Laura Jones

Apa yang dimaksud dengan university (Allegany) ok this is Erby beauvais at I bas real estate com that's i/b/e/s real estate com go over here at 7436 mayapple drive as jacksonville florida 3221 one we're looking at it 3-1 and a half by a thousand and fifty six square feet pretty nice house does need some repairs on the interior I'm going to take a walk through on the outside and then we'll go ahead and walk on the inside and see how it looks pretty nice-sized backyard AC when it seems to be good let's take a look on the inside let's go upgrade bathroom bedroom one Toronto barrels three small 10 area utilities room kind of dark the water heater is in there and pretty much it this is where the other half bath was supposed to be you have the connections for it okay so that's it for this one is the 7436 mayapple to get more information on this go to I bas real estate com that's I bas real estate com for all Jacksonville Florida wholesale deals this is irvin beauvais thank you Daemen College.

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