Nikki Miller

Leiden univ college (Madison) zero nine seven zero three zero degrees to number two eight-30 okay left taxiway Barbeau there is a follow me eighty-three three one time to open door number three the Eurocopter turning on from right place to finally having me one two after landing they cake right a fire hotel and in the grass link Romney sir and I include the land surface been zero five zero one zero knots in spirit hotel Deborah video clip Allegro major and I insert between 0 2 0 1 0 Madeline as if here the wind is your each other well if you want well then they see what fire go fix a line up that way from me do a nice alibis but our continued approach one departing ahead of you the wind is 0 3 0 1 3 knots 8 3 1 / take or from these are nice surface wind generally 3 - don't want to not go for only well three one contact bristol radar one three six decimal zero seven five six yourself of all that everyone bye-bye thank you Hamilton College, Clinton.

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