OBJECTIVE OF RISK GAME OF THRONES:  Obtain the most victory points or eliminate all other players!

NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 2-7 players


  • 2 game boards
  • 315 figures
  • 7 Seat of power figures
  • 7 player boards
  • 187 cards
  • 68 Special unit tokens
  • 75 Golden Dragon coins
  • 20 player board score trackers
  • 9 dice

TYPE OF GAME: Risk adaptation

AUDIENCE: Teens, Adults


It was only a matter of time before the famous TV series Iron Throne and the legendary board game Risk joined forces. Playing Risk – Game of Thrones feels like the two worlds were made for each other. The Iron Throne universe is very well represented with the main families of the 7 kingdoms, Stark, Lannister, Targaryen, Baratheon, Tyrell, Martell and Ghiscari (Essos slaver family), the characters, the maesters, the gold and the 2 game maps that serve as game boards are quite awesome. Dive into a fantasy world at war, forge alliances, betray and fight all your opponents to achieve your objectives in order to get victory points.


  1. Depending on the number of players, each player takes his army pieces. In 2 player games you will use the Essos game board while 3-5 player games will be played on the Westeros map. Finally, the World at War game mode allows to use both maps to play at 6-7 players.
  2. Take the territory deck corresponding to the map(s) you play on.
  3. Shuffle the territory deck and deal all cards between players (in a 2 player game, only 12 cards per player)
  4. Each player places two single-army pieces on each of his territories (do the same for remaining neutral terrtories with neutral single-army pieces)
  5. Collect again all territory cards, shuffle them, take the bottom half and shuffle the End game card into it, then place the top half on the bottom half.
  6. Roll a dice to determine first player 룰렛


The game is divided into 3 different modes, skirmish, domination and world at war.


Skirmish mode is very similar to the original Risk. If you are already familiar with the Risk franchise, you will recognise this game mode, which uses the rules of classic Risk. In this mode, you must be the player who gets the most points before the Valar Morghulis (endgame) card comes into play. You can only play with 2 to 5 players. There are four actions per game round: 

  • Reinforcing your armies: Take the number of armies you are entitled to according to the number of territories you own, your territory cards and the number of castles you own.
  • Then deploy these armies on your territories in a strategic way in order to win over your opponents.
  • Invading enemy territories: Fight your enemies without weakening yourself too much
  • Moving your armies: Manoeuvre by moving your troops to have the best possible defence when your opponents play.
  • Drawing a territory card, if you managed to conquer an enemy territory this turn.


This is the really interesting and original part that makes Risk Game of Thrones a really interesting Game of Thrones game. Domination mode is played in the same way as Skirmish mode with some added aspects and provides a much more interesting and in-depth experience. Individual boards, character cards, objective cards, maester cards, gold coins and special units will be used in this mode.

During the initial setup, each player receives a Seat of Power piece that he places on his House’s Seat of Power territory with a three-army piece (that doesn’t count in the starting armies). The initial deployment is also less random:

  • place two neutral armies on 10 territories drawn randomly from the territory deck

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