Latrice Smith

Bharathiar university xrd analysis (Essex County) now we're into the center of the circle Connors there gets a baller stick Connors towards the cage now pulls them all back well take this shot it's loose in front it's put and it's in the back of the cage for the score it's Emily panties for Washington I ran up up top outside the circle stop the by dumbly inside the serger can Selma has spaced across one of frontiers or something Davis they score Davis puts him the goal is can't sell no picks up the helper on the near side by moss now here's what turn in the middle ball gets deflected and we get a whistle and it's a score for the shore with no Davis what's the shot going off the kneecap of a Phoenix defender out to the near side ball crossed up by Redknapp and a whistle are they gonna count this goal yes they will Long Island College Hospital School of Nursing.

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