


F29 150 5'5 [F] Age, Weight, Height (reddit.com)
19f 133lbs 5ft :) [F] Age, Weight, Height (reddit.com)
F27 5'3" weight unknown [F] Age, Weight, Height (i.imgur.com)
FTM-19-5FT3-181LBS Torso 360 [F->M] Age, Weight, Height (reddit.com)
M34, 5’7”, 170 lbs [M] 34, 170lbs, 5’7” (i.redd.it)
submitted 2 years ago by Seesyounaked
Specifically, detailing sexual acts you would perform to someone (β€œI’d be happy to eat/fuck/taste/own you”) or asking for additional photos is unacceptable. These comments are sexual in nature and are against the culture of our community.
All body types welcome!!! Skinny, chubby, tall, short, transgender, black, white, green or blue. My hope is that we have a library of images of every body type from as many types of people as possible.
No body shaming of any kind. If people are proud of their body the way it is, say something nice or nothing at all! No pushing diets, no criticism of lifestyle choices, and no trash talking or offensive comments. This applies to everyone, including those who seem to have no flaws at all. Do not beauty shame or fat shame, because this subreddit is about exposing the natural variance of the human body.
If someone asks specifically for an honest opinion, it is perfectly acceptable to provide it, so long as it is done in a constructive way.
Do not offer unsolicited health or fitness advice! Do not suggest someone start working out or dieting unless the submitted has asked for an honest opinion or for tips on how to get healthy.
ABSOLUTELY DO NOT PM INAPPROPRIATE COMMENTS OR REQUESTS. Users should feel free to report such unwanted messages. If you are known to have sent an unwelcome PM, you will be IMMEDIATELY BANNED.
Titles should not be flirty or sexual. - Please keep your titles more aimed toward body esteem (positive or negative)
No Onlyfans or other kinds of monetized accounts. The simple act of posting here is basic advertisement regardless of intent, which the sub does not need.
This is not porn. Please do not submit images that are intentionally posed to look flattering or 'sexy' and do NOT link porn. Provocative submissions will be removed and we'll ask the user to resubmit with a less scandalous photo.
DO NOT post any images involving people under the age of 18. If you are underage and considering posting, please be aware that our community is active and will likely figure you out. If the moderators find out that a submission is nude photos of an underage individual, the poster will be banned and reported to several avenues of authority on Reddit, Imgur, and any other websites used to host the illegal material. We take this very seriously and want to keep the community and the participating members safe in their participationt.
This is not a 'hot or not?' subreddit. So please, refrain from using submission titles asking for validation or rating. Of course we're here to help you feel comfortable about yourself, but that will happen anyway.**
All submissions MUST include your age, height and weight, as well as any other details so that those who are too shy to post can better identify with those who have.
No clothing in your submissions unless you are demonstrating how you look clothed vs. unclothed.
Full body images from the front/side/back are the best for seeing general body types
If you can, in your post text tell us some things about yourself and your confidence issues. Ask questions if you need help understanding your body. This post is another amazingly perfect example of the spirit of our sub, so check it out!
Your face is not necessary in the image , but if you're feeling brave and unashamed, feel free!
Close-ups of breasts or genitals are A-Okay. And are encouraged, actually, to give a close up example of the variations of these body parts.
Please don't submit pictures with watermarks for your name or camgirl business.
Links to pro-self image sites are encouraged!
Posted images should come directly from an image hosting website with minimal ads ( www.imgur.com preferred).
Feel free to post about overcoming your own body self esteem issues! Proud of some weight loss? Just realized you are much more desirable than you thought before? Let us know your triumph!
Ask questions!! If you have questions about how to cope with certain issues, ask!
This is not an "Is my dick long enough?" subreddit. If you're unsure of your size, refer to the dozens of previously posted photos. I only say this because the absolute most common post is dick pictures (of course).
All submissions must be 100% flaccid. As of 7/5/17 we do not allow erection submissions. If you look pre-fluffed for your pictures, a mod with either contact you or remove your post.
**You may add an erect photo in the comments of your submission if you'd like to do so! But please don't have it in your submission album.
Please don't kill yourself flexing your muscles! The purpose is to see bodies at rest, not at their best!
Women may show themselves aroused, but not masturbating. This is simply so we can have references to how aroused vaginas, and nipples can normally look.
Please do not squeeze your breasts together in an attempt to make them appear different than they are.
Please don't suck in your stomach or silly things like that. For one, we can tell, and for another, we're here to honestly tell you there's nothing to worry about, and we can't do that with a false representation of you!
If you see any poster violating these rules, please help the moderators out by downvoting AND reporting the comment or image submission. Downvoting helps to place the entry below the default viewing threshold while moderators are away from Reddit.
If you are the individual who posted their body and are made to feel uncomfortable, please downvote, report the comment, and send us a message letting us know that you felt uncomfortable. You are also welcome to respond to the offensive comment letting them know that you were made to feel uncomfortable.
Enjoy yourselves! If you seek any further clarification about absolutely anything, please don’t hesitate to message the mods. We’re very happy to help!
submitted 9 months ago by FireBlade61
If you're thinking of submitting a post to r/normalnudes , be prepared to receive unwanted PM's.
This is the nature of Reddit and no matter how explicitly it is stated in the rules that transgressors will be banned , or how many get banned for it, it will still happen and will become worse as the sub grows even bigger.
The moderators welcome the affected users to report the messages. In many cases, however, this is simply impossible. The flood of disgusting PM's is too overwhelming.
Luckily, Reddit gives us the option to fully control who can and cannot send us private messages.
In the old desktop version, go to 'preferences' > 'blocked' and tick 'Only trusted users' .
In the new version, go to 'user settings' (the dropdown menu) > 'chat and messaging' and choose 'nobody' .
This way, only users you select will be able to send you PM's.
Given the abismally short attention span of Reddit users, my suggestion is to disable PM's for as long as the post stays up, or for a set timeframe of 24-48 hours.
I recommend this to anyone who's been afraid of posting or can't stand this kind of harassment. Submitting on the sub should be a freeing experience and not a stressful one.
submitted 8 hours ago by mydeepdarksecrett
submitted 3 hours ago by Technical_Animal_838
submitted 2 hours ago by oujiasshole
submitted 4 hours ago by yes_thats_I
submitted 12 hours ago by sleepycrybabyy
submitted 16 hours ago by thriftygypsypixie
submitted 7 hours ago by Alannah_Kitty
I finally decide I have enough courage to post here and for the approx 20 minutes or so it was up before I freaked out my inbox became flooded. I knew it was inevitable i'd receive a couple but on a sub where there is a rule to inexplicitly NOT message people it's just ridiculous how many people did anyway. I don't even mind messages if they are genuine and thoughtful or actually flattering and for that reason I really don't want to have to block dm's because you do make some meaningful connections here believe it or not.... but that was a mistake because mostly everything was just low effort trash and a lot of it was sexual and crude and coming from accounts with no karma or content of their own. I thought this sub was supposed to be a non sexual gallery of different body types and for body confidence.
"That is a great looking pair of tits! What size are they?"
"Hey you are very pretty and have a nice boobs"
"19m here hey I love ur posts and ur gorgeous tits ! im too nervous to post myself but I was wonder can I send u a pic for a rating ? "
"your boobs are out of this world! do you have kik? can i cum tribute you plz"
"your nipples are perky and suckable mmmmm"
"you look like a twin of a girl I slept with a few years ago and it unlocked pleasant memories except your chest is gorgeous and I think I chose the wrong twin"
and the message that instantly would have made my panties drop had I been wearing any /s
"you look so innocent but naughty at the same time! I would love to see you on your knees with my hard 9 inch cock in your mouth babe (insert dick pic here)"
Not sure i'll post on this sub again because the audience is just not the types of people I want to share my body with. Even if you block all dm's just be aware that these people are viewing your posts. Some people will be fantastic and will appreciate your courage but others will be immature and disgusting and are just here to jerk off or find a sexting partner or something idk. I don't understand why they can't go somewhere else. This is not the place for it.
submitted 15 hours ago by largelabiawomen69
submitted an hour ago by 0w0horneytiem
submitted 15 hours ago by SimbaProductions1
submitted 10 hours ago by Kind_Masterpiece3463
submitted 16 hours ago by eggs_plus_toast Verified Couple
submitted 11 hours ago by NewNudesGuy
submitted an hour ago by Robertosalda13
submitted 19 hours ago by EnjoyyTheView
submitted 12 hours ago by nawtynickster
submitted 1 day ago by urhornybunnygf
submitted 6 hours ago by nakedandfamous86
submitted 6 hours ago by mustachepergallon
submitted 1 day ago by Happyhottiee
submitted 3 hours ago by traveling_freckles
submitted 5 hours ago by anotherthrowaway2042
Normal Nudes: A pro-body image resource
Normal Nudes is an effort to have users submit their own pictures in order to build a library of what normal, every day human bodies look like. We should strive to love our bodies for what they are, and understand there are MANY healthy body types that are beautiful that don't necessarily conform to the standards we might see in magazines or on television.
Normal Nude Definition:
The "normal" in normal nudes does not mean "average". It means normal nudity in the sense of what we all normally see in the mirror at home. Not posed sexually, not photoshopped, no tricks to look better. The term has no reference to the persons attractiveness, so treat our submitters with respect regardless of their looks, good or bad!
Our sub is a place for us to share our bodies, flaws and all, to affect other peoples opinions of themselves. We're primarily a 'body gallery' of different body types so we can see how they look, and take a peek into the minds of the people who own them. The peripheral purpose is the positive comments that could help everyone understand that we're all attractive to someone.
I hope that posters understand that, while it does also serve to boost their personal confidence, their example and the responses they get will have an impact on other people who aren't comfortable with posting. The stories that we share here about our insecurities, our life experiences, and our successes will help people relate and encourage others in their own journeys.
This is for changing how people view themselves, not 'showing off' our bodies. It's spreading the ideology that we are all beautiful in our own ways, and you don't have to be a supermodel to feel attractive!
Also, I just want to clear up a common misconception about this community. We are not a sub that promotes being unhealthy, we're just a gallery. Don't assume that because we don't allow rude comments, we're somehow enabling or promoting unhealthy lifestyle. This is just an educational place, just like the museum. You don't go to an art gallery and bitch about Venus being heavy. So please, understand the context of this place before deciding this is an echo chamber of positive comments.

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