Anna Ramirez

University of adelaide thesis (Bronx) Tuesday fourth of July made a lot of progress here you can see the painting is largely done here senior this guy want them to remove the motion sensor [Music] [Music] they've largely got this when cleaning that as well [Music] see you it also this one okay thank you [Music] I like we have standard colors for everything the dishwasher and microwave I know for sure the dishwasher is in the truck so it'll get installed today [Music] [Music] see your yeah can I show you something cut this off up here okay take all those out okay thank you made a lot of progress here [Music] [Music] okay okay that's the dishwasher there's a tile you're gonna put in I don't see the microwave but that might be inside yeah not my problem these guys will take good care of it looking good be back tomorrow Daemen College, Amherst.

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