
GLOBAL UNIVERSAL PLATFORM Blockchain Representative offices We are proud to announce that we`re the first and only ones who proposed the concept of the universal daily beneficial use of the blockchain. Platform Billcrypt pl will make the blockchain necessary for literally everyone. We introduced new concepts: BR — Blockchain Representation ViP — Virtual image Part (Part of the virtual image) IVO — Initial ViP Offering BR — Blockchain Representation Any company, professional community, specialist in any field will be able to create its own Blockchain Representation. BR can also be created for goods and in general for everything that needs historical information reliability. Blockchain representation (BR) is created by users in the form of decentralized applications (DApp) on the blockchain with a comfortable interface. On the basis of the platform, an interblockchain infrastructure of technological and economic properties is being built, uniting blockchain projects and projects of the real sector. We are creating a multifunctional decentralized integration system. Such a single comfortable environment will allow everyone to create their own BR, forming a unified system of guaranteed trust. This will lead the development of any business to a new unprecedented level. Investment properties embedded in the system will allow you to most effectively develop your business, establish profitable partnerships and promote each other economically. Due to the synergy effect, receive multifold benefits. For investors, this will be the most understandable and illustrative structure, which allows, by looking at the Virtual Image (Virtual image Part — ViP), to quickly and reliably evaluate the represented businesses, and make profitable investment decisions. For ordinary users, this will be the easiest and most reliable way to select specialists, services, products. Virtual image Part (ViP) is a unit of reputation value, an innovative way to express a level of trust in monetary terms and pass it on to someone else. To do this, it will be possible to conduct a new intra-platform type crowdsale — IVO (Initial ViP Offering) For the effective functioning of the entire potential of the platform and the investment ecosystem, a universal digital asset of a new generation has been created — the Evolutionary BILLCRYPT Token of the ERC-20 standard on the Ethereum blockchain. It`s simultaneously: • digital asset value storage, • a privileged club card that provides access to Blockchain representative offices and project functions, • a kind of ticket to enter the closed pre-sales of the system’s projects, • internal digital currency to pay for the functions of the Blockchain representative offices for which you can also acquire new crypto assets in the form of tokens of other projects. Each such token, in turn, also gives significant privileges to holders and users, and increases their welfare. The constant development of the platform, the growing popularity of Blockchain representative offices, the increasing demand for tokens, provide Billcrypt with evolutionary properties and make it an indispensable financial tool.


The use of blockchain in real life is chaotic, non-system. Despite the fact that decentralized systems have existed for a long time, and the first blockchain has already celebrated its decade, the problems of using Blockchain-technologies in everyday life still remain relevant. Ordinary users do not yet use blockchain on their own, but use it occasionally, applying for some services, for example, checking the authenticity of documents or when registering rights. Another problem today for the entire Blockchain industry is the lack of integration, technological and economic fragmentation of projects. Currently, each project survives on its own and, as practice shows, not everyone succeeds. This is especially true for startups.

For existing enterprises, too, there are no simple, clear and cost-effective ways to use Blockchain technologies in their daily business. Companies that wish to actively develop, faced with the necessity of using breakthrough technologies. The introduction of blockchain technologies in their activities would radically transform their business, would give advantages to those who deserve it. However, it is not easy to infiltrate the crypto and blockchain industry at the moment. There is a need to attract additional intellectual, technological and financial resources. For investors, the same problem exists on the other side - they do not have the opportunity to really assess the business. They are often forced to make investment decisions based on inaccurate or insufficient information. In addition, ordinary investors, unlike institutional investors, are often deprived of the opportunity to fully analyze projects due to their lack of preparation and difficulties in verifying information. Accordingly, most often they cannot invest in serious enterprises and projects at the pre-sale stage and are forced to settle for a higher price of digital assets at the final stage of crowdsales or the market price on the stock exchange after capitalization. This is a common problem of trust in the real-world companies, institutions, entrepreneurs, professionals, goods. All of us are constantly faced with inaccurate information, inflated ratings, false reviews, fake news. This is often misleading and prevents correct action. The existing solutions are not suitable for the new actively developing decentralized market segment in order to really step into the real world


The best solution to all these problems is to create a consolidated universal space in the form of an integration platform, a single global universal environment - an ecosystem of technological and economic properties that unites the blockchain (BR). The perfect solution would be a platform BILLCRYPT pl. Any company, professional community, specialist in any field will be able to create its own Blockchain Representation on the platform. BR can also be created for goods and in General for everything that needs historical information reliability. Thus, on the platform over time it will create a huge unified BR catalog with a visual display of a real reliable information on the status and reputation of the BR owner.

This will be an extremely important indicator that everyone needs to make the right decisions.



Experienced team and unique ideas. Both investors and ordinary users would benefit from your project. Wish you all the success. A very good and reliable company with incredible plans for the future and really good prospects. I think we should join them as soon as possible, because it's a good project. with investments and profits certain. Provides us with total confidence and credibility.

Beside that they have clear road map with strong team and professionalI think this project has really big future.Interesting project in terms of technology. Very well thought out and promising! Please read the project documentation. After that, you will join the project, as I did. Analytical reports only confirm the huge benefit of this idea!

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