in the quantity of individuals who trust it as their 'port in a tempest'. 

The target for ROCKZ is to be generally perceived, trusted and utilized by both expert speculators and private members of the new crypto reality. We have an expressed point of accomplishing a base 3% piece of the overall industry, making ROCKZ a fundamental piece of the cryptosphere engineering. 

Moreover, ROCKZ is a cryptographic money supported by Swiss Francs, the most steady national cash which has been relentlessly fortifying for over 30 years! For each issued ROCKZ, 1 Swiss Franc is held by the ROCKZ organization for the coin holders' record. 

The explanation behind Swiss Francs is on the grounds that ROCKZ revolves around the CHF not simply because of the key occupation Switzerland is playing in the enhancement of cryptographic forms of money, yet first in light of the way that the CHF offers certified protection against swelling and cheapening. Over the span of the latest 50 years, the United States Dollar (USD) has lost 78% of its motivating force to the CHF. Despite when the CHF pays negative advance costs, the cash has been expanding in esteem. In a manner of speaking, CHF has been, starting in the relatively recent past, the Bitcoin of the conventional markets: the money of a little country with a confined supply. 


The mission is to make the cryptographic money advertise increasingly straightforward, secure and solid for its clients and to anchor the blockchain's notoriety and potential for who and what is to come. 


The Rockz group means to securely interface the universe of virtual monetary standards to the genuine economy, give approaches to enhance benefits, and take out all dangers related with trade work and contradicting parties. 

Previously, we step forward into revealing some insight into the ROCKZ stage, how about we bring a little bypass into The Impending Challenge and Solution Offered by ROCKZ: 

The Impending Challenge and Solution Offered by ROCKZ 

As portrayed by the task originator Yassen Ben Hamida, the principle issue of the present crypto industry is the nonappearance of a strong association with the genuine economy. 

Crypto markets are anything but difficult to enter, however leaving business sector is related with costs, dangers and challenges. Nowadays numerous groups are attempting to create stable digital currencies to encourage worldwide appropriation and keep away from dangers that are referenced previously. 

Guaranteeing Tether is the best-known answer for this issue, in this way the purpose behind the ROCKZ venture. Fast development and over $2bn advertise capitalization indicates huge interest for such stable coins. In any case, Tether and other comparative resource supported coins have numerous blemishes that ROCKZ does not have. 

It's a great opportunity to make a really dependable and stable cryptographic money that will end up being a strong scaffold between the conventional and computerized economies. That is the reason we made ROCKZ. 

ROCKZ is a scaffold associating crypto with customary budgetary frameworks, enabling financial specialists to book benefits while remaining in crypto. 

About The ROCKZ Platform 

The ROCKZ stage is intended for a few sorts of clients: 

Early Crypto Adopters 

Private crypto speculators who have effectively finished interests in the cryptosphere and need to shield their riches by protecting it from market, security and counterparty dangers. ROCKZ offers a 'sheltered harbor' for their riches when the oceans gets harsh. 

Institutional Crypto Investors and Fund Managers 

Institutional financial specialists are expanding their investment in this new resource class. For both short and long haul exchanging, they require a component to delay between times of speculation action. 

Corporates, Service Providers and Private Investors 

ROCKZ is intended for companies contributing straightforwardly for their own record, and specialist co-ops following up for their customers, just as private people who wish to get installments in digital forms of money, however are reluctant to go for broke identified with primary coins. All are searching for simplicity and helpful accessibility in the gathering of their installments, while as yet keeping up the security and stable estimations of their benefits. Once more, ROCKZ suits the majority of their needs splendidly. 


Crypto merchants deliberately make a few arrangements per day, or week , relying upon their exchanging style. As was referenced over, these clients require an instrument that enables them to fix positions quick and change to new target looks. As of now brokers use Tether, being under counterparty dangers, or Bitcoin, being under market dangers. ROCKZ is built to maintain a strategic distance from both of these dangers. Long haul financial specialists share similar issues – and a similar arrangement. 

The Implementation - How It Works? 

Virtual money RKZ will be issued by the organization Alprockz AG, headquartered in Zug, Switzerland. This digital money will be given by a standout amongst the most steady monetary standards on the planet – the Swiss franc. 

Note that 90 percent of the Swiss franc save will be guarded in Deposit confines the type of banknotes. In the meantime, the rest of the 10 percent will be situated on the stores of the most dependable Swiss keeping money organizations, subsequently guaranteeing a steady increment in the estimation of the virtual cash. 

It is likewise worth focusing on the way that all stores will be put away on the terms of a trust command. This permits holders of RKZ tokens, even in case of chapter 11 of the issuing organization, to access Fiat assets in Swiss banks. 

The primary clients of this advanced resource ought to be: 

Digital money financial specialists who need to shield their assets from dangers; 

Merchants of products and ventures who need to utilize a dependable and secure digital money for their installments; 

Diggers who wish to lawfully change over earned tokens to Fiat; 

Normal clients who wish to store their very own assets securely. 

Dissimilar to some current today stablecoin, RKZ will guarantee straightforwardness all the while. As per Swiss enemy of tax evasion enactment, RKZ outside trade stores will be liable to a review by an autonomous substance. The consequences of the review will be set in the individual record of every customer. In this manner, every proprietor of RKZ tokens will have the capacity to get to know the condition of cash saves whenever. 

Security of client reserves is guaranteed by multifaceted verification, which requires different marks, just as the utilization of biometric information to affirm get to. What's more, client reserves are not put away on the RKZ stage, which is the reason programmers can not take them. It is likewise vital to focus on the nearness of encryption calculation P2PE, which is considered the most dependable starting today. 

Expenses inside the stage will be charged for: 

Conveyance of RKZ to digital currency holders; 

Conveyance of assets to proprietors of RKZ comparable sum in Fiat money; 

Conveyance of the comparable measure of banknotes in Switzerland; 

Giving accomplice licenses. 


Inside the structure of the stage, APZ tokens will likewise be propelled, which will be sold amid the ICO. These tokens furnish financial specialists with lifetime rewards and advantages, including those that will show up in the further advancement of the site.

Token and ICO Details

Alprockz (APZ) tokens are ERC-20 tokens issued by Alprockz AG during the ICO. The ROCKZ team created Alprockz (APZ) as a utility token, allowing users to access the ROCKZ platform, access discounts on transaction fees based on the maturity of their Alprockz (APZ) holding, and benefit from various services. The one-time amount issued will be up to 175 million APZ. APZ tokens not distributed will be burned.

Token Details

Token Name - Alprockz (APZ)

Token Type - ERC20

Basis Blochchain - Ethereum

Total Token Emission - 175,000,000 APZ

Tokens Available during Private Sale and ICO - 26,250,000 APZ

Private Sale Dates - 01.10.2018 - 30.01.2019

ICO Dates - Q1 2019

ICO Token Price - CHF 0.60 per APZ

Private Sale Discounts

There are three buckets (approximately 5,833,000 tokens each) available on a "firstcome - first serve" basis.

01.10.2018 - 15.11.2018 - 40% discount.

16.11.2018 - 15.12.2018 - 30% discount.

16.12.2018 - 30.01.2019 - 20% discount.

Private Sale Minimum Buy-In Amount - CHF 1,000

ICO Minimum Buy-in Amount - 500 APZ or CHF 300 worth of value

Total funds to be raised (Hardcap) - CHF 12.6M

Token Distribution Structure

60 % - Treasury (In escrow with vesting mechanism over minimum of 36 months)

15 % - Founders, Core Team & Advisors (vesting plan over 18 months)

10 % - Accredited Private Sale (vesting plan over 18 months)

10 % - Early-stage/ seed investors

5 % - Public sale

Use of Funds

55 % - Development & operations of ROCKZ platform

20 % - Promotion of ROCKZ adoption and other blockchain innovations

15 % - Treasury reserve for any unplanned events

10 % - Legal and Compliance




For more information, please visit:


Whitepaper: RockzWhitePaperEnglish_v2 .pdf

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Author TheJohnMatch


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