Dick Tripover

 its a no goody too shoes whos all like yo and all like yo bro and they dont know whats what and i try to tell them but they dont listen because they are becoming gay from the chemicals and the frogs and a BLA BALBLABLLALBAL THEY'RE PUTTING ESTROGEN IN THE PLASTICS TURNING THE TURTLES GAY and well thats about it really

All the Q are bald. We wear wigs to blend in.

Make sure I get money too. that I can't stress enough. I knew what was up long ago and I just played pretend I didn't for what it was worth. That one time I made everyone look at my turd eye. That, the brain wave comms I knew back then. That was before thanks giving.

Can you re-say that without so much pot stain on your thot? Thanks.

And no more pope soap on a rope.

So Q is a Russian info op or at least an info op designed to looked like a Russian info op?

 That's not sarah. Bishka Bob on the floor back there. Alice left Sarah right.

goddam checked

so its like

its sortof like

kindof like dis yo

its basically space aliens who are interdimmensional shapeshifting energy vampire pedophile reptilian lizard people who are also called archons which are a force and created our physical universe and are jews and jehovia and are false gods who stand between us and the real reality and have us locked in some kindof lower vibrational frequency based reality in order to suck off of us our energies : the demi urge



 Its an anti globalist op

Sarah has a great chest game.

Alice not bad too.

 Turd eye? You put it in the wrong hole, but we will fix that. brown eyed girl Q > tfw back in those days we only had silver paint You've been talking to David Ike Dallas Alice. That's him, the shape shifter. Yes then. Don't it make your brown eye blue. NOW THIS is a great thread. So very surprised it hasn't 404'd like 


She said the light was coming. Light of intuition. But you wouldn't listen to anything I had to say.

I predicted this.

Don't go into the light!

 Check. I remember the flower on the head. That light you certainly don't want to go into. Numb in the head still from that scene.

Sounds like a Barth Gooks countryrockdisco song.

Jade Bird - Lottery

 You use to say that love is a game but you got your numbers and you betting on me. We've been here 1000 times.

 I think burned off some IQ points watching that. Its been fun but I need more Q juice(vodka). Adios.

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