Monica Nelson

University college maastricht (Wyoming County) thank you you know take this thing off the motor here so you know just twist this this this thing was through here and to the other side okay I need to get to this but I can't because of this I'm trying to see how completely this motor up so I removed one screws two screws three screws four screws few more here so I believe the power head and midsection separating places here so I'm gonna probably have to buy an engine lifter and reinstall and I tried the range combination range of the open range and close rich I just couldn't get this open it's stripping to screw a little bit right now and of course you know these outside screws shorter ones you know six one two three four five six six on this six on the other side I've removed it already so I can split this power head crankshaft case but I can because so I already put PB Blaster in here probably need to get a I need to be able to lift this power out of this Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. https://PaperHelp.space

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