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/cuckquean/ lives!

This is the successor board to 8ch's /cuckquean/. /cuckquean/ is a board all about the fetish of cuckqueaning - an arrangement where a woman enjoys her partner having sex with other women. In real life it is open, consensual and encouraged by the woman - distinguishing it from cheating - but may be secret and/or non-consensual in fantasy. It can be done for joy ( compersion ) or with a flavour of humiliation ; both types are considered cuckqueaning. It was once also known as "female cuckold" or "reverse cuckold", until the cuckquean term entered general use.

All combinations of compersive, humiliation/degradation, and other cuckqueaning are relevant on /cuckquean/, as are related topics such as harems or polygyny. Porn (2D & 3D), discussion, information, questions, stories and so forth are all very welcome!

The rules of /cuckquean/ are:
>/cuckquean/ is not for male homosexual content. Do not post male homosexual content on /cuckquean/.
>/cuckquean/ is not for male cuckoldry content. Do not post male cuckoldry content on /cuckquean/.
>/cuckquean/ is not for extreme fetish material including scat, beastiality, grievous torture, snuff, etc. Do not post such content on /cuckquean/.
>Any guro must be spoilered and accompanied by a warning in its post.
All global rules apply. You can review the global rules here: https://anon.cafe/.static/pages/globalRules.html

/cuckquean/'s bunkers are at https://8chan.moe/cuckquean/ ( http://4usoivrpy52lmc4mgn2h34cmfiltslesthr56yttv2pxudd3dapqciyd.onion/cuckquean/ ) or https://endchan.net/cuckquean/ - please record these addresses and fall back to them if Anon.cafe becomes inaccessible for a long period of time. Anon.cafe's fallback instructions file is at https://anon.cafe/special_static/anoncafe_fallback.txt as well - please save it to your computer.

A catalog of all threads is available at https://anon.cafe/cuckquean/catalog.html or by clicking "Catalog" just a little up and to the left of this post.

Welcome back to our new home. I'm the same board owner as always. Now, let's keep discussing the world's comfiest fetish!
Do you plan to have kids? Would you be okay with the vixen getting pregnant? How do you plan to tell the kids about daddy spending time with a woman who isn't mommy?
Post any non-pornographic movies, tv shows, commercials, books, comics, etc. involving cuckqueaning. I'll start with this Pewdiepie video which I found interesting. It's about ads for a mobile game, Lily's Garden. They feature the main character having her fiance cheat on her with her own mother. In a later ad she falls for a hot new guy, and then in yet another ad the new guy is making out with her friend. The actual game may have nothing to do with this, it just looks like a puzzle game. Interesting that cuckqueaning is popular enough that it's being used as clickbait though. I've noticed similar ads for other mobile games in the past too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxhXSY24W2k
Just as the title of thread says, this is a containment thread for male advice. Other guys are welcome to post here as well, if there are any.

Primarily making this because I need advice on how to approach and proceed on a few things and honestly have no idea how to go about things. The most that Im hoping for in my specific situation is at least a long, possibly awkward, conversation with my wife and at least getting her to be more willing to discuss various kinks that she has.

Its not so much that Im incapable of talking to her about such, its just she tends to clam up about anything outside the social and religious orthodox that we come from. That isnt to say I dont know about other more conventional things, but engaging her about things outside that is rather tough. Its not as if I could flat out ask and not expect things to go poorly if I happen to be wrong. Again, Im mostly hoping for an awkward conversation and for life to just go on as normal.

There are numerous things that lead me to believe she's into quean stuff; whatever dynamic I can only guess as she's rather demanding for control of things. Maybe a vixen? Ill go more indepth about this in another post, but what really seemed to make it clear was when having our last child we were unable to have sex for a good 4+ months and I was given permission to get a girlfriend so long as she knew about it. I didnt do this as like the other prior times such had come up, primarily out of an assumption that it was a shittest. Though other conversations about engaging in polygyny make me wonder. Some of these conversations are joking, teasing, and others are oddly serious.

Even if nothing comes of it, I basically just want advice as to go about approaching such a conversation or leading into being able to get her to acknowledge such if only be closer to her. I think her reluctance is mostly based on our background which doesnt really allow for such and maybe other sexual things, whereas polygyny isnt exactly forbidden, just frowned upon and considered "illegal".

Any kind of general advice would be welcomed, as well as any questions. Ill do my best to answer what I can overall without giving away too much.
We had a good thread about this on the old board, so let's start a new one here. Obviously there are a lot of harem anime, but it's usually of the 'competing for one guy' type rather than the 'sharing one guy type'. I've been watching this isekai, 'The 8th Son? Are You Kidding Me?'. In the 5th episode, the protagonist gets engaged to a girl and his 2 female party members start plotting to become his concubines. I just watched the 6th episode, and already the fiancée has said she is fine with the girls being his concubines and he's agreed to it! And they're all living in the same house together.
I'll start.

What would your ideal living situation be? Would your vixen live with you and your man, would she live separately, what?
Games about, with, during cuckqueaning - this thread's for 'em all! Cuckqueaning-related discussion about games? Also here!

Other dedicated threads:
- The Last Sovereign, a very queany RPGmaker game, at >>905
you are now in this situation.
gentlemen, how do you handle the situation? how do you tease your gf? is there anything specific you wanna try?
ladies, where do you take it from here?

also more stuff like this welcome.
A thread for cuckquean fan art (of cartoons, comics, video games, whatever). I'll dump what I have saved from 8chan. Feel free to contribute.
Are stories the best medium for cuckquean porn? This thread is for the good ones you've found.
Using the power of 1000 GET I resurrect the terminology thread! I also banish "cuckcake" as a term forever. By the power of numerals let it be done.

>Why's "cuckquean" spelled funny?
Orality and Literacy in Early Middle English edited by Herbert Pilch 1996 pp26 ( https://books.google.com/books?id=jBVIrowvY_sC&lpg=PA26&ots=wgirgXLRdr&pg=PA26&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false) is part of a long section on the translation of the Middle English "quene" and mentions that the Middle English Dictionary shows the root as OE cwene- a) a woman; b) a lowborn woman … harlot … term of abuse; but OE cwēn - a) a pre-eminent female noble… … etc.

It goes on to explain quean and queen as having their distinctions in the Old English roots of cwene and cwēn. Bascially queen evolved from a term of high praise while quean evolved from a derogatory one.

http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?allowed_in_frame=0&search=cwene shows Old English cwene "woman," also "female serf, hussy, prostitute" (as in portcwene "public woman"), but I don't know where they sourced that from.

Less reliable wiki sources are somewhat confused. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/cwen under derived terms shows cwene (woman, wife, prostitute), but https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/cwene shows its definition as simply a woman. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/quene also lists the Old English root of "quene" being cwene "woman, wife, prostitute"

>What's all this "compersive" and "humiliation" I keep seeing mentioned?
Compersion is joy in another's pleasure. You already know what humiliation means. Compersive cuckqueans do not feel humiliated by their men fucking other women and get their kick out of the joy they feel while he does it. Humiliation-driven cuckqueans feel humiliated by their men fucking other women and get their kick out of this humiliation. The two tend not to understand each other very well, and humiliation-driven cuckqueans tend to ignore the existence of their compersive cousins.
I remember there was a thread about oriental girls...
does a guy cucking a chick in a lesbian relationship count as cuckquean?
Hello anon! Did you miss us? Regroup here if this is your first time on /cuckquean/cafe!

This is also the board's general meta thread, for all discussion concerning the board itself.
Is there a better feeling than being locked away snug and secure in your belt while hubby rails some tight pretty thing? Not all underwear is made of steel, just the best kind.

This thread is for discussing female chastity play, chastity devices, chastity practices including orgasm denial, chastity life, and so on.

Do you own a belt? Two? More? Talk about them. How long do you wear them for? Who holds your key while you're locked away?

Do you want a belt of your own? Of course you do. Which are you thinking of picking? Why? How're you going to use it?

Just have chastity fantasies and aren't interested in doing it in real life yet? That's okay too! Post fantasies, porn, stories, hentai, whatever, as long as it involves female chastity play!
Go ahead and share them here.

I'll start things off.
Hey there, /cuckquean/
If you got a moment to spare, would you mind paying us a visit over https://anon.cafe/icup/ and joining us with a team of your own? We'd like to have you with us.
I thought I'd try making a general to concentrate discussion of actual cuckqueaning in one cozy thread. Talk about real life cuckqueaning here! Things like
>When was the last time you were cucked?
>Have you had a favourite vixen? Has your man had a favourite vixen?
>Does cuckqueaning mean Compersion or Humiliation for you?
>How close do you like to be when they're in the act?
>Have any of your girlfriends slept with your man? Do you think it's a good idea for them to do it?
>Do you have any post-cucking rituals once you're alone with your man again?

(If you're a man not participating in the IRL cuckqueaning lifestyle, please refrain from posting in here.)
Just because they don't really exist doesn't mean they shouldn't be cucked.
This new place is looking nice. Time to decorate it with some good old fashioned smut. This thread is for cuckquean eromanga. Without further ado, let's try the one that I was posting when Endchan died weeks ago...

Kanojo ga Iru noni Uwaki Shite Tewi-chan to Sex Shita by Ippongui
featuring Udonge as a clueless and frigid girlfriend, and Tewi as an aggressive bunny-vixen.
Now with art!

There is a thread for this game on the old board, but it hasn't been migrated here, so let's start a new one. It's a good milestone for it because after years of not finding an artist, they finally got one, and just added art through Chapter 1.

Despite being a lewd game, TLS features intelligent writing and protagonists who use their brains and resources skillfully to reach the goals of their story. The male lead isn't some unlikable loser to self-insert as, and the women who love him are written with personality rather than just representing a particular kink or two.

H-scenes in this game are usually several paragraphs of text punctuated by 1-2 images. It focuses much more on a happy and cohesive harem-of-friends-and-equals situation, not much on humiliation or dominance games. However I'm gonna paste one scene that does have some of that feel since people liked it in the fullchan thread.


Though it seemed like they were meant to stay back, Aka found herself peering after Simon. He'd propositioned the most exotic-looking prostitute and now sat back, watching as she danced before him. The movements were strange and flowing, nothing like anything Aka had seen before.

As she danced, one strip of cloth after another came off, revealing her pale skin slowly but surely. It was certainly elegant, more graceful than Aka could ever be, but she took a little pleasure in noticing that the prostitute's breasts weren't as large or pert as her own.

What was she doing? Aka pulled back and averted her gaze from the scene. She was jealous, that much was obvious, but how did that make any sense? Simon had never promised exclusivity - almost the opposite, actually.

Her confusion wasn't helped by the fact that she realized Yarra and Cumdump were beside her. Not only were they watching, Yarra had a hand down her skirt and Cumdump was vigorously fucking herself with several fingers. They didn't even seem to notice that she was staring at them.

Before she could anguish long, Aka heard a sound and her gaze was drawn back to the bedroom. Simon stood up before the now naked prostitute and took hold of her in a sure, swift movement. In a moment he had her up against a wall and Aka's heart leapt into her throat.

The others moaned softly and masturbated harder. Aka couldn't imagine herself doing the same, yet in a way she understood them. Simon looked so confident and powerful, she desperately wanted him to be taking her instead.

After a blazing kiss, Simon lifted one of the woman's legs and slipped inside her. She moaned and shifted up the wall, impaled on his cock. Her leg straightened upward with impressive flexibility, coming to rest on Simon's shoulder. He grunted and began moving faster inside her.

Yet as hot as it made her feel, it also left Aka deeply uncomfortable. It should have been her on his cock, or even Yarra or Cumdump.

Aka blinked as she realized what she was thinking. Yet even now, imagining that Simon was fucking one of the others didn't leave her with the sick feeling in the pit of her stomach. She knew the others, it felt only right that Simon would take them. But this stranger, selling herself for a few coins…

"You like watching him, don't you?" Yarra's arms slid around her from behind. Aka shuddered, but not in revulsion. "That's the way it should be. He's our master."

"I… I don't…" Simon had raised the woman's other leg, pinning her against the wall where she could do nothing but scream as he hammered into her. Aka watched, transfixed as heat rose in her pussy.

One of Yarra's hands flicked at her nipple while the other went between her legs. The skillful movements combined with the sight of Simon fucking the prostitute could have been enough to push Aka over the edge. Yet after a moment of agonizing uncertainly she rejected it, pushing Yarra away and turning aside.

Minutes later, the prostitute's sounds stopped in a screaming wail. Aka held her fingers in tight fists to prevent them from doing anything else.


The Last Sovereign is a free RPG for PC, which is about 4/5 complete at time of this post and updates about once a month. It can be downloaded at https://the-last-sovereign.blogspot.com
I remember in the old 8kun forum dozens of images about Pam from The Office getting cucked by Emily Blunt. I thought I saved them all, but I can't find them anywhere. Are there any other famous Cuckqueans?
Let's talk tits! Breast envy is best envy. What is your preference for your man to fuck in an ideal world? Bigger than you or smaller? Completely flat chested?
Let's get things going properly with some pictures, gifs, and videos displaying nice, wholesome cuckqueanery.
Shall we have a little thread that celebrates our symbol?
It's October, and as such, I feel it's time we have a proper fantasy thread, to discuss all the elves, monstergirls, and other supernatural beings that are almost certainly going to steal your bf.
With the power of baka-trips, I summon the history thread!

Concerning Tales Olde and Antiquated of Ye Singuler Creature known as a "Cuckqueane"

We know that cuckqueaning is older than any of us and that from time to time, we have been mentioned in writing whether fictional or factual. Cuckqueaning throughout history thread!

First, some old smut. In the Bibliography of Forbidden Books, Volume 3, I found this little gem:
>I cannot better terminate this bibliographical attempt, in which English fiction so largely figures, than by noticing two tales which reach me as these pages are passing through the press:
Abishag; a Luscious Tale of a Successful Physiological Search after Rejuvenescence, Fully disclosing the Secret of the only natural and true Elixer capable of effecting such a desirable necessity. By David II. Jerusalem 1851.
>This is a husband's confession of infidelity to his wife, and the Elixer for rejuvenescence, promised on the title-page, is nothing more than the contact of a young girl. Taking the episode of David and Abishag for his text, the narrator tells us how, tiring of his wife six months after marriage, he has connection with Jemima, his servant maid, and continues the intimacy for two years, until she gets a husband. As he grows older his power of satisfying his wife diminishes, until he seduces Jemima's successor, "a young orphan girl of about eighteen, who has never been in service before," and finds himself in a position to serve both mistress and maid. His wife compliments him on his return of vigour, and enquires the cause, which, after some hesitation, he discloses. His partner expresses surprise that such girls can have so much influence, but, being an accommodating woman, she determined to keep the secret, and to profit by the discovery. On Polly's departure to wed "a particularly well hung young butcher," she engages another docile maid, "always making a change every three months or so, as fresh girls are most effective."
>The idea of a wife condoning, and even profiting by her husband's libertinism, if not strictly new, is at any rate not hackneyed, and a more thorough, less flimsy treatment than in the volume before us might have secured an attractive narrative.

Only one copy is known to exist and is in a private collection.

http://www.eroticabibliophile.com/publishers_carrington_a_d.php mentions the original copy of Abishag is
>Pamphlet. 36 pages. Burnt-umber colored wrappers with decorative frame. Title page printed in black only.

Also the page mentions that it was
>privately printed for a small number of Amateurs and Bibliophiles

>individual works initially in booklets with compilations having sturdier work
>small, limited runs
>created with the explicit intention of sharing work among like-minded people
>mainly concerned with the erotic

This is the Victorian equivalent of fucking doujinshi .
I wonder how cuckqueaning might work when it comes to harems, whether in the broader "one guy, three or more gals" sense or the narrower, more historical sense.
Describe what your dream Vixen would be like, either if you're a quean or a male with a quean gf.
Or if you are a Vixen (does this board have any?) describe what your ideal quean would be like.

Appearance: Height, weight, breast size, ethnicity, hair color
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