Citizens of Ukraine, who have not finished their studies at the educational level, being funded by the state or local municipal budget, have the right of free studies at the same higher education level at the state and municipal higher education institutions, if he/she recovers the funds spent from the state or local municipal budget for the payment of specialists training services according to the order adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (Part 1, Article 4, Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”).

According to the requirements of the Law and the Provision on Recovery of Funds Spent from the State or Local Municipal Budget for the Payment of Specialists Training Services, adopted by the Ruling of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No 658 from 26 August 2015, students who studied, being funded from the state budget, and being expelled from the higher education institution before finishing their studies at the specific study level (Bachelor’s or Master’s) and enter again for the first year of studies at the same study level, can study, being funded from the state budget, only if they recover the amount of money, spent for their previous education.

The amount to be recovered depends on:

1)         Vi – average price for education, funded by the common funds of by the state or local municipal budget of one applicant for higher education, according to the information on the Budget Programme Management Passport for the i-th calendar year of the main funds administrator, whose governing area included the corresponding higher education institution in the i-th year and in the year when the person was studying at the higher education level, ordered by the state or region at the day-time mode for the previous time: depending on the number of previous study years this amount will be different. The information source about the Budget Programme Management Passport for the calendar year is a Report on the Budget Programme Management Passport for the corresponding calendar year, that is published on the official website of the main funds administrator (for our University the main funds administrator is the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine);

2)         K – the main number of European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System credits (hereinafter – ECTS credits), according to which the person has entered for getting the specific higher education level at the previous study place (to be defined according to the academic reference, given to the person at the previous study place in accordance with the law): one semester usually equals 30 ECTS credits. If student was expelled during the exact semester, before the end of the semester: K is counted to be 30 ECTS credits for this semester;

3)         Kз – the full number of ECTS credits, according to which the person was attested at the previous study place (included in the academic reference), and those been transferred by the higher education institution at the new study place (in this case – by the corresponding faculty or institute of Igor Sikorsky KPI): to be defined by the corresponding commission of the division, to which the enrolee was admitted for studying, taking into consideration the possibility to recognise the results of studies, received before. The volume of the credits depends on the specialty, to which the student was enrolled and the common features of the study plan of the specialty to the study plan of the previous specialty: as more common they are, as more credits could be potentially recognised and as less will be the amount of funds to recover;

4)         Coefficient that equals the product of officially set of inflation coefficients to the corresponding calendar year, set for the period from the date of the person expulsion from the higher education institution before the 1st January of the year when the person was enrolled for the repeated higher education studies ordered by the state or region.

Funds to recover by the applicant for the higher education, who studied by the order of the state or region at the day-time mode:

S = Σ (Vі × 0,5) × ((K - Kз)/K) – excluding inflation coefficients.

The amount of funds to be recovered by the applicant for the higher education, who studied by the order of the state or region at the part-time (remote) or evening-time study mode equals 0,35 × S or 0,85 × S correspondingly.

Algorithm for enrollee who was enrolled to studies in Igor Sikorsky KPI, funded by the state budget:

1)         To get the academic reference at the place of previous studies (likely to do this just after the publishing of the Enrollment Order);

2)         If during the expulsion period student was juvenile and the expulsion happened not during the vacations period but after the beginning of the new study semester, it is likely to take the copies of all the orders and papers, regarding his/her expulsion procedure to argument the delay with the expulsion from the Dean’s Office or Human Resources Department of the institution where he/she studied. In this case it is also likely to get the document proving the allowance of the student to study at the institution of the previous studies;

3)         After the creation of the Enrolment Order for state funded studies at Igor Sikorsky KPI, to apply at the Dean’s Office of the Faculty or Institute, to which you were enrolled with an academic reference for the documents proceeding on the funds recovery;

4)         The Dean’s Office staff, responsible for managing the funds recovery procedure, will inform you when you should get the ready document with a calculations of an amount of funds recovery and decide on all the procedure issues of payment making;

5)         The recovery of funds (not less than 50% in case of receiving the allowance for restructuration of payments) should be made not later than in 10 working days from the day of the beginning of the corresponding academic year. The funds recovery is made from the funds of the State Treasury of Ukraine;

6)         Document that proves the full or partial funds recovery to the state or the corresponding local municipal budget in the agreed amount shall be provided to the Dean’s Office not later than in 10 working days from the moment of payment. The person that did not provide the mentioned document during the set period should be immediately expel from the contingent of applicant for higher education in Igor Sikorsky KPI, funded by the state or regional order.

7)         In case of refusal to recover funds voluntarily, including the restructured ones, the person should be immediately expel from the contingent of applicant for higher education, funded by the state or regional order.

The calculation of the amount of funds recovery is possible only according to the recognition of previous study results in case of having the academic reference. Any privileges, like: the children of ATO (anti-terror operation) participant, ATO (anti-terror operation) participant, lower-income person, orphan etc., do not have an impact on the funds recovery process. Privileged persons have a right for the repeated education, funded by the state budget only after the recovery of funds for the previous education.

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